“Good morning, Deputy Kay."
" Good morning, Miss Paulina."
"I'd like to talk to you about the case you asked for investigation confidentiality."
" There is, of course, Miss Paulina, please enter."
“Thanks, well-these are the papers I got about the owner of the car."
"Yes, sit down miss."
"Thank you... I'll run a summary for you."
" Proceed."
" From what's in the immigration records, Mr. Tae entered the country legally a few years ago, but what intrigues me is that we can't find records of his life in the city or in his home country."
"Strange that."
“Well sir, other than that there's nothing special about him, other than that he was a policeman here in town, and here in this station, and nowadays he's a labor and family lawyer."
"And this other folder you gave me, miss?"