Chapter 1.5: Blood March

I, Takeru Suzuki, a mature teenager and living a peaceful life since the last war in the year 1945, where Hiroshima and Kyoto were attacked by other nations and during that time, our empire was rising, conquering almost the whole Asian-Pacific Ocean. My father was once a soldier at that time and sacrificed his life, bringing glory to their nation and honor. At the time I was still inside in my mother's womb. After days passed, the atmosphere changed. A lot of inventions were created, scholarships, and wise leaders were born. After the war, I was born.

Now, the year is 1962, I am now graduating at the age of 17 years old. I hope my mother could see this, at least. (smiles)

Takeru is very thrilled to see that he graduated from school. On his way home, he was practicing how to express his success to his mother, but he is still struggling.

Takeru- Okaa-san, look, I had graduated. (opens the front door). Moshi Moshi?

After opening the door, seeing there is no one at home other than me. But with a short realization, there is blood dripping down from the ceiling, With a shocked face and quickly running up to the stairs and bashing through my mother's door and I saw me.. mother's body.. laying on the floor.. bleeding non-stop...

Takeru- Okaa-saan!!!!!!!!!!!

Mother- It's okay my dear, you'll be happy without me.

Takeru- Stop saying like that! I'll- I'll get help, just-

Mother - It's okay my son...

Takeru- Nonsense! Just.. just hang in there.. help will be on their way... Who did this to you?!

Mother- Don't go after them, they're too dangerous... Please.. please take care of your sister...

Soon after that, she is no longer breathing, hearing her last breath, tears start pouring down from my eye like raindrops, mourning her death, regretting everything. But soon I heard a little girl scream assuming it is my little sister, I quickly search the house for my sister, to see if she is okay or not. Soon I found her hiding under the dining table, seeing her scars on her forehead, calming her down, and easing her pain. In a moment, I saw white liquid draining from her body, indicating someone "used" her. She's just a 13 years old girl, beautiful as a flower, cuter as a cat.

Takeru- Arrgghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aiko- Onii...(hsk)... it h-h-hurts...

She barely can't hold her crotch and lose her virginity to some man. Who did this madness!? He must be crazy and crave such pedophilia acts, such a scumbag.

Takeru- you know who did this?

She shook her head as if she didn't know who did that to her. I have no choice but to report to the police station and bring her to the hospital.

Now it is the year 1967, there is no news from the police after several years. I have no choice but to do it by myself anyway. I don't give a f*** to someone who uses my sister as their hooker, even she is adopted by my mother.

Takeru- Aiko-chan. Can I have a word for you?

Aiko- Ahh... s-sure.

We walk to the living room, asking her several questions. Hopefully, she gives me some information on that day that happened. Now that she is 18 years old and much more pretty than last time when I first saw her at the orphanage, she was the least pretty girl amongst other girls but she has a good heart other than the girls at the orphanage. Saying this in my mind feels like she is like my sister. Well, it is not that we are related or something.

Aiko- So, what do you want to talk about, onii-chan?

Takeru- Remember that time you've been.. "used"?

Aiko's face instantly turns red as she is embarrassed to hear that again. "Uhm... yea...?" she replied.

Takeru- I wanted to know who did this to you. Even if you didn't know him, at least you remember some of it.

Aiko- Umm...

She is still embarrassed because I understand how she went through before. But it is not that I wanted to know!

Takeru- Alright, just.. calm down. I understand how you feel at that time. But I need the details of him like tattoos, accessories, or anything you saw back then.

Aiko- ...

Takeru- Well?

Aiko- I barely couldn't see his face because at that time the room was dark. All I saw were his earrings.

Takeru- What does it look like?

Aiko- It's like... Onni-chan!!! Look out!!!

She pointed her finger at the window, seemingly she was pointing at something that catches her eyes, she pushed me and suddenly bullets starts firing at us. Then I look outside carefully and saw a man wearing some kind of samurai-looking military suit.

Aiko then said, "That's.. him.." she stutters while looking at the man.

It is unusual to me but I barely feel their feelings and intentions to kill someone like me or my sister. Nevertheless, I had no idea why that man wanted to kill us. Or maybe he is...

Man- Oi... Give back the girl to us... she belongs to me.

Takeru- What!?

Aiko- Shh!!! Please don't...please...

Takeru- What do want her alive rather than kill us instead?!

The man then replied to him, "None of you god damn business! You also know why I wanted her" laughs sinisterly as he threatens him by taking his only sister.

That's just a reason why he wanted her... just to marry her!? She has a daughter, Anita Suzuki, and her age is 5 years old. Argh... I'm so f****** jealous. I wish I had one. On the other hand, what the hell I'm thinking about that in this type of situation. I must protect her and her bloodline.

Takeru- Huh... Is that so, Su-to-ren-ja (stranger)? I am still not gonna give my sister in the hands of!

The man chuckles and said "Is that so? Then tell me why then? Why can't I have your sister? Both of you are not even related!"

Takeru- How did you... Arghh!! How did you even know that we are not even related?!

Man- Hehe... Do you remember the time of your mother dying breath?

After Takeru hears that, he then gets a flashback of her mother laying down on the floor in her bedroom.. bleeding... He was about to fall apart as he wanted to burst into tears but he hold it back in. Assuring himself that he can do this.

Takeru- Yea?! What about it?!

Man - I offer her that she will live on if she let me marry her daughter when she is old enough. She then explains to me that her daughter was not her real daughter, as she was adopted by her. Regardless, she denies that she will not give me anything even her adopter daughter. I assured her that I was not bluffing about it but then she still doesn't want to give me anything. So yea, I did the unthinkable, by killing her and raping her daughter to mark it as mine.

Takeru- Wh- Why? Why would you do this?!

The man then gives him his smug face and then said "Because I can.", he then laughs.

Takeru- You... You absolute mother-f***er... I hope you rot in hell!

Man- Heh... Try me.

Takeru- You ain't gonna have my sister and why? Because I am her man!

Sh*t! Why did I say that nonsense? But she still seems calm and relieved. So... am I her man for real? For years I've been here with her and she felt that too. Well, that's nonsense. I'm her brother. Nevertheless, I wish though.

Man- Huh... If that so, then I should take-away your wife from you.

Takeru- Go ahead.

But little did he know, he doesn't know what I am capable of, using the hidden ability that I've kept for many years now. He starts firing bullets at me with his M-17 rifle gun with a drum magazine, yet I manage to dodge the bullets from him, how lucky I am. As his gun is out of bullets, he then reloads the gun with an unusual magazine, not a normal magazine that is used by the military or the police force.

Man- Lot of tricks aye? I think I underestimated you too much. But you won't get away with this! Merciless Berserker!

Takeru- (Shock) What...

He starts firing his weapon, but then he was not firing bullets made out of the lead but made out of silver? Which is hard to make, but how did he manage to make tons of those, is he in some kind of a secret organization or something? I have no clue. I managed to dodge his bullets made out of silver with my speed and agility, still, hearing that line, it's like I heard it somewhere. But I am still confused about how he makes those bullets made out of silver. With a clouded mind inside my head, he managed to hit me in the chest with his bullets.

Takeru- Argh!!!!

Falling to the ground, bleeding everywhere, feeling the silver bullet burning inside my chest.

Man- Heh... I'm surprised that you can dodge some of the bullets. Any last words? Dill-weed.

Takeru- our family...

After that, bullets fired into my head, piercing into my skull and my brain resulting at the end of me. Maybe, it's the end of me. I couldn't save her from him, and I really can't do anything. I'm a goner now. I no longer walk in this world anymore.

(BACK TO 1945)

???- Where am I? Am I dead?

???- have to save her. Please!!!

Doctor- We tried our best...

Wait... hold up... am I???

???- Tomioka... Itoh... your mother... Is gone.. (tears drop)

My name is... Tomioka Itoh. Born in the year 1945. But this time at another place called Osaka. I lost my mother and I had a father. His name is Akio Itoh. If it's my fate, should I save my sister once again?

(1967, present-day, Takeru's death)

Aiko- Onni-chan!!!

Man- Get her!!!!!

I, Aiko Suzuki, Takeru's adopter sister, saw everything, telling me to run away, so I took my daughter and run as fast as I can. Although we manage to escape from him, there is an announcement, happened to be an emergency.

Announcer- Warning. Citizens that are hearing this announcement must evacuate the city now! The Blood March is happening from the north side. Evacuate the city, immediately!

Anita- Okaa-san... what's going on?

I can't even answer my daughter's question because this is a bizarre war. And...and...

???- Oi! Come with me if you want to live!!

Aiko- Cmon, sweetie.

I followed the man... but I have no clue who he was as I have no other option to go...