Announcement and Next Move

Sitting on the stool in the middle of the elevated stage holding a pear-shaped, four-stringed wooden instrument (Pipa) plucking away a soothing tune, Mr. Hope began to sing in a saddened and gruff voice...

.....*Strings Plucking Rhythmically*...

"Leaves from the vine, Falling so slow...

Like fragile tiny shells, Drifting in the foam...

Little soldier boy, Come marching home?...

Brave soldier boy Comes marching home..."

...*Repeat Twice More*.....

Many listeners began to cry as they read the backstory of this little song online. The Diver who sold this song to the Arts Group had fallen asleep (within TFNs) in the bushes near a lone tree sitting atop a hill. He awoke only to see an older man crying and burning incense in front of a picture, mourning the loss of a loved one...

He said the older man, after mourning for a while, turned towards the bush and asked the young man if he would like some tea...eventually, the Diver accepted a Job in the man's tea shop located in Ba Sing Se which he owned with his nephew, but that's a story for another time...the story of how a Traveler too nosy for his own good got killed by The Dragon of The West while spying on a high ranking elder of the White Lotus; an identity, and organization the Diver shouldn't have known about...


Mr. Timothy Lee is sitting in the corner of a small Japanese-type shop at the end of the entertainment district's main street. He is trying to get his bearings and plan his future actions when he notices, after picking up the bowl to drink the broth, a picture hung on the wall.

The picture had three minors and a young man in the middle rubbing the heads of his...'Students? Yeah, students... It's the only way this photo makes sense...'

The white-haired man with a mask is too young for them to be his children, and they each have different symbols on their clothes yet they all have, what appears to be, a uniform affiliation symbol. 'It looks like an eye....or a leaf? Eh, whatever, I have bigger problems than sucking Mr. Oscar's teasing d(Ck...'

Just then a golden screen popped up in front of me and, judging by the sudden silence of the patrons around me, all of the Travelers received this pop-up...

"Altissia Announcement: Hello Travelers, as of today at 2000 hours, the world of Minecraft has opened. This world is unique and you are not going into a civilized world with other traditional 'intelligent beings', but a world comprised solely of the unknown, you and your fellow Travelers.

You will select your appearance to an extent and Raven Coins will be earned in a more structured way. In Minecraft, you will earn 'Achievements' which will be a major method by which Ravens earned is measured but the most Ravens can be earned through killing your fellow Traveler so be warned...

Chat, forums, logging in and out from Minecraft to Altissia, teaming, will all be allowed. Simply play Minecraft how you wish to play, I created it for the Divers and non-Divers ;)

This world is, for lack of a better word, a game. A race, if you will; to defeat the Ender Dragon...that is all the hint I'm giving you and I hope YOU can claim the reward for achieving 'first blood' on the final boss...

Finally, players of Minecraft only have 2 lives. After dying twice you will not be able to reenter the world until some time has passed after all 'Achievements' have been made by a Diver in Minecraft.

I wish you luck my Travelers and may the odds be ever in your favor..."

~Raven Oscars