Another even deeper silence followed this statement.
"I'm sorry Omerie, sorry that my father didn't love you, and never will."
Omerie gasped, then stopped and turned to Vradiome, who did the same and calmly held his fairy's shocked, then furious, and now so demented look that it was pitiful.
"So you know."
She sneered.
"Obviously, why should I still be surprised, when it's that person's blood that runs through your veins."
"Blood that you so desire, another thing in between, but that you will never have."
Vradiome shook his head.
"Wasting so much time envying, hating, cursing a being for what will never be, and especially wasting time pretending to be what you weren't - someone good. You obviously don't know it, but to us zeog, it's all just a pitiful act and feeling."
Omerie bit her lips before nodding.