Tour of Altissa's Entertainment District

{Author's Note: Drop those stones if you're loving the book and I'll keep dropping chapters! Leave a review if you're feeling it as well!}

As Mr. Lee and the plump man who is now known to be Kyle make their way through the new entertainment district, it is apparent that Mr. Lee, at least at this very moment, has gotten over his death in The Four Nations.

In front of them lay a beautiful and bustling district with many Travelers who all wore smiles. Kyle took the disgruntled Traveler to many of the new venues and locations ending the tour by getting him checked into a room known as the SAO Inn. No one knows why these shops have these names but it is theorized that these are easter eggs planted by Mr. Oscars.

This theory became the mainstream consensus when a post on the forums hit No.1 on the hot list entitled "The Transmigratory Jasmine Dragon" in which the author posted images of the shop on main street Altissia and main street Ba Sing Se, the capital of the earth kingdom in TFNs.

It was glaringly apparent that all of these novel shops were a part of the worlds that Divers will be heading into and it made those Travelers as well as typical Netizens excited...

[Netizen 69: Whoooo!!! I'm loving this amazing new world. I would give my left nut for the chance to live in this beautiful city. I'd be one of the guys doing odd jobs to get Raven's because there ain't no way in heck daddy is going to go through what that earthbending streamer did...gutted with a knife.....yeesh... I know it isn't real but the pain...props to my man]

[Netizen 10: I know dude! That girl was a smoke show but also extremely terrifying, Mr. Oscars could at least create a world that wasn't so real right? Maybe a game for the casuals? HEAR ME OH GREAT ONE! YOUR GRANDFATHER NEEDS AN EASY WAY TO MAKE SOME RAVEN's]

[Netizen 99: Shut up you wimps, if you don't have the balls to face TFNs then you can just go back to BSU. Us Divers can handle things here in Altissia]

[Netizen 3: YOU COCKY B@$ARDS! We don't have to die if we don't wanna, we pay much more Raven Coins to you Divers for each and every item than you do to the Pavillion and you know that! It's an economy, if you don't like us then don't sell to us, otherwise STFU!]


Slowly, the online discussion devolved into an argument just as it has been for the past few weeks. However, tensions seemed to be loosening up as it has been getting better: Humans are creatures with adaptability like no other. The new economy, hierarchy, and society in Altissia have been formed and are slowly cementing and eventually, the sparks will begin to die out.

Hopefully, there will be no more 'bar fights' before that happens...those Seraph Peacekeepers can be hardcore sometimes, which is something the Travelers have come to realize.


A certain cohort of Travelers, those with an interest in The Arts, is attending the first-ever "Festival of the Worlds Arts" hosted in the biggest venue in the entertainment district. It's a theater that was rented from the Altissia Management Bureau for an evening at the price of a couple of thousand Ravens.

The hosting group is comprised of solely non-Divers and is a group of individuals who have banded together to find their niche within the city of Altissia.

The entry price isn't cheap and no streaming is allowed without paying for every viewer that is watching. Some streamers took this chance to amass TONS of money by simply asking each viewer who wished to watch the show to pay an unnecessarily large amount of money and the streamer would pay their Raven Coin fee...


Slowly the venue began to fill and the lights dimmed as the host of tonight's event welcomed all Travelers to the theater both those attending in person and those watching over streams...

"Again, thank you all for your attendance at the first-ever Arts Festival here in Altissia and we want to thank the ever-present Mr. Oscars for giving us this opportunity..." although Raven wasn't there, everyone understands that because he created this world he can observe anything within it so they treated it as if he was there...

After the clapping stopped the announcer continued..."First up for the night, please help me welcome to the stage the musician Stan Hope. He will be playing a few pieces of music obtained from The Four Nation's various kingdoms and cultures..."

.... *Clapping*...