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Chapter 12

City L is five hours drive from City C but because Chase and Drew brought a bike, it will only be three to four hours travel. They left the house at four in the morning so at around seven or eight, they will arrive at their destination.

It's six in the morning and Chase decided to make a stop on a gasoline station to take an early breakfast.

"What do you want?" Chase asked Drew. They were walking towards a food chain inside the gas station.

"A coffee and a toast will do." Drew answered. They went inside and because it's still early, there were only few customers eating.

The staff of the store and the customers inside can't avoid looking at the new faces coming in. Their eyes were filled with admirations.

"Look at him, he so gorgeous." One of the customer said.

"And the girl, she's really beautiful and my gosh, she's so sexy." The other said.

The women looked at Chase and the men looked at Drew.

"I'll go to the washroom." Drew said and Chase nodded.

"Good morning, Sir. Can I take your order please? The cashier smiled brightly. "Yes please. Two coffees, a toast and a pancake." Chase answered.

"That will be all, Sir?" The cashier asked. Chase nodded and paid their meal.

Drew went out of the washroom and saw that the cashier and one of the staff were drooling over Chase. She smiled.

When the two saw Drew looking at them, they became serious. Drew wanted to laugh.

"Don't worry girls, he's still single." She said inwardly. "But not for long...hey, where did it came from?" Drew said scolding herself.

Drew sat in front of Chase. Their table is beside the window so they can see the outside.

Two motorcycles parked at the space provided for bikers who want to take a rest after a long drive or eat their meals or even snacks.

"The place is not yet crowded. It's easy for us to get the money and flee immediately." One of the rider said.

"Do your work properly. Don't make any mistakes." The other rider said.

"We'll be dead to Boss if we'll fail this." The other rider continued.

The crew served their meal but before she left, she gave a sweet smile to Chase. Drew giggled.

"Looks like all the girls here are drooling over you." Drew said teasing Chase.

"And the boys here are skinning you alive." Chase said with squinted eyes.

"If only I can shoot their eyes." Chase said that made Drew giggled again.

Chase looked outside and he noticed that there's something amiss on the two motorcycles parked outside. They were looking around as if they were surveying the place. Chase have a bad feeling about them.

"Alpha, looks like we have to do some stretching today." Chase said that made Drew creased her forehead.

Whenever each of them called by their code names, it indicates that there'll be a mission coming unexpectedly.

"What's the problem? Drew asked curiously.

"Look at those men." Chase pointed the men. Drew not only looked but also observed the actions of the men.

"You're right. Their up to no good." Drew said.

"Did you bring anything?" Chase asked.

"Of course, but it's only a mini." Drew said smiling.

"That would be fine." Chase said smiling too.

"So let's go, Beta?" Drew said.

"Let's go, Alpha. Too bad for the rest, they will not see their Alpha and Beta working." Chase said that made Drew giggled.

"They will make a fuss about this." Drew said.

Chase and Drew went outside observing, waiting for the right timing. When they saw that the four men made a move. They nodded to each other and readied themselves.

The four men walked in different directions towards the cashier. Chase and Drew move towards the place that the four men will not noticed them. One of the men walked towards the cashier, the other three stood not far from the cashier. The man pulled his gun and knock at the cashier door. The cashier thought it was one the gasoline boy so opened it and she was shocked seeing a gun was aimed on her.

"Please don't kill me." The cashier said pleading.

"Don't worry, I won't but be good. Put all the money inside the bag. Hurry up." The man said. The cashier followed. With her trembling hands, she put all the money, even the coins, inside the bag. After she's done, she gave it to the man who immediately went out.

The man who's carrying the bag signaled his colleagues that he's done and they better go. The four of them nodded to each other and walked towards their motorcycles.

"Hands up!" Drew said going out on one of the gasoline tank. Chase followed from one of the post. Because the men were startled they put their hands up but the man with the gun fired.

Drew and Chase take cover. The people in the place were shocked hearing a gun fire so they take cover too but others, because of curiosities, peeped. The food chain staffs where Chase and Drew ate saw the two who were hiding.

"My gosh, they were officers." The cashier said. And their admiration a while ago grew even more.

The manager of the place was informed about the incident and immediately called the police station near them.

The four men saw a chance when Chase and Drew took cover. They hurriedly started their motorcycle's engines but to their surprised, the tires burst.

Chase and Drew aimed for the motorcycle's tires so that the culprits won't have the chance to escape in a very fast way.

The men took cover. "Shit, who were those guys?" One of the men asked.

Drew and Chase walked towards the hiding place of the men. The people around were gasping.

"What are they doing? Aren't they afraid?" The questions roaming around.

One of the men looked towards the position of Drew and Chase and his eyes were widely opened.

They're coming here!" The man said.

"What?" The other man shouting.

"Shoot them!" The other said.

One of the men aimed his gun to Drew but in an instant, it was destroyed.

"What the fuck?" He said. The next aimed his gun on Chase and it was destroyed too.

"Who the hell are they?" He said.

"Just surrender, we won't hurt you." Drew said. But there's no response.

When the two snipers were only few meters away from the wall the men were hiding, the two men left with the gun bravely stood up and pointed their gun to Drew and Chase.

The two men were dumbfounded seeing Drew.

"A woman!?" They said inwardly.

"Put your guns down and no one will be hurt." Chase said bringing the two men back to their senses. But the men didn't do what Chase said. They are still pointing their gun to them but the two snipers noticed that they were shaking.

"You leave us no other choice boys." Drew said and after, gun fires were heard again.

The two men fell down on their knees.

"Who are you?" The other man asked with trembling voice. Their hands were trembling too after loosing grip to their broken guns.

"Epsilon." Drew said and winked at him.

"Epsilon?" The man repeated what Drew have said and he was shocked with his eyes and mouth opened widely.

Even though they were in City L, Epsilon of City C was a well known group because of their successful missions and their woman leader.

Chase and Drew were done tying the culprits with a rope when the police officers came. Together with the culprits, they were brought at the station for some questioning.

When they arrive at the station, the culprits were seated on the chairs in front of the investigator with their hands already handcuffed. The investigator asked them questions and after getting the answers, they'll be put inside the cell.

Before one of the man could enter the cell, he looked at Drew and spoke.

"Are you the known Alpha of Epsilon?" The man asked. Drew only shrugged her shoulders and smiled sweetly. The man was dumbfounded seeing Drew's enchanting smile.

"Nah, she couldn't be the leader of Epsilon." He said inwardly before entering the cell.

Hearing the word of the man about Alpha and Epsilon, all eyes were on Drew. Chase wanted to hide Drew seeing the eyes of the officers looking at her with admirations.

"This is only a sub station, what more if I bring her at the main. Argh, this is giving me a headache." Chase said inwardly.