Chapter 28

After Zane left, Brian called Johnson over to his desk. When Johnson came over Brian stood.

“Come with me,” he said to Johnson.

Johnson followed Brian to Zane’s office. Brian closed the door and they sat down in the chairs in front of Zane’s desk facing one another. Brian looked around conspiratorially.

“Listen, Johnson. You’re new here. Some of the other officers here and I, don’t want to see you get caught in the crossfire. The chief’s under suspicion for corruption. Normally I go everywhere with him but I think it’s strange that he cut me out this morning and put you in my place. It worries me. I need to warn you to be careful. The Chief’s in big trouble if he’s involved in the corruption we’re talking about and I suggest you stay as far away from him as you can without making him suspect you know anything, okay?”

“Why?” Johnson asked.