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Chapter 23

Before going directly to City C's military hospital, Chase and Drew decided to go home to change and get their needs from their house. Henry was hesitant at first but Amira accompanied them to assist Chase because of his wound.

Barry prepared the stuffs of Chase and helped him change. Lou helped Drew in preparing hers.

"Do I really need to take care of him? He's already a grown up, why do I have to be there with him?" Drew asked looking at Lou and Amira who was also with them inside the room.

"Of course, you're the one who caused his wound." Amira said. Drew sighed.

"Just think it this way, think as if you're on your vacation." Lou said.

"A vacation with a pervert." Drew said not noticing the smiles on her friends' faces.

"A drop dead gorgeous pervert." Amira said that made Lou laughed. Drew rolled her eyes.

After they were done, Amira drove Drew's Range Rover Sport going to the hospital. Drew ordered Epsilon and Maximus to stay at the house and rest.

The suite room in City C's military hospital was already prepared before Chase and Drew arrived. It was like a hotel suite provided with complete amnesties.

"I'll be leaving you two here. Feel at home." Amira said smiling.

"By the way, Chase, don't you ever move your shoulders. Even though, it didn't hit any of your important veins still, it's a gunshot wound that needed to be treated properly." Amira said reminding Chase and the latter only gave her a thumbs up.

"Drew, you studied a short term course about patient's care and treatment so I'm hoping you'll do well in assisting your patient." Amira said.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry, I will happily help my patient here." Drew said and patting Chase shoulders.

Amira left the room, leaving Chase and Drew inside. Drew's hand was still on Chase shoulder. Chase smiled and in instant, he moved putting Drew on the bed under him.

Drew was startled on the sudden attack of Chase. She tried to let herself go but Chase's body weight was preventing her. Her hands were raised above her head held by Chase's free hand.

"What are you doing? I can't breathe. Get off me!" Drew said wiggling.

"I thought you will happily assist me?" Chase said, his face was an inch closer to Drew's face.

"It's not this kind of assisting, you pervert!" Drew said still moving her body side by side.

Chase felt the softness of Drew's body and his lower part is making a move.

"Stay still!" Chase said.

"Get off so I will stay still. You're heavy!" Drew said.

A knock from the door alarmed Drew and without caution, she pushed Chase causing him to fall on the floor. The nurse on duty was shocked seeing the patient on the floor. Drew was also shocked in her move so she immediately get down and helped Chase.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. It was your fault, I said I can breathe because of your weight." Drew said continuously and before she realized it, the nurse already was looking at her with a teasing smile.

Chase was able to prevent himself in hurting his shoulders. When Drew hurriedly helped him, he acted as if he was really hurt and when he heard what Drew have said, he wanted to laugh seeing Drew's reddened face.

The nurse helped Chase to lie on his bed. Drew was apologetically standing beside the bed.

"Does it hurt, Sir?" The nurse asked.

"Yes, but I can tolerate it." Chase said still acting.

"If ever the pain will not fade, tell me so I could give you pain killers." The nurse said and Chase nodded stroking his shoulders.

"Ma'am, please be careful with your patient. He's wounded and you need to prevent activities that will make it swell." The nurse said that made Drew blushed again.

"But, we're not doing anything." Drew said that made the nurse's brow raised. Drew wanted to explain more but the crew entered the room and dinner was served.

The nurse walked towards the door but before she open it, she looked back.

"Sir, Ma'am, next time, please lock the door and please remember you're in a hospital and not in a hotel." And she went out. Drew's mouth was opened wide while Chase giggled. Drew gave an angry squint to Chase and the latter acted again hurting.

"I'm hungry." Chase said. Drew kept quiet because she was still annoyed. Chase tried to rise from his bed, still acting very well, and hold his shoulders.

"Ouch...!" Chase that made Drew hurriedly walked towards him.

"What are you doing? The nurse said you should be careful." Drew said while helping Chase to sit on his bed.

"I'm really hungry but you're not moving so I'll just eat on my own even though my wound is hurting." Chase said with a low voice. Drew sighed.

"I'm sorry if I acted that way. The nurse thought we're doing something a while ago and I never had the chance to explain." Drew said preparing his meal.

"But if she didn't came inside, we might..." Chase wasn't able to finish his sentence because Drew looked at him with daggers in her eyes. Chase acted again and Drew unknowingly pampered him again. Chase was very happy even though, he's guilty of his scheme. He wanted Drew to be close to him at all times and he know this is the best time.

Drew fed Chase his dinner.

"Why don't you eat too?" Chase asked.

"I will eat after your done." Drew said.

"Why?" Chase asked while chewing his food.

"There's only a pair of spoon and fork. So you finish first then I'll eat later." Drew said.

"Why don't you use those. We've already shared kisses so it's the same, sharing our saliva using the same spoon and fork." Chase said that made Drew blushed. She hold the fork as if she will poke Chase but the door opened.

"Drew!" Frank said seeing her daughter.

"Dad!" Drew said withdrawing the fork.

"What are you planning to do?" Frank asked.

"I'm feeding him." Drew said getting food from the plate and feed to Chase. Henry and Amira wanted to laugh but prevented themselves because Drew might feel annoyed.

"See." Drew said looking at her father.

"How are you, son?" Henry asked.

"I'm good dad even though my nurse pushed me a while ago that made my wound hurt so much but I can still tolerate the pain." Chase said that made Drew looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Drew?" Frank said.

"It was an accident. I was flabbergasted with the knocked on the door so I pushed him." Drew said blushing.

"What are you doing then?" Frank asked. Drew's face became red as a tomato and Amira wanted to laugh loudly seeing her cousin.

"She was helping me lay down on my bed. I lost balance and accidentally fell on her. That's were the nurse knocked and she pushed me." Chase said that made Drew looked at him with questioning stares. Chase smiled and winked at her.

"Liar!" Drew said inwardly.

"So, that's what happened. Next time be careful. You might make your wound more painful." Henry said.

"Yes, dad." Chase said.

Frank and Henry didn't stay long. They bid their goodbyes on their children but before Frank open the door, he spoke. "I gave a one day off to Epsilon and Maximus tomorrow so expect them to be here the whole day."

"Thanks, dad." Drew said.

"Do you want an extra bed here?" Amira asked.

"No need, the couch will do." Drew said.

"You sure?" Amira said and Drew nodded.

"If the pain will not subside and you can't tolerate it anymore, you can inform the nurse. I already gave an order for it." Amira said.

"Okay, I'll let her know." Chase said.

"I'll go ahead, I still need to do my night rounds." Amira said and the two nodded.

"I want to pee and brush my teeth." Chase said.

"Okay." Drew said while preparing her bed on the couch.

"Ehem." Chase cleared his throat that made Drew looked at him.

"What?" Drew asked innocently.

"I need your assistance. I can't, you know." Chase said raising his wounded shoulder.

"I will call the nurse." Drew said.

"But you're my nurse." Chase said.

"But..." Drew didn't finished her sentence because she hurriedly assisted Chase who was acting very well.

"Don't call her. I will try without anyone's help." Chase said pitifully. Drew sighed.

"Okay, I'll help you." Drew said that made Chase rejoiced.

They entered the washroom. Drew helped Chase to put down his pants with her eyes closed. Chase smiled. He pee and Drew helped him again to pull up his pants.

Drew was feeling awkward in helping Chase in his pants. In her short course, she dealt with male patients and nothing had gone wrong. So, it's the same dealing with Chase. "I hope so." Drew said inwardly.

Drew put toothpaste on Chase's toothbrush and prepared herself to clean Chase's teeth. Because Chase is taller than her, she's having a hard time in brushing. To make it easy for her, Chase lifted her above the sink.

"Hey!" Drew said. Chase opened his mouth and Drew continued brushing him.

Chase looked at Drew intently. Drew felt a little shy. Chase removed the brush inside his mouth and spilled the excess toothpaste in his mouth. Drew thought that Chase was already done so she tried to go down but Chase stopped her. Chase cupped her face and slowly captured her lips. She was shocked on his move but she didn't stopped him.

From the first kiss she received from Chase, she didn't want to admit it, but she really missed Chase's warm kisses.

Chase was kissing her passionately that made her body shiver. Drew put her arms around Chase's neck to find support.

Chase's free hand encircled on Drew's waist. They've shared a torid kiss that made both of them felt fire is beginning to ignite on their bodies.