Be Alert

Jack step back while he pulled the trigger of his gun and he took his aim to the living- dead that were running after him.

Lots of bullets were falling from his riffle. He hurriedly run his way back to where he can see the rays of the sun because that would make him save from the attackers (living-dead). He was still firing his gun, the gunshots echoed deafeningly in the confines of the station and he saw a living dead stagger and fall. But when he got close to the window where the sunlight can be seen, the others suddenly stop chasing after him when they saw that some of their kind where screaming in pain while they are being hit by the heat of the sun that cause themselves to melt.

Jack was panting while he was standing next to the window, he was surprise and shock of what just happen.

While the living-dead was still growling and hungry standing not far away from him - in the dark part of the room.

Jack no longer hesitated and hurriedly make his way out to the station while the living dead can't still move and run after him. He was very alert in what he is doing. He put all the guns he have got in the truck. And after that terrifying incident, he still manage to get into his truck that quick but barely hold the keys of his car to insert in the hole of car key. But then he successfully din even though his hands are shaking, he still manage to start the engine of his car.

Still panting and allowing his breath, he check his surroundings making sure nobody will suddenly attack him.

And next he checks his body if he got bitten or anything. Jack tries to relax himself, he reach his bottled water and gulped a little. He leaned his head against the headrest of his chair for a moment with his eyes closed. But then it was quick.

He thought that he still needed to go the convenience store so he immediately start to drive his car while looking at his rearview mirror, feeling happy that he was able to got weapons to use.

"I still need more." he thought to himself while driving away to the station back to the convenience store.

He was able to glance at his watch as he held the steering wheel. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon. There is only a little time left for him to get what he needs to pick up at the convenience store. He should be home before five.

So, realizing his time frame makes him drive faster so he could reach his way to the convenience store.

At the back of his mind,

"I still have time. Even if I only get a little stuff at the convenience store, it would be okay as long as I could get it in time." he said to himself while reaching his way to the convenience store.

He didn't hesitate any longer and he quickly got out from his car, took a gun from the back of his car and ran quickly in front of the convenience store. But while he was running he also took time to look around just incase someone might attack him. He pointed his riffle while he make his way inside, there are carts everywhere and even dead bodies.

Jack controlled himself looking at those scenarios and continue his way inside with his riffle. The convenience store was chaotic, there are lots of scattered pack of noodles, can goods, junk goods and many more. Milk even spilled on the floor that makes it so messy to step on.

Jack got whatever he gets in the shelves near him. He got food that was easy to prepare and more less its a ready to eat food, he took also a handy flashlight, batteries (lots of batteries).

He move quickly because he is running out of time and he was also hearing thise growling noise again at the room next to where he is.

He even saw a living-dead at cashier counter.

When his bag is fulled he immediately glance at his watch to check the time and it's going to be thirty minutes before three o'clock.

But when he could get out of the door, he saw a living - dead behind that door standing and growling. He looked around to check if there is an exit point of the store but unluckily that door was where he heard those loud and weird growling sounds. So he doesn't have a choice but to fo to the entrance door.

Living-dead didn't notice Jack, so Jack walk slowly trying not to make any noise. He walk at the other side of the door and stop for a couple of second on which way, he waits for the living-dead to move his head to the other way around where he could not see him.

When he turns his head, Jack immediately run to his car and quickly start the engine and drive his car far away from the convenience store and he gasped when he already knew that he was far from the convenience store.

Jack was very tired with those that he needed to encounter. He was still trying to chase his breath, he was panting like hell while driving his way back home.

While he was on his way home, he would be passing through those gigantic building before he could reach home and that includes his building. He suddenly stop driving and take a glance at all those buildings who were already been damage because of what has happen around. And his thought that it was all his fault.

Saddened remembering about it. After which, he suddenly remembers that he needed to get something from the laboratory in his office. He thought that he has still a lot of time (when he actually doesn't have enough time), so he decided to step out from his car. Took a gun and reload it with bullets for him to be ready to fire anytime. He quickly run his way to the main door of his building pointing his gun in front of him. He needed to be alert surround him, trying to focus himself.

When he step inside he saw a lot of bloods on the floor it was scattered everywhere, lots of dead bodies everywhere. All glasses of the building are already broken and you can see outside from it.

He frowned as he covers his mouth and nose with his left hand and continue to walk inside. He is moving quickly while taking a glance around him. It was quiet inside, and as he was walking he suddenly step on something.

'CREEEK!' because of that step he made, a loud sound created inside the building that was quiet.