Remember the delegate?

- Have more?

"Laura remembers the sheriff?"

"What did we have to explain about the car?"

"Yes, the one you registered is the one I'm referring to."

“Yes I remember him, her name was Kay."

"Well, he showed up at the asylum yesterday, Laura."

"Did he get out of there alive?"

" Calm down..., the cameras filmed him seeing the outside of the asylum and taking pictures of the place, he also took pictures of my car, inside and out, I saw that he took our belongings, but he didn't touch the cameras."

"Okay, I don't see anything strange so far, he may not have moved to make the forensics or insurance investigate together with the police station..."

"That's weird Laura!"

"Explain to me why I'm confused?"

" I found it strange because, not even the people who entered there touched the cameras either, it seems that the spirits want to be filmed."

" Well, if the deputy only did that, then he left?"

" Yes."

"Is he going to investigate with the help of a force?"