Minecraft My Dear Watson

{Author's Note: Hello dear Travelers, thanks for supporting the novel, and please continue to do so with stones, reviews, recommendations, etc... This makes the time sitting alone talking to the moon all the much better for this Moonwolf :)}

Greg Watson...an anomaly in this world. Born on the planet Blue Star in the time known commonly as 'The New Age', he was an extremely intelligent individual. Contrary to his IQ, his grades were not that good, especially in what are commonly seen as the most important subjects; Science, Math, Biology, Technology, Engineering, etc...

He was only interested in the field of 'The Arts': An extremely un-represented field (on BS) that saw very little progression through the ages, his life goal was to come up with something truly unique...a story, a piece of music, he didn't know... just something that doesn't deal with stinkin' calculations...something 'Creative'...a Masterpiece!

Essentially, his interest was not aligned with the common people of Blue Star and after entering the BSU when he finished school and was of the required age, he was looking around for his calling in life doing odd jobs here and there...

One of his highest-paying jobs was writing jokes for popsicle brands to put on their sticks...it was diminutive work that gave abysmal pay as very few people were interested in corny one-liners.

Recently he had heard of Mr. Oscars' new world and the wonderful Origin city Altissia and had even applied to be one of the first Beta Testers since he might find a breakthrough furthering him towards accomplishing his dream of truly creating something spectacular but sadly, he did not get into the first, second or even third round of Travelers...

Eventually, though, he received the email out of the blue along with forty-nine other people and was notified that they could now enter Altissia...he was ecstatic when he read the news but due to his timid nature, he was unsure of what he was going to do now that he has seen videos of the possible hell he could be walking into... ' at the very least I can just live in Origin City, right? no need to...'

' NO! STUPID STUPID!..... I will take this chance to grab inspiration to fulfill my life goals and show everyone, even my own family, that I'm not a loser and will create something amazing...even if I have to go through Hell to do it...'

...(One Untimely Encounter Later)...

"So much for all of that bravado..." With an audible sigh, Greg Watson once again took a sip of his coffee...

He was sulking, sulking at his weakness and personality, at his fear of pain and danger but really he was just mad that he couldn't afford to go to the Art Festival down the street. When he had heard of such an event, he was immediately excited but, he had no Raven Coins nor could he earn them quickly enough to attend the show.

He only had enough to buy this coffee, which he had received as 'goodwill' from a diver who looked happy as he had just returned from TFNs when he toured The Gate of Worlds...

Just as he swallowed another sip of coffee a screen popped up in front of him and, in an embarrassing show of his 'masculinity', he squealed in fright, pouring the hot coffee all over himself...

He quickly read the message and the more he read, the more his eyes grew in size...

"You're freaking kidding me dude, Mr. Oscars, you added this right after I got here? Coincidence? Whatever it doesn't matter, I have to be the first to go into this world made for the less hardcore 'Non-Diver' players...a game, I can deal with that hah..."

Immediately forgetting the coffee that now stained his clothes and standing up, before he knew it, he was inside the Gate of Worlds along with most of the Travelers who are in Altissia at the moment.

He is currently pressing a ticket to his forehead, a ticket he had received from one of the attending Seraphs who seemed overly prepared for the tide of Travelers coming at this time...

*Cue Minecraft Trailor (with upgraded graphics)*