
Jack's eyes widened when he heard about having only 2 survivors. Jack trying to think about it, who was that 2 survivors that he was been trying to say.

He thought one is him and the other one is his son so there's really 2 of them.

"Yes Jack, your thoughts are very clear", DL command guess it by the look on Jack's face.

"DL command you mean only me and my son? ", he ask just to make sure that was he was thinking was right.

"Can' t figure out other survivors Jack because my data says it so. And nobody is creating an information who has really survive the tragic cause of the virus", DL command says to come up with those confusion on Jack's face.

"And if nobody was creating an information, then it would really be hard to give a data record." DL command continues.

Jack can't think of a better way until an idea suddenly came out and he may need an answer to DL command.

"DL command can you show me the last news that was happen outside?" Jack ask wanted to know all the possibilities.

"Yes Jack, here let me show you.", DL command show a big screen on the air, it pops up the thing that happen outside and all over the world.

Jack saw the news that the President commanded the airforce to create an airstrike but the pilot was also infected by the virus while he is on his mission and he was about to fire the missile but suddenly he transformed into something.

Jack saw it all how the pilot has transform into a Living-dead. The strike of a missile gone wild, all the jet fighters release a missile anywhere in the city and it was a disastrous end of their mission.

The white house were also attack already by the living-dead because even all the army, police and other government officials got infected by the virus already. And found out in the video that the last news caster was already dead and that was the last news recorded from the USA.

Other countries has gone wild too, each and every person he saw was all had a crucial outcome. More deaths but more on the Living-dead.

What has happen to the world now? A single device made all this mess? Suddenly Jack felt helpless and depression attacks him because of what he saw with his own eyes. The tragic that happens to innocent people was only because of an Earphone? Oh what a mess! - Jack thought's is killing him with sadness.

Feeling sorry that he didn't saw that little thing that makes the earphone gone wrong. But it is out of his control now unless he can do something about it.

Jack is thinking if there are those who survive with it and not infected with the virus. Is there still someone out there whom he can really help or needed help? All of those were on

Jack's head. Full of questions, doubts, confusion, sadness but one thing that makes him still standing and strong is his son and wife. He needs to do something for his family and for the other survivor outside if there are still any. How can he possibly contact them? And how can those survivor know that we are still her?

And then he think of DL command,

"DL command, is there any possible way to locate other survivors? " he ask still with a lot of hope in his heart.

"That would certainty not be easy Jack. BUT we can do something about it.", DL command responded.

Without noticing not far away, that his son Austin was at the side near him listening to what he was saying with DL command. He was too shock with all the things he saw and heard regarding those things that was happening around the world. His eyes widened when he saw and figure out about those--- the living-dead. He got scared to let him show himself to his father. So he decided to go back to his room with his head full of questions that he needed his father's explanation.

Meanwhile at the room of his wife..

Her wife were starting to change, her physical appearance rapidly changes and her attitude became more aggressive. She also makes too much noise, because she can't figure out what was happening to herself. The pain is excruciating. Her eyes slowly turning into a little bloody red. And her head was moving like a crazy one. She want to get out from the bind that tie into her hands and feet. But she can't because she is too tired and weak.

DL command was trying to look and search for any object on how to locate survivor. There are lots of sample images shown in front of Jack. And he needed to focus on that thing that could make them a great of help.

A help that will make them easier to do on their job. What is that thing? The easiest and fastest way?

Jack has been thinking while still looking on the examples showing in front of him. He tried to navigate it one by one until he came up with something he knows it would be a great help for them and for the survivors to be located.

"There!" Jack pin pointed something on that image.

DL command stop searching and focus on what Jack's saw and he enlarge it to see what was that thing that would be.

"I needed to create on that little thing, and it will be put on the ground to make sure it can detect and search for a survivor", Jack continues to explain what's his idea about it.

You can see Jack's eyes full of happiness and more hope by what he was thinking on creating.

"And if this work, we can easily do what we needed to do", with a smile on his face he continues talking what would be the possible outcome of it.

"Could it be more of a great help Jack", DL command agree with Jack's idea.

And that thing was steady flash in front of him -an image of a SATELLITE.

For my Family...