Chapter 14

The fighting went on for a long while. Sapph was wondering what was taking so long, so she called the dojo. Hey Master? Yes Sapph. What is it? Zorin had a bad feeling. He has been gone a long time. I think I might know where he is. I need Zuki and a couple of others to help him out. I might know where he is to. I will get them. I will call you later. Yes please do.

While the Master gathered the others, Bluefire was still fighting off henchmen, and Jay. Come on Jay. Stop this. I'm sorry I can't. I told you I can't stop. I might know someone who can help you. I can't go back there. It won't be in that place. Its a place where they help villans who want to change but can't. I will get back to you on that. Until then lets fight until one of us can't get up.

The others finally showed up to help. Hey Bluefire! Need some help? Said Zuki. About time yeah. I could use some help with the henchmen. The others went to fight the henchmen.

Bluefire was holding his side and fighting like a maniac. Bluefire what the hell? Bluefire was unconscious while fighting like he was. Zuki saw what was going on. Hey Bluefire! Calm down and think! Remember what Master taught you. Bluefire fought as long as he could, until finally he came back. Sorry Jay. I lost control for a minute. Hey Jay. You ok? He got up and punched Bluefire in the stomach. Uhh. I guess I deserved that. He said in a strained voice. Cough Cough. The henchmen where all finally knocked out. Ok Jay lets stop this. You already know I can help you. I have some business elsewhere. No a little more. Jay with the way you are now, I can knock you out easy. I'd like to see you try. It took awhile but Bluefire knocked Jay out. One of the henchmen woke up. Hey take your boss and the others. Get out of here. Got it. Bluefire held on to his stomach, Cough Cough. He was about to collapse, Zuki caught him. Hey Bluefire! You ok? Cough cough. I think I will be. Cough Cough. Is everyone busy? Yeah. Good. He pushed on his belt and reverted back to Zorin. I think I am going to stay at the dojo tonight. Zuki call Sapph and let her know I will see the kids tomorrow. OK Zorin. Let's get you back. Zuki helped Zorin up. I think I can walk. Zorin was a little wobbly, but managed to get in a vehicle. Ok here we are. Said Zuki. I will call Sapph. You get to your old room and rest. Yeah thanks.

Hey Sapph its Zuki. Oh hey Zuki is Zorin ok? He is a little beat up. He will be staying here for the night. OK well I will bring the kids by tomorrow. Have him relax until then. I will. See you tomorrow. Yeah sure.

Sapph said OK kids. We will see dad tomorrow. He got hurt on the job. We will see him at the dojo. Why don't you kids wash up and get ready for dinner. OK Sapph. Said Kiara. The others did as well.

They had Tuna casserol for dinner. Ok kids dinner time. They all sat down and visited a bit, before dessert which was icecream. After their tummies settled the kids went to bed.

After Sapph cleaned up a bit, she checked on the kids. First she checked Zaylee. Hey Zaylee settled in Ok? Yes thank you. If there is anything you need ask Kiara or myself ok? Thank you. Next she checked on Malaki. Sapph knocked on the door. Hey guys its me mommy. Come in mommy. Hey how are we settling down? Good thanks. Sapph. How is the top bunk Slade? Fun Mommy. Ok kids I will see you in the morning ok? Night Night mommy. Night Slade. Night Malaki.

The next morning they were getting ready to go to the dojo. OK. Said Sapph. All of us are going to head down to the dojo. It is walking distance. The teenagers are welcome to use the 4 wheelers. Yes! Thanks Sapph. Said Kiara. Come on Zaylee. let's go get them. OK sure.

The rest of you follow me. The rest of them walked to the dojo. Hey everyone. said Sapph. Oh hey. Said Tony. You adopted after all. Said Emma. Hello Zaylee and Malaki. Said Emma. Nice to see you again. Yes it is. said Zaylee. Hey dad how is Zorin doing? He is doing better. He should be waking up soon. Zorin finally woke up. He got out of bed and stretched. Oh hey guys. Hey Sapph. You guys made it. Hey you kids want to join me for my morning stretch and jog? I will. Said Zaylee. Me too. Said Kiara. So they went and did it with him. OK finally done. I will be right back. I have to talk to the Master.

Master you here? Yeah just a second. Hello Zorin looks like your better. Whats up? Well me and Sapph are fostering a boy and girl. The girl is Kiara's age and the boy is Chloes. Would you like to meet them? Yes. I will be right out.

Zorin went back over to his new family. OK kids you are about to meet the Master. Hello everyone. Grampa! Said Zuri. Grampa! Said Slade. Wait the Master is our grandpa? aid Malaki. No. Said Zorin. He is like a father to me ever since I got this mark. Zorin showed them the mark. He had taken care of me. Raven also is like an Auntie to them. Roxas an uncle. Hey Master where are they? Oh here they come. Roxas, Raven I would like you to meet Zaylee and Malaki our new kids. So you adopted a couple more kids said Raven. Well fostering for a few months then most likely adopt. Hey Malaki. Said Roxas. I am 19. If you want to hang sometime, you can. Yeah sure that would be cool. Said Malachi. OK Cool. Here is my number.

OK now. Said Zorin. Kids I want you to sign up for training. Mystery my sister in law will be teaching. Zaylee and Malachi will be in the same class. Zuki watch over them ok? Yeah sure. Oh and kids once you get settled you will be starting school. Also when you get back home I would like you to demonstrate your powers for us ok? Yeah sure. You will probably not start today but will sign up. OK Zorin thanks. OK kids. I didn't get introduced. My name is Mizuki. I go by Zuki for short. Please call me Zuki. Master and Zadia who you will meet later can call me Mizuki. I met Zorin when I was 12 years old. He was coming here before he met me. I was raised here but was gone for awhile. I came back closer to the time Zorin was around. I helped take care of him. OK now lets get you signed up.

Once they were signed up, Zorin took them to see Mystery. Hey Mystery come here a min. Said Zorin. Hey Whats up? Said Mysery. These are my new kids. Zaylee 16 and Malachi 10. They will be in the teen group and will come here after school. OK sure. Hey kids I am your aunt I guess. Nice to meet you kids. I guess I will see you soon. You too Mystery.

Later that day, they went home. They rested for a bit then Zorin said. OK everyone. I hope you are well rested. I am going to take you to the training Shed. So you can show off your powers. OK cool. Said Zaylee. OK let's go. I want the whole family to come. The little ones too. You sure Zorin? Said Sapph. Yes I am.

Here we are. Said Zorin. Who would like to go first? I will. Said Zaylee. She was one with 2 powers. Fire and strength. Um Zorin? Before I show you my power. Is this place fire proof? Yes it is. I have the power of fire myself. OK good. Zaylee had pink fire come out of both hands. Pretty cool Zaylee. Zorin I do have 1 more. Its strength. Is there anything I can test in on? Hold on let me see. Uh... aha. I have been trying to break this thing for ages. Nothing can seem to break it. Lets see if you can. Let's go outside to do it though. OK here I go. She made a fist and smashed it to pieces. Wow you are strong. OK pretty cool. Said Zorin. OK Next Malachi. He had 1 power. It was speed. Zorin I have to be outside for mine. I have speed. Ok sure. They all went outside and Malachi said Zorin where would you like me to run to? OK um there. All the way to the trees way over there, then wave to us and run back. OK sure. He Zoomed to the trees and waved so they could see and rushed back. Wow you are fast. Then Kiara Sapph showed off their power. Zorin said OK let me show you mine. Zorin had Blue fire come out of his hands, and started shooting. OK now that we all know what power we have, lets head to the living room and chill. They all sat down to relax and enjoyed eachothers company.

The End.