The Elevator

Jack looked around the building. Nervous that there might be a living-dead that would suddenly attack him because of that noise he step on. He felt relieve when a couple of seconds, no one shows nor attack him.

He bow his head and take a look on that thing that he stepped on. He saw their family portrait that was hang on the hallway when the building was not yet destroyed. He felt sad. He tries to move his feet away from the portrait. Slowly, not making any noise. When he successfully did it he pick it up and fold it and put inside his bag.

After that, he tries to move away from those broken glasses that he might step on it again. Jack doesn't even want to make any noise as much as possible. Because he knows now that the attackers (living-dead) are triggered when hearing noise , loud noise specifically.

He continues to move his way inside, he take a last glance to the hallway that he used to make his walk upon entering the building. He was looking at his investment that was destroyed already.

When he reach his way near the elevator, he felt weird. He can't see any attackers but he can feel them as if they are around.

Unknowingly, that the attackers (living-dead) was actually everywhere in the dark side of those building. If only he doesn't need that thing he needed that was inside his lab, he won't be sacrificing entering to his building because he felt that it was not safe anymore. He look around him and then he quickly step inside the elevator, press number eighteen (18th floor) on the button at the side of the elevator. The floor where his lab is located in the building.

He was standing inside, hesitant if that thing he wanted was still inside his lab. But he still has hope that it was still in there.

Meanwhile, on the 18th floor, living-dead was everywhere squeezing each other in one place and the other one was near his lab. It was dark outside his laboratory, and that's the only place that a living-dead might wanted to stay in that building.

'TIIING!' sound of an elevator that stop, he was confuse if he already reaches 18th floor.

The elevator opens and he barely step outside and looked up to the upper part of the elevator where you will see the floor where you stop. He frowned looking at it because it was on the 16th floor not 18th floor. He was about to enter inside the elevator when he saw the attackers getting their way to where he is. He hurriedly press the button to close the elevator, his hands where shaking while continuously pressing the button. He were looking to the attackers that was about to get near him. But before they could even get closer to him , the elevator closed.

He was shakingly nervous, he even hold his chest because of nervousness. He was panting like he run a miles away. Jack gasped as he was looking at those button of the elevator because he know that in any minute the elevator would reaches the 18th floor.

'TING!' and that was the sign that he is already on the 18th floor.

He slowly step outside the elevator, he look around and he saw on his left side those living-dead and they were looking right on his way.

Upon hearing the elevator ring, the attackers run to where the sound is. They can move freely because it was dark inside the lab and there are no window that the rays of the sun can enter to that floor.

Jack immediately step back inside the elevator and press the button many times.

"OH PLEASE! Come on!", he said while shackingly pressing the close button of the elevator.

Footsteps running, growling sound are those thing that Jack heard while inside the elevator. It was getting closer and closer to where he is. His sweat was all over his face already because still the elevators doesn't want to close.

Jack pointing his riffle in front of him just incase attackers will suddenly be right in front of him. Upon the elevator close one of the attackers were suddenly reaches the door of the elevator and inserted his hand that makes the elevator open back again. Jack fire his riffle many times to kill the attackers. The sound of his riffle was all over the building.

The attackers (living dead) that was everywhere heard those and goes quickly to where the sound located. They were triggered, run on their way with their growling and sniffing sounds. There are lots of them.

Jack run out of bullet from his riffle, he uses to smash the attacker and reaches his pistol on his waist and fire it in his head.

'BANG! BANG! BANG!' ! The attacker stagger and fall down.

He kicked the body outside so the elevator closes. And before the attackers get near him, that's the time the elevator suddenly closes.

Elevator went down to the ground floor, Jack was chasing his breath out. He was very very exhausted already. He tries to stand up properly waiting the elevator to stop so he can go out from it. He hopes that going to the ground floor (where he enters the building) is the best idea.

He take a glance at his watch wherein its covered with blood by the attackers. He wipes it in his pants and glance back to it. The time is already 4:45 in the afternoon, fifteen minutes before five.

And he thought it will at least be the best idea because it could have still the sunlight out in the hallway.

'TING!' the sound of elevator and it suddenly open.

He look around his surrounding before making a move way out from the elevator. He sees no one, he slowly step out reload his gun and pointing it in front of him. His head can't stop from looking around. He walks at the lobby and about to run his way to the door but he saw the attackers (living-dead) at the dark side area of the lobby. And there are many of them, he stops from moving and quickly went to where the lights of the sun came from. He walks in there.

Living-dead can't attack him because they are afraid of the heat of the sun. They can't get near him and that saves him from them.

But looking at them, they wanted to get near Jack and they are hungry from his blood but still they are just sniffing and growling from a far because they can't get to where he is.

That's the time Jack move his ass quickly out from that building. He successfully did. He take a glance to his watch and it's already 5 o'clock already.

Jack hurriedly run his way to his car, he press on the remote of his car to unlock it and because of that it makes a loud noise AGAIN.

The Nearest building echoed from the sound that came from the unlocking remote of Jack's car and those living-dead that was there heard it.

But luckily to Jack because they can't get near him, they just stay in front of the building where darkness reside because they can't be seen by the rays of the sun. It will make them melt from the heat of it.

Jack look at them from his car, those weird growl and sniffing sounds they make make him more nervous.

How can they be possibly treated or can they still be treated? he thought about that while starting his engine and drive away from the building.