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Chapter 13

The investigator asked questions about what happened earlier from Chase and Drew. Still, all eyes were on Drew and Chase wanted to shout on them to stop looking on her but he knew it will only make them curious.

After the last question, the investigator can't stop himself and spoke. "Are you really the Alpha of the Epsilon?" Chase rolled his eyes. Drew just smiled.

After a while, the phone on the table of the investigator rang. "Hello, City L police station, how can I help you?" The investigator said.

"This is General Bautista, can I speak to my daughter?" Frank said.

"Sir, yes, Sir!" The investigator said respectfully saluting to the other line even without even seeing the person he's talking too. The other officers looked at him curiously. Chase and Drew looked at each other with creased foreheads.

"But sir, who's your daughter?" The investigator asked scratching his head. Frank wanted to laugh.

Drew doesn't want the limelight. She just want to leave a normal life just like the others but of course it can't be. Only City C's men in uniform knew who she was. She doesn't want to reveal her identity to other military camp.

"Drew Bautista." Frank said that made the investigator's mouth open widely. He gave the phone to Drew with shaking hands.

"Hello." Drew said.

"How are you, cupcake?" Frank asked. Even though, he knew that her daughter would be safe still, he's a father who worries about her daughter.

"Dad!" Drew said feeling annoyed with her father's term of endearment to her. Frank laughed.

"Okay, is everything fine there?" Frank asked again.

"Yes dad, we're okay." Drew answered.

"That's good to hear. Anyway, I want to talk to you and Chase. You go straight here later." Frank said.

"Okay, dad." Drew said.

"I love you my cupcake." Frank said then he laughed before ending the call. Drew smiled. She knew her dad is only teasing her.

Another call made the phone rang. "Hello, City L police station, how can I help you?" The investigator said again.

"This is Lieutenant General Garcia. May I speak to my son?" Henry said.

"Sir, yes, Sir. But who is your son?" The investigator said and felt that today is really a shocking day. A while ago it was the highest ranking official who called and now it was the second. He met the General's daughter and now he'll meet the Lieutenant General's son. He's perspiring a lot.

"Chase Garcia." Henry said and for the second time, the investigator's mouth opened widely. His colleagues saw the shocked face of their investigator and they wanted to approach him because of curiosity.

"Who are those people that made their brave chief investigator sweat profusely." They asked inwardly.

"Chase here." Chase said.

"Good job." Henry said.

"Thanks, dad. It's our duty." Chase said.

"Is Drew okay?" Henry asked.

"Yes dad, she's alive and kicking." Chase said smiling while looking at Drew. Henry laughed.

"How did you know that we're here?" Chase asked.

"Someone uploaded the video and it's on the news everywhere." Henry said.

"Is there a way to delete it?" Chase asked.

"I'll talk to our hackers." Henry said.

"Thanks, dad." Chase said and ended the call.

"What happened? How did they knew that were here?" Drew asked.

"Someone recorded and uploaded our video but don't worry, I asked dad to delete it." Chase said.

"Are we done here?" Chase asked.

"Sir yes, Sir." The investigator said.

Chase wanted to laugh because of the investigator's politeness ever since he spoke with the Generals.

"We're going. If you need us, you know where to contact us." Chase continued.

"Sir, yes, Sir." The investigator said saluting to the two that for him were the most influential people who visited their station.

After Chase and Drew left, the investigator sat in his chair feeling relieved. His colleagues approached him hurriedly.

"Who are they, chief?" One of the men asked.

The investigator sighed. "The son and daughter of the two highest ranking officials." The investigator said that made all of them

"What!?" in their minds.

"I heard that the General's daughter is the leader of Epsilon and Lieutenant General's son is the leader of City L elite team." One of them said. Again there were "OH!?" in their faces.

"That means, we met the best snipers of the country!?" The other said and made them all in dazed.

While preparing themselves to leave the station, Drew's phone rang. When she saw the caller, she smiled and let Chase see her phone that made the latter smiled too.

"You both are screwed when you get here. Why didn't let us join the action? You're really unfair. We're here cooking and cleaning while you're enjoying the fun?" Dylan said continuously.

"It was unplanned." Drew said.

"I'll cook chicken, you bring the beer. You have a story telling later." Dylan said that made Drew laughed.

"Okay but, we'll be there late at night. Dad wants to talk to us. I'll tell you the details later." Drew said.

"What about?" Dylan asked.

"No idea." Drew said.

"Okay, see you later, don't forget the beer." Dylan said and ended the call.

Chase and Drew left the station and continued their travel going to City L main camp.

Because of the unexpected action a while ago, they reached the place almost early lunchtime. Most of the men in uniform were either eating lunch or taking their rest.

Chase parked Drew's bike in front of an apartment house type. They entered one of house.

"Is this yours?" Drew asked.

"Yeah. Take a seat. I'll just get my things upstairs." Chase said. Drew sat for a while and stood up when she saw that there's a back door. She opened it and her eyes went wide.


"Hello there, handsomes." Drew said while touching the two most fastest bikes she knew.

After getting what he needed, Chase went downstairs but furrowed his forehead because Drew is not sitting on the couch. He noticed that his backdoor was opened and he smiled.

"So, you already met my babies?" Chase said smiling seeing Drew touching his bikes.

"Yeah, they're really gorgeous." Drew said.

"Just like their owner?" Chase said.

"Not at all, they're more gorgeous than you." Drew said teasing Chase that made the latter laughed.

"Let's eat first." Chase said pulling Drew.

"Where to?" Drew asked feeling awkward on Chase's hands holding hers.

"There's a small restaurant here and the food is great." Chase said.

"Okay." Drew said.

They went out of the house still, Chase holding Drew's hands. While walking, suddenly someone jump onto Chase shoulders in a piggyback ride way and messes Chase's hair.

"Maddog! Get down!" Chase said while trying to free himself from the man. Then, five men approached them and they placed themselves behind Chase's back causing all of them to fall onto the ground. Drew laughed seeing Chase was squeezed.

"At last! You lost!" Maddog said helping Chase to stand.

"You jerk! Look at my shirt." Chase said faking his anger.

"Come here, I'll teach you a lessons." Chase said and run after Maddog but the latter hide himself on the back of Drew. The others are laughing but when they saw Drew, they looked at her intently. Drew felt awkward.

"Big sis, help me." Maddog said while his hands are on Drew's shoulders. Drew giggled.

"Take off your hands from her!" Chase said seriously that made Maddog a little scared. The rest of the men became curious about the beautiful girl in front of them.

Maddog stood beside Drew while the others circled around her. Chase rolled his eyes.

"What's your name, Big sis?" Maddog asked.

"I'm Drew." She replied.

"Did Maximus threatened you to be his girlfriend?" Maddog asked again. Chase pushed Maddog away from Drew.

"This is Drew Bautista." Chase said. Drew waved hello and smiled.

"This is Snake, Wolf, Ram, Claw, and Fang. They are the new elite team of City L." Chase continued.

"And I'm Maddog. I'm their leader." Maddog said and offered a handshake but Chase was fast enough to take Maddog's hands that made Drew giggled.

"Big sis, are you her girlfriend now? Don't trust him too much. He had girlfriends everywhere." Maddog said.

"Ouch!" Maddog said holding his shoulders because Chase punched him.

"Have you eaten? If not, let's go to Nylon." Chase said that made the rest said "woohoo".