Just got the information on Ivy and I’m thinking of tracking her down and showing her who’s boss, dragging me to a high and leaving me hanging like that was just cruel but I’ll show her just how cruel I can also get.

“Dan you can leave thank you” I dismissed him while going through the file. After downloading her information to my brain I decided to make my first move today. Let’s see…I’ll go to her school use my celebrity charm to get her class schedule and meet up with her because I think I’ll grow gray hair if I wait for her to call me.




It’s been almost a week now after the concert and I can tell it has not exactly been my week, why? Let’s see…meeting Brittney’s sloppy second and actual Brittney, thinking about that makes me want to roll my eyes again and don’t forget Cass has been on my case for throwing Scott’s card away. Couple with the fact that Mr. cocky bastard has been invading my thoughts lately. I was so lost in thoughts that I didn’t know when I walked into a wall….whoa this wall is very warm and has a heart beat…wait a minute a heart beat? Wait! Looking up I discovered that I actually walked into a wall of handsomeness not as handsome as Scott but hey! Why am I thinking about that jerk a…

“Knock knock anyone in there” omg I spaced out again thinking about that jerk, ugh I’m doing it again

“So sorry I didn’t see you there” I apologized giving him a nervous smile

“You don’t have to be, I could tell you were checking me out and I enjoyed second of it” he said wiggling his eyebrows at me

“Cocky much?”

“What do you say, let’s take this to somewhere more private?” he said with a smirk and smoothen my hair and that’s when I realized we’ve been standing too close causing me to increase space between us

“I don’t think so mister” and he smiled like a real million dollar watt smile. Wow that was refreshing but why did he smile? What I said wasn’t even funny

“Glad I could brighten your day, but I’d like to be on my way now” I need to leave before the list of men me disturbing will increase.

“how about we talk about the guy you were thinking about over coffee” I was about to reply when a voice interrupted and answered.

“I don’t think that would be possible bud” the voice sound so much like Scott’s but who am I to talk, I don’t really know him that well.

“and who are you to answer for her, I believe the lady is very capable of speaking herself” I was about to reply when a strong hand slip around my waist from behind, when I say strong I mean very strong and firm. Looking up my suspicion was confirmed Scott is indeed here.

“What are you doing here?” I asked narrowing my eyes at him

“You never called, so I decide to surprise you” why would he do that? It’s not like I’m important or something.

“Why would you come looking for me?” he rolled his eyes like what I just said is the most ridiculous thing ever.

“Because I am taking you out” he said with a cheesy grin. I was interrupted from replying again by that handsome stranger, I had even forgotten that he was standing there seems like the whole world disappears when it comes to Scott

“Dude I asked her first join the queue” okay this is not how I saw my week going

“No one is talking to you dummy. Who do you think you are? Do you know who I am?” gush this guys will drive me to the edge

“I am guessing that this little crowd gathered here aren’t here to see how awesome I am” wait crowd! When did they gather I need to leave immediately

“So what do you say Chica: coffee with this clown or date with me?” what? I shouldn’t be included in their alpha male show of power right?

“I …..i “my phone goes off. Oh thank the holy one saved by my phone from guys I don’t really know ”Cass” and she squealed she freaking squealed into the phone, pulling the phone from my ear then bringing it back after few seconds

“What the hell Cass, are trying to see how loud you have to be for my ears to fall off?” she scoff

“Don’t be a mood killer and guess what”

“What?” I am not good at guessing and she knows it

“Come on just guess”

“uhm you just discovered that baby lions are actually monkeys” I answered sarcastically and Scott and handsome stranger gave me a weird look. I know I rolled my eyes I can be random sometimes

“Are you crazy? That’s not a fact. Ugh by the way do you know that Scott is in school today….awn I bet he came to see you. I can imagine what the

headline will say THE HOT SINGER AND MOST ELLIGIBLE BACHELOR FALLS FOR A UNIVERSITY GIRL” okay I just need stop her right there before she predicts our wedding date

“Babe I know”

“What?” she shrieked again with her loud voice “how comes I didn’t know about this? Why am I just finding out? No no the most important question is how did you find out?”

“Maybe because he is standing next to me and is holding my waist like his life depends on it” ouch he mouths to me clutching his chest but he doesn’t leave my waist or loosen his grip not that am complaining anyway.

“you are a bad friend you could have call… you know what? Where exactly are you I am coming to you”

“I’m close to the language lab” she just cut the call without responding. I faced the two guys effectively pulling Scott’s hand from my waist. I’m not leaving with either of them I’ll just find a way to lose them….or so I thought


This chapter has a little twist introducing a new character.

Let's see how for them, do you think she'll go with Scott or the handsome stranger or none?

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