
Out of nowhere, Jack saw one of their maid behind their fridge door and because of his shock he recoiled and suddenly sat on the floor. He was not yet successful on avoiding their maid.

The maid attack him, her face was already near him but Jack forcibly push their maid and found a pot and and pounded on her head.

With that, it made their maid backed away but to his surprise the maid still manage her posture and didn't even feel a bit of pain of what he did. Before the maid was about to attack him again, he saw his gun he put earlier on their preparation table, he take a glance to their maid. And without hesitation the maid was going to attack him again but Jack manage to run over to get his gun and he pointed it out to their maid.

He is in doubt if he is going to fire it or not after all it is still their maid but the changes of his face and body makes her more different in any way.

Jack familiarize the person and it was their cook in the house. Before she made again an attack Jack already made fired of his gun straight to the head of their cook.

'BAANGG!!' And that makes the reason of her collapse and death. The loud noise of the gun makes the other Living-dead outside moves to where they heard it. That loud noise was a trigger for them to move fast and move directly to where that sound was.

Meanwhile (At the Lab)...

Austin got bored waiting for his father to come back so he slowly got off from his took a walk inside the lab. He roam around the lab until he reaches one of the room of the Lab and he got curious what was inside it.

Unknowingly, it is where her mom is. He touches the knob of the door and turn the know but it doesn't open. He has been trying to open it - but it was lock.

Jack lock it to make sure her wife won't go outside.

Austin has a questionable look on her face and curiosity all over it. He put his ear on the door, he can hear some noise but can't figure out what is it.


Jack was about to go out from the kitchen when he saw another maid behind one of the cabinet but to his curiosity he can see to her face that she wanted to attack him but she doesn't even want to move. She was just making a noise with the sound of someone who is in pain.

Jack slowly approach the maid and was confuse why the maid doesn't attack him. Jack look at the face of their maid who has an unpleasant look and lots of worm on her face.

Jack resent too much on their maid


Why does she look like that? Out of curiosity from Jack's face.

Jack tries to analyze the situation why the sudden change of attitude from this other maid from the one he just shot earlier. Jack went to look for a rope on their cabinet and he tie down both hands of their maid and pushes her from the other side part of the kitchen. She put her where the rays of the sun reaches the floor of their kitchen. When the maid move her body where her skin touches the light of the sun, her body started to melt down.

Jack was surprise and thought to himself, that 'Oh light of the sun is one of their weaknesses.

With what happen to Jack he even forgot the time already. He check his watch only to find out it was almost 5pm and he started to hear weird sounds around their house already.

Upon Jack back to his realization, holding the bags of goods he collected earlier he hurriedly went out the kitchen and lock all the doors of their house so nobody can enter inside their house.

He was still on the state of shock to all those that happen and was curious about the so called Living-Dead.

How can he resolve all this things at a time. He even don't know if those Living-dead can smell fresh bloods and what could be their reactions if that happens. Because if what he is thinking was right, they can all destroy their Lab in a just a blink of an eye if ever they would attack all at the same time.

Jack reaches the last door and lock it, check all the side lock if it has been lock already.

After he did that he immediately and hurriedly run towards their elevator. He takes time to look outside of their house through a window near the elevator of their house. He saw Living-dead outside lots of them, walking one step at a time.

Jack was curious why do they walk again like that. He was trying to think of a right way to answer his own questions about those things. And because it was dark outside they were all scattered around.

Jack put those information's again in his mind. He was trying to understand those living-dead one by one and step by step.

He gasp as he reaches his lab. 'FINALLY'

Jack directly went to his son only to find out that Austin was not in his bed. He felt nervous where the hell his son may go.

He ask DL command about the where about of his son.

"DL command, where is my son?". And it responded immediately.

"Austin was at the other room and it was his mother, your wife Jack." Upon hearing those words, Jack don't even know what to do.

But he hurriedly run to the room of his wife and suddenly stop when he saw Austin was standing right in front of the door of his mother with his ears pressed against the door.

He walk slowly near to behind him and ask,

"What were you doing here? You are suppose to be resting in your bed. Are you okay?, Jack ask with nervousness in his face and worries at the same time.

"I'm fine dad , I just get bored that's why I walk around here and my feet lead me here to this room", looking at the door while talking to his father.

What is in there dad? I heard some noise earlier but couldn't figure out what is it." Austin continues.

Jack tries to relax himself and answered the question of his son.

"Oh! There's nothing in there. Come on, let's getta outta here." Austin walk his way and didn't ask any more questions while still glancing back to the door.

Jack guide his son his way out looking behind him. Looking at the door were he can hear some noises coming from it and he guess it was from his wife...