Fuck Brittney's sloppy second for trying to ruin my day.

Speaking of my day I can't believe what I did with Scott. It felt so good so good...too good if you ask me, I'll just sleep and think about it tomorrow. Its a good thing that Cass went straight to her room cause I don't think i can answer her questions. Well shout out to anyone having a question free night, I feel go...

"Bitch move over and give me all the juicy deets." She sat on my bed with a bowl of of popcorn, she is practically turning my situation to entertainment for herself.

"Tell me what you did, my patience is wearing thin" she dragged the last part to emphasize how thin her patience is.

"He kissed me...we kissed" I still can't believe it, I was so cheap that's why he offered to hang out with me, well he is Scott Davis right? I should be happy.

"Hey, how was it?"

"I feel so cheap, I didn't even stop him at any point" I pulled the duvet over my head

"You are such a hoe , my babe is all grown up. Giving a celebrity quicky backstage" she said wiping fake tears. She really thinks I had sex with him

"Hey, stop being a cheap hoe and tell me, how was it? " this cold bitch

"I feel so much worse, you are one cold bitch"

"Whatever, can we go back to how you were a cheap hoe?" I'm telling you that this girl is cold hearted

"We just made out okay, nothing more"

"Okay so, when are you guys meeting again..did he ask you out..did he get your number?" She said it so fast I swear that was gibberish.

"I'm confused" was only what I could say.

"Did you give him your number?" Oh God

"I uhm ...he kind of gave his card and I threw it away" here comes psycho Cassie.

"You WHAT? You.."

"I had no.." She cuts me off too

"Dont fucking talk when I'm talking" she took a calming deep breath "Scott gave you his no no the Scott fucking Davis gave you his card and you threw it away?"

"You know that Scott is a celebrity and a player those two things are a no go area for me" I don't want him to dump me and it will all over the news, then my parents will get to know about it. What! I can't deal with parent's drama right now

"Who cares he is a fucking celebrity he is allowed to be a man whore" yeah right

"You'd be so lucky to even hang out with him"

"I don't want to get dumped" it is a hurtful feeling i tell you

"Do you know what will happen to other girls once he settle down?"

"They'll get a life?" I tell you I once saw some girls camping outside a hotel because some stars were lodging there

"No idiot...there will be crisis, getting a night is a dream of every girl including myself so him settling down is going to crush so many dreams, don't be a dream crusher and also his fan base will reduce drastically" OK this is getting to much and I need my beauty sleep cause I don't want to look like a zombie in Prof. Frank's class again.

"What do you want me to do?"

"When next you meet and he says he wants to see you kiss you or have a one night stand with you...just say yes" not that I will take her advice or anything but I need her out of my room


"Great now..." I can't take it any more

"Get out"

"But babe..." Fucking Cass

"Bitch out!"

"Fine" she sashayed out, I can't stand her at times she's lucky I love her. I need to search on google how to kill someone you love without feeling guilty.


She's still on my mind, even after sleeping with some one else she is able to infiltrate my mind. I need to get her out of my mind, I really need to fuck her out of my system. If she thinks she can rile me up and go Scot-free(literally) then she better think again.

"Hello, I need you to track someone for me" Dan can track literally anything and anyone, his service is for secret agencies but for the right price he will do your work

"Send me the details so I can get to work"

"I was hoping you'd find that out for me, she is the girl from my concert last night and the only thing I know about her is her name which is Ivy" fucking Ivy

"Okay, I'll send the details through email"

I replied with a grunt and ended the call. Now she can't hide from me...I can't believe that she didn't call me back. Once I receive her details I will meet her and fuck her out of my system.


Sorry guys for late update

I had a writer's block so just bare with me on the chapter, I know its not all that great but hopefully I will update soon with a very juicy detail how Scovy met after some time.

You can always give your suggestion

After days of typing my work got deleted I had to type it all over again, so pardon the short chapter and my mistakes

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