WebNovelThe Body24.53%

Innocent Vivian

“I hate you Bella. I hate everyone!” Vivian said at the top of her voice as she walked to the back of the school.

She doesn’t want the students to see how defeated she was by passing through them and heading to the locker room so instead, she walked to the back of the school with her friends following behind.

One of them offered her a tissue and she snatched it from her, wiping her bloody mouth angrily.

“What does she mean by ‘she would have been here but she’s gone already’ huh?” Vivian asked no one in particular.

“Vivian,” one of the girls’ called, “what Bella said was true.”

Vivian’s eye shot at her immediately.

“What do you mean by she’s right?” She asked in an angry tone.

“I mean that she…”

“Shut up!” Vivian thundered and they all shook.

“Get out of my sight now. All of you!” she shouted and they all left.

“Shit!” She muttered under her breath

She took deep breaths and was finally cooling down. She refreshed everything Bella said again and tried to reason.

‘She would have been here and everything would be normal.’

‘Someone is being held responsible of what he is clearly not guilty of.”

“Those guys haven’t said anything as serious as that and the look on their faces too is really haunting me.” Vivian thought.

“Where is Jane and Dylan?”

“Bella mentioned a ‘she’ and Carl mentioned a ‘he’. What is going on?” Vivian held her head in her hands.


She heard someone call her name and she looked up to see who it was.

“I told you to get out!” Vivian yelled.

“You have been summoned by the school authority!” the girl yelled back.

Vivian looked at her in surprise not because she has been summoned but because she couldn’t believe that the girl she trained has the nerve and energy to yell at her the same way she did.

“I mean, you have been summoned by the school authority,” the girl said again, but this time more calmly after sensing Vivian’s mood.

“Just fuck off,” Vivian said sternly as she stood up and walked out of sight, heading to the authority’s office.

When Vivian got to the front of the office, she knocked softly and waited for a response.

“Come in,” came a lady’s soft voice.

“Good morning miss Lucy,” Vivian greeted as she got closer.

“Sit!” came Lucy’s stern voice.

Vivian sat down and Lucy took her glass off.

“What was the issue with you and Bella this morning?”

“Ma’am, she attacked me first.”

“She wouldn’t do that without a meaningful reason and you know it,” Lucy said and Vivian went silent.

“Why did you puncture Carl’s car tyres?”

“They also did a damage to my car.”

“A little dent is a damage?” Lucy asked and Vivian went silent again.

“Okay. Can you explain the reason you had to drug them?”

“I’m sorry! It wasn’t intentional,” Vivian apologized. “They were just getting on my nerves and i…”

“And you had to drug them. With a refnor. Right?” Lucy completed Vivian’s statement.

“Look Vivian, little things can cause misunderstandings and if trouble looms, your little fault can be a very big disaster you wouldn’t dare to think about.”

Lucy brought out her phone and stretched it to Vivian.

“What do I do with it?”

“Watch that video. I guess you never listen to news,” she replied and Vivian took the phone from her. She positioned it properly and her hand reached out to play the video.

Vivian gasped after watching the video and Lucy took the phone from her.

“Tha… that’s b…bullshit right?” she asked with a trembling voice. “That isn’t real.”

“What isn’t real? That Jane is dead? Or that Dylan is being held behind bars? Tell me what isn’t real.”

“Stop. Please stop.” Vivian panicked as she held her head.

“I saw her yesterday. I saw her! She can’t be dead.” Vivian said and Lucy looked at her with sympathy.

“Why is she being like this when she clearly doesn’t like her?” Lucy thought in her head.

“Vivian, it’s not your fault okay? I know you both were not in good terms but you shouldn’t feel guilty probably because you think the pill might have affected her.”

“No,” Vivian nodded, “I didn’t even drug them. I didn’t put any pill in their drink. I only said that because I was sure they would oversleep after taking that alcoholic drink.”

“You didn’t?” Lucy’s eye peered into her, trying to be sure she heard her right.

“Yes. You have to believe me. I wasn’t even interested in bullying her. It just hurts to see how Dylan cares for her a lot. It makes me feel hurt.” Vivian confessed and despite herself, she began to cry.