Ty Lin's Travels

{Author's Note: Drop those stones and reviews peeps!}

After defeating and killing Xin Fu who was found out to be a Traveler just like Chastain, Ms. Grey (Ty Lin) now finds herself traveling by Ostrich Horse towards the eastern sea coast. Once there she will obtain a sea vessel and head directly north which, judging by the maps she's seen in the academy as well as local maps, should bring her near Chameleon Bay.

'I don't think Xin Fu was important enough to, well anyone, to cause people to hunt for his killer but just to be sure, I need to take unconventional routes towards Ba Sing Se in case I'm being tracked...'

She plans to, from Chameleon bay, head directly towards Ba Sing Se by carriage or Ostrich horse. On the way to the East coast, she camped on various terrains at night. However, one lucky night she happened upon a town called Tu Zin which appeared to be abandoned.

Storing her mount in the nearby hills, she approached the 'Ghost Town' stealthily to make sure nobody was present before taking up residence for the night. Just as she was about to cover the last section of the city, she heard noises coming from a nearby square.

Using one of the dark alleys connecting to the city square, she approached and eventually, she saw what looked to be a Bandit Group...there were around seven tents set up in the square with a bonfire in the center.....it blazed with a flame bright enough to provide light to the entire campsite.

After observing and listening for a while, she realized that these are slave traders who provide women and children to filthy Earth Kingdom nobels in the capital. They also seem to be using this route to avoid being tracked just as she is but obviously, for more nefarious reasons...

She sees cages full of women and children, probably from raided villages, and many of the Bandit tents had the sound of women crying or screaming coming from within them.

Seeing this scene, Ty Lin's eyes turned cold and she readied herself for what she is about to do...


'Ugh this is so boring....why does the capt. set a watch rotation every night. There is never anyone on this route and we've never had any trouble in the past...' Just then he heard a small impact sound coming from his left near the closest tent. He turned to see nothing but a tent and... a small stone rocking back and forth on the ground as if it....' oh fu3k...'


High above the square, perched on the tallest rooftop, a bird of prey was watching the lively campsite blankly as it has seen these creatures set up similarly in the past and it knows that its quiet home will return to normal once morning comes.

Suddenly in the corner of his eye, he saw a new event, one that he watched closely...

An agile female cartwheeled out of a dark alley into a flip ending in a spinning hook kick directed at a man's (who just turned around in alarm) throat and before he could utter a sound, his throat along with half of his trachea was ripped from his body due to the force of the kick, he couldn't make a sound at all as the next attack came...

The woman's hand grabbed the face of the man and using it as leverage, she leaped over him bringing his head with her as her hand still grasped firmly while in the air, and before he could land on his back, an upward knee was sent directly at the nape of his neck...killing him immediately...

The Raven Eagle, sitting high on his perch, watched in amazement as this creature's prowess was put on display. He watched as she made her way stealthily through the Bandit camp killing one after another in some of the most painful ways imaginable for a human but, for the bird of prey, it was the most beautiful display of power it has seen...power, stealth, agility, speed, precision....everything that made him deadly as a creature was highlighted in this female and he was amazed...


Ty Lin finished her killings long ago and after freeing the captives and setting them to rest, giving them a map and money to sustain their travels as well as hunting some food to hold them until the closest town, she sat alone in the center square staring at the fire trying to come to terms with what she had just done...

Just then, rustling noises were heard from above and a beautiful bird of prey landed on the log next to her, simply staring at her not making a sound. After a grueling staring contest, she came back from her shock and simply thought that it wanted food, she gave it a piece of her cooked meat on the side which it took graciously.

As the night went on, one could see a bloodied young woman and a large Raven Eagle side-by-side as the woman stroked its feathers while the bird enjoyed the attention. A bond was formed between the two and just then one could hear a soothed voice sound from the girl...

"I think I'll call you Sam..."