Chapter 1: BLOOD MARCH

"A long long time ago, when a tiger used to smoke...," an old lady starts telling her stories to the children about a legend, by the time they were playing in front of the old lady's hut. "There was a man with his ambitions that is greedy and a very selfish one. Leading a clan, to pursue his needs in a never-ending lust of wealthiness. He never gives a single silver, and not even a grain to give his people," she tells it.

As the old woman retold the legends;

(Took back from the year 1698)

???- Who dares to insult me with your wisdom, but not your strength, HUH!!

Unknown- I am...

Everybody looks at him, afraid that the young man could get hurt by this sadistic, cold-hearted man that only wants reputation and land. But, everything changes when a young man mocks a selfish leader with full of courage and sapience in him. "How dare you mock me like an animal!",  said the selfish leader with a tone that could kill someone with his sword. The young man pointed at him and said "Because you are like one...".

Then the selfish man wields his sword from his scabbard and slashes through his entire chest causing his chest to bleed continuously, but then his entire body suddenly froze. His body no longer moves and his eyes start to burn like furious fire, his head turns red like fire and growing two horns on his head resembling like a demon head, his skin dried out, and all that they can describe him as a living demon. The young man that have been slashed, was still alive, seeing the man forming some kind like a demonic creature that resembles a Diablo, a hellish demon from the 10th Rank of the Demon Champions.

Without a second glance, the demonic-looking creature swiftly takes the man's sword and severed his head off before his form is complete. His form was complete and with his new ability, he turned every soldier that was with him, into his slave minions and the village have been destroyed by them.

(Returning in the year 1998, the present-day)

"That is how it happened at that time before you were even born," she said. All of the children are trembling and afraid it'll happen like that. "Granny, w-what...what h-happens...n-next...?" a young sweet little girl asked with such bravery but yet scared and wanting to know more about the story. An old woman giggles and tries to comfort them. "It doesn't there my little kittens," She said.

(The year 1699)

Commander Suzuki- General, what should we do now, this town is about to fall.

General Kaneki- We have no other option but to wait for him. Plus, he'll be bringing a large number of armies. So, we have to be patient.

Commander Suzuki- How long should we wait for him. They almost conquered half of our land.

General Kaneki- We must wai-

Commander Suzuki- ARGH F*** IT. I must save this town all by myself. (walks out of the meeting room)

General Kaneki- Commander Suzuki!!! You'll not gonna do it all by yourself. Come back here.

The general proceeds to pursue him but he didn't listen to his calling, just hoping that he will end this for good. By the time they go out from the headquarters, something above them catches their eyes, a big fiery fireball comes down towards their headquarters. It's too late for him to save his general because, by the time he got outside, the headquarters exploded. Bodies become ashes, the blood becomes fuel and the headquarter is now turned into dust.

Meanwhile, in the village, people living there are being tortured, women being brutally raped, kids being butchered for their food source, men turn into deadly minions that have been controlled by Andras, the seventh Diablo champion.

Andras- Find me the purest blood like milk, soft meat as a steak, and innocent as an Angel Gabriel. (screech voices)

After Suzuki heard it, he quickly tries to save the princess from getting captured.

He checked everywhere, her room, hideout, her personal space that she usually hangs out.. none. But then he heard a female screaming for help and it was her.

Princess- Suzuki!!! Help me!!!

Commander Suzuki- Princess!!!

The minions' captured her before him. But, the blessings allowed him to save the princess. With his mightiest sword made out of steel and the toughest armor made out of iron, he made his goal to save Her Highness.

Princess- God grants you, you save my life, Dear Suzuki.

Suzuki turns his face to a reddish face as he felt embarrassed.

Commander Suzuki- Uhm... can we talk about this later, you got to get outta here as fast as possible or otherwise...

Princess- Otherwise what, Onii-san?

Suddenly, Suzuki falls onto her, and then she sees his back is in bad condition.

Princess- Onii-san!!!! Please...don't die... PLEASE!!!!

Commander Suzuki- Please... save our unborn

Princess- No... (cries)

After the princess mourns his death, the minions catch up and surround her in the corner. With an urge for meat and lust.

Minion- Flesh...

The minions went after her as fast as lightning. Nevertheless, they die in failure when an ally comes to save the princess.

Soldier 1- Your Highness, you must leave this town. Now!

Princess- I won't leave him here. There's hope right..? There is...

Soldier 2- (checks the body) I'm sorry Your Highness, but your husband is no longer has a soul.

Commander 1- Squad 1, Formation!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soldier 1- Your Highness, save yourself!

Princess- W-who...w-will..take c-care off my c-child... (child)

???- Come with me... now.

The princess saw him as a hero, she was thankful.

Princess- The prophecy... it's true...his here.

Soldier 3- Hero Kazuma is here!!!!!!

Kazuma- We have to get outta here, Your Highness.

She finally follows his order and leaves the town quickly as soon as possible.

Kazuma- Seems this Diablo has awoken once again. We must crush him. Legions!!! KOGEKI!!!!!

Everyone and Kazuma himself attack the minions one by one. Drops of blood spilled all over the town and the building in the village was destroyed, just left with the demon and his mind-controlling slaves.

Kazuma- Here we are... we meet again... Andras...


Kazuma- Try me.

Kazuma challenged Andras into a duel, a fight to the death, angering Andras as he never lost a single fight during his battle after he lost his duel from him.


Luckily, Kazuma avoids it. Andras growls and releases the fire in his body causing that one town to burn with blazing fire. Kazuma using his protected shield, Sfera he blocked the attack.

Kazuma- Last form of Archangel of light, Light Speed...OVERDRIVE!!!!!!!!!!

Soldier 1- Kazuma!!!!

Kazuma- Take care of Her Highness.

After that, he ends up killing himself to kill Diablo's champions and save everyone in town.


"After the incident, the princess is safe and she borns a cute, beautiful child and gave him the name, Kazuma...The End," she ended up the legend's story. Everyone was joyful and some of them feel sad because of the incident.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go home kids," she laughs.

"Bye Granny, thanks for the story," children saying goodbye to the grandmother.

"Hmm, okay, now where was I?" suddenly she changed her true form after the children left.

But, the story isn't finished from there...