Zane started the car and they drove off.
“Where we going now Chief?” Johnson asked.
“We’re going to see the next informant,” Zane said. Zane was in a quandary. He did not know if Johnson could be trusted. If Johnson couldn’t be trusted the last thing he wanted to do was reveal another source to a corrupt cop.
Instead of driving to the next informant, Zane drove out of town to a deserted farmhouse. They slowed and turned off onto the dirt road. They drove up the dirt road and Zane parked in front of the house. He turned off the car and climbed out.
Johnson climbed out and closed the door.
“Are we really meeting someone here?” Johnson asked.
Zane stood on the other side of the vehicle. His body was hidden and he drew his gun without Johnson noticing. Then training his gun on Johnson he stepped forward.
“Give me your gun,” Zane said. “Nice and slow.”