At the very moment when Vradiome was finally alone, alone for the first time outside the palace, the cold seized him and numbed his body.
He finally let the fear and torment take hold of him and overwhelm him for a moment.
"What will I do now?"
He had thought to take with him in his pockets and bag that made visible, some spells and energy foods that will last about three months, but no more.
First, he had to seek shelter for the night, even if that shelter had to be outside in the open air, as long as it
was safe enough for him to rest for a night or even a few nights.
He forced himself to walk and wander through the busy alleys, getting into them without betraying the slightest fear, and exploring what he had to offer as well as his nature. If everything was really only evil and suffering as Omerie had specified with delight and anticipation, and ignoring the reprisals she herself would suffer for this unforgivable fault.