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Chapter 11

Dylan woke up first, he went to the bath and prepared himself for their morning routine. After he's done, he went out from his room and was puzzled when Drew was not yet out from her room.

Every morning, Drew will be the first to wake up and will patiently wait for the others at the living room, flipping or reading magazines or watching the early news.

Dylan decided to knock Drew's door but before doing it, he already noticed a note hanging in her door.

"Chase and I will be out to get his ride and his guns. You lead the morning routine and let's exchange our schedules. We'll be back late in the afternoon." Drew wrote that made Dylan wore a meaningful smile.

"She never missed our morning routine and never swapped schedules but now with Chase around, she's doing it for the first time. Hmmm, I smell something fishy here." Dylan said to himself while smiling.

Shawn, Spencer, and Lou were already out when they heard Dylan talking to himself. They looked at each other with curiosity in their faces.

"What's the problem, Dylan? Are you sick?" Shawn asked smiling. Dylan was startled hearing Shawn's voice.

"Me? Sick? Of course not. I'm strong as a rock." Dylan said making a macho man pose that made the three laughed.

"Then why are you talking to yourself?" Spencer asked.

"No, I'm not. I was just thinking of what's happening to our Alpha and our Beta?" Dylan said with a meaningful grin.

"What happened?" Lou said curiously. Dylan signaled his friends to sit and gathered around.

"When did Drew missed our morning routine?" Dylan asked.

"Never." Shawn answered.

"When did she swapped schedules for cooking and cleaning?" Dylan asked again.

"Not at all." Spencer answered. Dylan devilishly grinned.

"Read this." Dylan said and gave the note to the three of his teammates.

"I think there's nothing wrong about that. She's single and he's single so there's no problem at all." Lou said. The three men looked at her.

"I knew him when we were in college and girls were swarming around him. Do you think that handsome punk is still single?" Dylan asked.

"We knew Drew never had a boyfriend but Chase, we barely knew him." Shawn said.

"Yeah, we must know first if that punk is suitable for our Alpha." Spencer said and the three musketeers joined forces of thinking what will be their plan. Lou rolled her eyes but she wished that Chase won't hurt her best friend.

Drew and Chase weren't able to sleep properly because of what had happened a while ago. Drew was still blushing when she's thinking of Chase's kisses. She would smile and experience romantic excitement but will suddenly hit her forehead to bring herself back to her senses. She only slept for almost an hour.

Chase, on the other hand, kept on thinking about Drew. Whenever he'll close his eyes, Drew's beautiful face will pop up on his imagination. He had the urge to get out and and feel Drew's lips again. He sighed. Just imagining Drew made his body react so he decided to take a bath and just wait for their time of departure.

Chase never had a serious relationship before because of his line of work. He will have a girlfriend and eventually broke up when his work will be joining in. He never courted a woman because they offer themselves freely to him. Drew is different from them. From the time he saw her picture, he had already admired her. And when finally saw her in person, he liked her more.

Chase and Drew came outside at once and both of them smiled to each other. They noticed that both of them were wearing the same white shirt and tattered jeans. Others would think that they wore a couple clothes.

Chase looked at Drew intently. Even though she's only wearing a simple attire, her curves were shown particularly her bosom and behind. He's sure that his comrades will swoon over her.

"Do you have a jacket?" Chase asked. Drew furrowed her forehead.

"He didn't like my clothes?" She asked inwardly.

Chase, as if he had the extrasensory perception (ESP), spoke. "You don't have to change, it's just that, you're so alluring with that and I'm afraid, my comrades will skin you alive. And I can't promise, I will not poke their eyes." Chase said smiling. Drew understood what Chase is saying so she went inside and got her jacket. She wore it but still showing her sexy back. Chase sighed.

"I want to regret my decision in asking you to accompany me today but I guess I'll just guard you so no one would dare to look at you." Chase said and Drew blushed.

"Let's bring your bike. Let's have a race later." Chase said winking at Drew.

"Sure, no problem. Prepare yourself to eat my dust." Drew said proudly.

"What will be the winner's price?" Chase asked. Drew place her finger on her chin as if thinking. To Drew's surprise, Chase quickly gave her a smack.

"I've already had my price. Let's go." Chase said and pulled Drew outside who was still in dazed.

When Drew returned to her senses, she slapped Chase's shoulders.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Chase asked rubbing his shoulders but wore a smile looking at Drew.

"How come you already got your price even if the race is still not yet started?" Drew asked with her brows raising.

"I'm sure I'll win the race later." Chase said proudly.

"And if not?" Drew asked.

"Then, I'll return the kiss." Chase said that made Drew blushed again.

They rode Drew's BMW R 1250 GS STYLE HP. Chase insisted that he'll drive because he had a devilish plan inside his mind. At first, Drew hesitated because she's used to drive her bike and it's the first time she will let someone drive hers, but later, she agreed because of Chase's importunateness.

"Hold to me tightly." Chase said with a wicked smile.

Drew didn't noticed it because she's already sitting behind Chase. Drew put her hands on Chase waist but she's only holding the sides of his shirt. Chase stepped on the accelerator immediately making Drew almost fell from her seat.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? Are you going to let me fall?" Drew asked a little annoyed.

"That's why I said hold onto me tightly." Chase said pulling her hands and putting it around his waist.

"That's better." Chase said feeling the warmth of Drew's body and of course her bosom. Chase wiggled his head.

"When did you became a pervert man, Chase Garcia?" He asked inwardly.