I stood there looking at her amazed at her conversation with the other person on the line, I could tell from her conversation that she was talking to her friend. She said something about a baby lion being a monkey or something, she is weird but in a good kind of way.

“so what do you say?” I asked her, I can’t wait to leave here and talk to her in somewhere private because any moment from now people might start asking for an autograph.

“I am waiting for my friend Cass to come” looks like someone called for backup

“she could meet us there” I don’t know who that friend is so I wouldn’t be so sure if she won't discourage her from going with me.

”She doesn’t want to go with you, obviously” the fool rolled his eyes, I don’t even know what he is still doing here…..wait could he be her boyfriend? No, she would’ve left with him if he was.

“I don’t remember asking for your opinion” unbelievable, this fucking wannabe won’t just shut up

“well I gave it anyway, since she’s too nice to tell you off” the nerve of that guy.

“one more word from you psycho and…”

“I really love watching two sexy hotties getting into it but not in public” I turn to see the intruder is a young lady with blonde hair, she is really pretty but has nothing on my Ivy…wait did I just say my Ivy? “most definitely not when my friend is standing close by” she says crossing her hands and standing in a way that all her weight is balanced on one foot. She must be the friend Ivy have been waiting for.

“Cass good thing you are here lets go” wait a minute is she just going to leave me here after I came to see her, have she forgotten who I am?

“Ivy what do you mean, won’t you come with me?” I won’t deny it I am quite surprise other girls would throw themselves at me to just have a chat with me and she refused to go out with me? I should be disappointed but it makes me want her more

“I really have to go Scott, my friend and I have something to do today”

“no we don’t “ someone interrupted us and from her statement it is safe to say she is Cass.

“But…” she was interrupted by Cass, I think I am beginning to like this Cass. “we do need to talk” they went to a corner, talking and Cass was doing a lot of hand movement. Meanwhile the delusional creep here was giving me a weird look.

“why are you glaring at me, its not like she’s your girlfriend or anything” the creep had the motherfucking balls to give me the finger and before I could respond I heard squealing and some girls surronded me asking for autographs “I’m not here for that, why don’t you come for my next show and I’ll gladly sign them”

“no do it now” the girl trying her best to shove her tits in my mouth said. I was rescued by cassie who threatened the girls with some weird stuff-I don’t know half of what she said to them-but she’s amazing.

“all set, she’s going with you and Scott?” she didn’t even wait for my reply but continued anyway “no touching, no hands” is she for real?

“wait, what?” she burst into a fit of laughter

“ you should have seen your face. I can’t do that to you I like you too much. “ she turned to Ivy “do everything you know I would do and give me the gist later, okay?’ Ivy just snort

“I won’t live till the next day if I do half of the things you do Cass, well I’ll see you later and thanks for selling me out” she just turned and walked away well what choice do I have if not to follow her. I turned around to see that creep frowning.