Chapter 29

“What is it Chief?”

“I think you’ve made the right decision taking leave now.”

“Why? What do you mean?”

“There’s a lot of trouble coming to this city Johnson. It’s not coming, it’s already here. It just hasn’t happened yet. I want you to know that I like you and you’re an asset to the team. I also think that right now, you’re making the right decision. If I was in your position, I would do the same thing. Take time off.”

“Thanks, Chief,” Johnson said.

“I want you to know something else.”

“Yes, Chief?” Johnson swallowed guiltily.

“You can tell me anything. I’m here to listen. Whatever you tell me goes no further than it has to. I’m on your side. Okay?”

Johnson looked at Zane a long time as if he were considering something before he finally nodded. “Okay Chief. Got it. Thanks.”