
Jack glance at the door and back to Austin and then walk his way out next to his son.

Jack and Austin were going back to the Lab and while they are walking Austin ask about her mother again,

"Dad, where is mommy? Until now I don't see her." And again Jack don't know how to answer the question of his son.

"Just don't worry about your mom son, she's okay I told you many times already", with a high but full voice Jack answered trying to make himself calm.

Austin was in doubt but nevertheless trust his father of what he is saying.

"For now son, you must get yourself better and so after that, we would go and see your mom. Is that fine?" Jack said while trying to make a smile.

Austin who is bowing his head suddenly lifted it and look to his dad and smiled back,

"Would love to dad!", a wide smile on the lips of Austin upon hearing what his father said just now.

Jack got his big bag and arrange the food he had brought earlier from their kitchen from the top. He open one of the food he had taken from their fridge, prepare it and gave it to his son. Austin reaches the plastic food container and sit one of the chair in the room and eat his food.

While Austin was eating his food, Jack tries to check something in his computer. He made himself busy for a while.

"I am done eating dad", Austin suddenly talk and Jack stop what he is doing and stand up.

"Okay, let's go." and then he lead his way to the other room.

"You will stay here for a while okay? I will be doing something on that room for a while", Jack explain.

Austin nodded his head and Jack ask,

"Will you be okay here for a while?", Jack was asking about staying at the room for a while.

"Yeah, I'm good here", after that Jack smile and close the door on the room and walk his way back to the first room where they are earlier.

He badly need to do something.

"DL command I've found some of the weaknesses of those living-dead. First, I shot one of those straight from his head and it got killed. Second, they are afraid from the sunlight but honestly speaking why do they're afraid of sunlight?", Jack out of curiosity he ask.

"The Living -dead are afraid of light because of their eyes. Their eyes upon turning in all red, that means the Living- dead's red eyes makes them blind upon directly hit by the light in their eyes. And also, they get burnt from the sun because the tissue in their skin are already on first layer thin out. Their skin will start to be soft and that will be the reason that when it hit by the sunlight it will melt their skin down. ", DL command where explaining it through the images in front of them.

Explaining it thoroughly one by one.

"By then, there will also be worms that will pull out from their face and body- that is the next level of the virus. But there is one more thing you always need to remember Jack, if you can see a weakness of them in the morning at sunlight at night don't try to bother them because they are very strong when dark comes out. The level of their strength is 3x of that body builder. ", DL command still continuously explaining to Jack what he needed to know about the Living-dead.

Jack was in full attention to all the sample images that DL command wanted to show to him.

"Also, they can't move their hands as you can see here", trying to pull out on image sample on the screen for Jack to see and understand.

"Only their heads and feet. BUT you only see some of the strongest living-dead because they are infected. Wait 'till you see the most powerful and strongest living-dead you will ever encounter, if they reaches the stage 3 of being an infected individual. It has its course Jack", DL command explain it perfectly.

Jack were stunt while holding his chin to his nose looking at those images DL command showing and trying him to analyze.

"What if we create a big speaker and in that speaker we will play the song that calms my son, do you think they will recover in it too just like my son?", With a questionable and in doubt he ask about his suggestion to DL command.

"Some will do, yes they would BUT we can't guarantee a full speedy back into normal. Because only 8% will be changing to that

person who is not yet crucially infected by the virus. There could be a possibility of them. But if they've gotten infected totally by the virus, we can longer had control on them", DL command thoroughly explaining to Jack the possibility of being infected by the virus.

"DL command is there any other way we can heal them still? Can you try to search another way on how we heal the living-dead?", Jack still don't lose hope on finding a way to cure those who are infected by the virus.

"Ok give me more time Jack to check and find out for the cure." DL command tries to look for an option on how to find for a cure.

Its been two hours already since DL command start searching.

"DL command did you find something?, "Jack asked.

"Not yet, I am still trying to figure it out. Give me more time to do so. ", DL command trying to look again, blank images in front of them.

No searching of images in front of them. And after another two hours, DL command can't find anything yet and Jack was already asleep waiting for the outcome.

It's already three in the morning, Jack was overthrown.

"DL command did you find anything?", Jack ask while rubbing his eyes and yawn.

But still DL command can't find anything,

"Sorry Jack, for now I can't give you any result about the cure." Jack was about to lost his temper in discovering about the cure but still tries to calm himself and command DL command.

"DL command I want you to set your program into a non-stop searching - for the cure." Jack said needed to plan on something.

"Okay Jack". And then the program were already been set.

"But DL command if there is a possibility that all people would turn out like a Living-dead. Can you tell me how many people do you think have survive?", without hesitation Jack suddenly slip into his tounge that question.

DL command directly said,

"For now Jack, there are only 2 survivors"....