Red Beast

“My boss was right, you are really beautiful. That's why I couldn't let you be devoured by those disgusting beings. How ironic is that? My giant devoured those hairy devouring parasites. But you should leave. Well, you never know.”

After one last ironic bow, he went to catch up with the others. But he heard the beast's hoarse cries of gratitude.

The boss chooses a terrace on a huge tree to settle down for the night.

“We'll be fine here.”

Gurk then inspected the place with his endless pessimism.

“Are you sure, boss? We are very high here.”

“That's just what we need, you idiot," he replied. “So that strange creatures and eating flesh don't get to us while we sleep.”

“But who will stand guard then?” Inquired the cowardly henchman again.

“Don't worry, it won't be you the idiot, the boss reassured him, scornful. You're too stupid to guard your own body. Even a dead man can do better.”

Quioppe added, looking at him ironically.