Circle Convenience Market

Jack was driving and was taking a glance to the surroundings he could pass through. And he took a look to his friends house where he can see the bodies of attackers that was fled away by the explosion that was made last night.

Remembering what he'd came through makes him weakened. He didn't thought he could make it through that worst night. But the possibility that he was alive after that makes him more stronger to face all those attackers (living-dead). Obviously not the strongest ones and he didn't know about them yet.

And then he continues to look his way in front and drive his way to the convenience market.

"Did I pass it?" he speak to himself while his head was looking around and familiarizing where he was.

And then he check on the signage if what blocks he was in. He was on the 5th blocks, three more blocks and he will reach Circle Market.

He Drive his way there until he saw a signage readable as circle Convenience Market. The signage was damage and there are missing letters on it. But as he was realizing what DL commands shows him earlier.

"This is it." He said while reading it on his mind with the missing letters and as he take a glance to a signage on the road trying to look if there was it.

But he can't find it. It was all gone and damage because of what was happen to the city.

He stop the car and he reaches for his riffle and tries to find something sharp that he could probably use as an extra weapon just in case he may be out of bullet from his riffle. He saw at the side of the car- a foldable blade. He got it and place it in his pocket. And then he step out of his car. Slowly. While he was looking out his surroundings.

Then he started to walk right in front of the Circle Market. He was pointing his riffle in front of him and he slowly step his foot inside of the Circle Market. Pointing his gun to his left and then to his right. And then in front of him. He saw a cart and got two of it and slowly push it without trying to make a loud noise. He felt that no one was around him so he grabbed the can goods from the first shelve that he pass through. Lots of can goods. Noodles. Milk. Drinks. And the rest that they importantly need in the lab.

He was about to step his foot turn around to the shelves when he saw a body of an attacker (living-dead) on floor. He was startled. But Jack was able to concentrate. He tries to observe the body, his body was melted like an ice cream. You can also see the bones in his face through out his body peeking out already. He was disgusted and wanted to vomit but he just covered his mouth and continue to walk away to that melting body.

And then he saw another one, the face was broken like it was smash out until it get killed. He tiptoed and tried to avoid the body then quickly move straight to the last shelves wherein the fridge of frozen goods was next beside it. He got some frozen goods too, that was left. Jack got himself a bacon and hotdog only.

And then he take a glance to the shelves next to it and saw a lot of chocolates in it. He was particular looking at those pack of kisses chocolate and smirk out of it because it's Austin's favorite of all the best chocolates it could be found. He got more and put it also in the cart. He really should be moving quickly.

And he check the two carts he has in him.

The cart was full and the other one as well. He really got they need he thinks. He hung the riffle on his side with the strap in it so he could easily fire if he will be encountering an attackers (living-dead).

He push the cart with his left hand and the other one with his left foot. But it was really hard for him and he was making a lot of noise every time the cart is not moving the way he wanted to push through. So he decided to push the first cart and move his ass out into his car. He put all that he got at the trunk of his car. He was riding in and then reach for his riffle and went back inside the Circle Market to get the other cart he left behind. Pointing his gun in front of him. He looks his surroundings until he reaches on the nearest shelve the other cart he left and tries to push it. Quickly and it was making a lot of noise so he slowly push it until he heard those weird sound again.

He stop for a minute and check out his surrounding without moving where he was and upon stepping out to the door. He saw at the cashiers window an attackers who were growling and sniffing looking at his direction. It was dark where they are that's why he didn't saw them earlier. There were two of them.

And Jack was starting to get nervous so he immediately push the cart out of the Convenience store and put all the things he got in his cart to the trunk of his car. It was a massively space at the trunk of his car, but he even got those others things he got at the backseat of his car. When he finally done putting all the things he got. He was able to take a glance to his watch.

"Oh shocks!" he spoke in the air when he saw that it was already 11:30 in the morning.

And he were thinking about Austin. He might be hungry by now. Jack immediately step inside the car and drive it going back home.

And while he were driving he was trying to think of his next plan. He got some stocks of food. It might be as well not immediately depleted.

"What else do I need?" he were trying to think while saying those words.

A clear idea went through his mind.

'A GUN. A WEAPON.' Exactly what he really needs for him to fight those attackers (living-dead) that might kill them in an instant bite.

"I might need to go base of all those weapons I need. The police station is the first option." Jack said while driving and getting near to their house.

He take a look at his watch again and saw that it was fifteen minutes before twelve.

Jack were always checking on his time because for him it is the most important thing in every moves he make. Since before it was really important especially when he was still creating the earphone that causing all these things to happen.

Jack stop his car when he already reached home and a time for him to stop his thought on his mind from the past. He step outside of the car and check the stocks at the trunk and was thinking how could he possibly carry all those. He tries to look for a bag. He move those groceries and find out at least a big shopping bag that was always at the trunk of the car.

"At least I got these." Jack says as he started to put all the necessary foods they need and things he got.

Went to the backseat and got those necessary things they needed the most and put in the bag. After he saw that it was already been full and no space to put. He got his gun holding and fastened the riffle strap on his right shoulder and holding the bags full of goodies on his left hand. And he is good to go.

While on his way down inside the elevator he was already thinking what he was going to cook until he heard the elevator chimes. He step outside the elevator and got an idea what to cook. He walk straight to the kitchen. Forgot to hide his riffle that hebhas in him.

Unknowingly, that Austin was already out there waiting for him.