Helping the Avatar 1

Ty Lee was having fun! The princess said to 'handle' these guys while she handled the Avatar so now Lee was fighting a waterbender who was very easy to pester... Just as she was about to move to block the Chi points of this girl, the hairs on the back of her head stood up...

Ty Lee did a quick drop and rolled forward as she heard a *Swoosh* above her and as she regained her footing and readied herself, she saw a Raven Eagle flying towards the sky after...' it tried to take my head can such a cute creature dislike me?'...

Although all animals loved her, she understood that those loyal to their masters would never 'give her face' so it didn't take long for her to connect the dots and she looked around for the assailant's owner, and just then...

"Hey little sis, I'm sorry but you're going to finally lose this time..."

As Ty Lee heard the all too familiar voice, she turned and despite having so many identical sisters, the twins always knew who was who so immediately, she recognized Ty Lin, and tears started to form...

"Lin? I'm so happy you're alright, I was told by Father that you were missing...they've been searching...for...wait, why are you in the capital of the earth kingdom?..... Why did your pet attack me?"

Alarm bells were ringing in Ty Lee's head because as dense as she was, she knew that her sister was doing something very bad right now...."Lin, dad's gonna be're coming with me to meet Azula and apologize for abandoning your know it's an executable offense right?"


' Azula? Guess that b[t3h-crazy princess is here too... not too surprising seeing as Lee and she were close since they were little...'

"I'm doing nothing wrong but you, well you need to stay out of my way..."

Finally, Ty Lin reached her sister and launched a barrage of attacks... although Lee was always the talented sister and Lin was always the weak link, over the course of these months traveling and battling bandits and slavers, earthbenders, and the like...she has grown tremendously in experience while Lee had little experience fighting outside the academy...

Moreover, Lee was half focused on the bird of prey that was flying above her looking at her like a piece of meat...all things considered, Ty Lee was in a bad spot...


The owner of the bird, the attacker in this instance, ran quickly towards her opponent, and with a horizontal twirl in the air, she landed just in front of the girl in pink...

After landing, coming up from a crouched position into a forward stance, narrowly dodging a defensive jab she performed a quick snappy three-part jab combo to the wrist elbow, and shoulder of the lady in pink causing her to curse unnaturally due to pain...

Never before being in this position and with the stimuli around as well as meeting her long-lost sister, the lady in pink frantically threw her left arm towards her opponent as her right arm was now limp...

In a fluid motion, the left jab was caught between the attacker's left elbow and knee making a pinching motion followed by a *crack* and *scream* just after the jab was caught, as the attacker's right fist opened into a palm and with a quick palm strike to the "caught" hand, she shattered the wrist joint that she held between her arm and leg...

"I'm sorry Lee"...The attacker whispered as she released the pinched hold on the broken wrist and with a downward movement of the left hand, she caught the injured arm and pulled hard while shoving her shoulder into the quickly approaching girl in pink...

Throwing the girl over her shoulder and hard onto the ground she was looking down at her own 'blood' and with a determined look, she performed a quick snap jab to the downed girl's temple, knocking her out...

While it would take a lot for one to describe the fight, it was over in seconds...

"Forgive me, this is what I have to do..." The winner could be heard whispering to the girl on the ground before standing up straight and approaching the dazed and panting waterbender who just now realized who saved her and before she could thank the lady she heard an inquiry that made her scowl deeply...

"Hey, Katama right? where is the cutie?..."