
Jack was done doing the dishes and reach for his phone and was about to check on something when he saw his son rushing his way to the elevator. Jack out of his curiosity where he might be going decided to quickly followed his son.

The elevator opens and Austin was about to step inside when someone grab his hand. He startled. He turn around and saw his father.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jack ask while holding Austin tightly enough not to let go of him.

"Dad what's wrong? You're holding me so tight." Austin was confuse with his father's reactions.

Trying to shook off his arms that his father was holding. The elevator suddenly closes when no one enters inside.

"I'll let got if you told me where you're going?" Jack was firm in his questions and so Austin stop shooking off his hand.

"I-I just want to get something in my room. Upstairs. Can't I go?", Austin responded trying to explain himself.

With curiosity Austin wanted to know why his father stop him from going upstairs.

"Oh that. I will just be the one to get it later. Will be going out in a bit." Jack said while loosening his grip into Austin's arms.

"But I can do it. I will just be the one to get it. What's the big deal?" Austin was so eager to go upstair and also wanted know why his father was acting so weird.

Austin can see it all over his father's face.

"N-no I mean you can. But you need to focus on the files I gave you. Remember? You don't need to use the headset for you to understand it so well." Jack trying to avoid the things that Austin wanted to know in the first place.

"You can put high the volume just to consume the needed volume.", Jack continues.

"Can you just do that for me?" Jack trying to pleased his son with his serious looks of begging.

He doesn't want Austin to go anywhere aside from his room and the kitchen room in the lab.

"Okay. Okay. I will do that. I'm going to my room now." Austin responded while trying to point his way to his room.

He walk his way to disappointed and confused why his father needed to act like that as if he did something wrong. He only wanted to go upstairs and get his headset and also to know what it looks like upstairs. It's been a long time since then. He has his thought while walking his way to his room.

Jack was taking his glance at him while walking. Jack can't take a risk, if anything happens to his son if he didn't saw him earlier. Just thank God he was just there before he could step inside the elevator.

Jack talk to DL command.

"DL command would you mind to look for me, the nearest convenience store? Aside of course from the first convenience store I went. It might not be safe to go back there twice." He ask.

DL command quickly search for the nearest convenience store and let Jack look at it. He put an image in front to look vividly by Jack.

"Jack it's 8 blocks from your house. And it will be ten to twelve minutes before you can reach it. The name of the store is Circle Convenience Market.", DL command show him closely the image of the convenience market that he told.

Jack look at it, memorize the look of it and the way to go there. Jack suddenly thought of something.

"DL command about the one I have let you search for. Did you already found something?", Jack was talking about the other survivor if there are.

"I'm still trying to figure it out Jack. Still searching for it.", DL command quick respond.

Jack change his clothes for a better protection of himself. A lighter one. A pair of jeans. A plain black shirt. And a black bomber jacket. And the riffle that he hides underneat his bed.

After that, he quickly move his ass out and walk his way to the elevator. But before he could step inside, he suddenly thought of taking a glance to his son. He slowly move his way to his room. And slowly open his door, he saw him taking a look at those files.

Austin never heard the opening of the door. He was busy looking at those files. Jack slowly close the door and he walk his way to the elevator.

'DING' elevator chimes.

He step inside and went upstairs. Because of what happen, he always make sure to stay safe and move slowly not making any single noise as much as possible. He take a look around the house. Checking it. And then he walk to the other car they have. And before he could get in, he tries to check on his riffle that he was holding before he could start to move. He was a bit restless upon looking at his only one magazine that was left in his riffle. Now is the time to be more careful so that he could atleast save some on his bullet when firing.

He thought of not going anymore but then he needed to get some food because they don't have a lot of stock on their cabinet already. He didn't want that his son would be questioning him again and AGAIN. That thought makes him roll his eyes out of nowhere. He knows his son, he's smart and got a lot of questions on everything. He gasp.

And then decided to ride in the car. He reminded himself that he needed to be more cautious on everything he does this time. Be alert.

"can do this!" He said to himself upon starting the engine of the car.

Then he slowly drive his way out to their house.

Before Jack could go anywhere in the city. He can still pass through the house of his friend where he hide himself last night.

The body of those attackers(living-dead) was fled everywhere because of the explosion that was made. Those are just a tiny percentage of attackers that was killed.

Never known that there are more of them. That it would be the least thing Jack would be expecting...