Survival Games Selection

As days passed, the seventh day came and the list of randomly selected Travelers participating in the first annual Survival Games was released...

Many of the 'chosen ones' were frightened after being notified of their status but it wasn't long before they were tracked down and offered more money than they could ever dream of to relinquish their position so that someone could take their place...

Many interesting articles on this very topic began to pop up. They were mostly written by Travelers with their ears to the ground or inside sources. According to them, various guilds have been formed (due to the influence of Minecraft and the idea of "easy" worlds) as such organizations can function properly with steady cash flow and a united goal.

The size and type of guilds currently active in Altissia vary and small skirmishes go on constantly in the city but as long as the scale is small and there is an only inter-guild struggle (without non-involved citizens and Travelers), the Seraphs, and Mr. Oscars allow their behavior.

The guild types vary..... For example "The Lotus" guild is made up of only TFNs veterans that are highly skilled with the focus of training elites that hold floor-master positions in Heavens Arena. Many rumors are saying the Lotus Guild Leader was a Bigshot in BSU before coming to Altissia and has already used his prior connections to set a "Fight-rigging" system between BSU citizens (with enough money) and floor masters who belong to his guild in Altissia. Of course, he gets a hefty cut as the guild leader...

This behavior was allowed by Raven as he sees corruption (of this kind) as the normal process of things, and to inhibit that would be to rule with an iron fist, people know what they get into when betting money, if all fights became rigged then he would intervene but, it seems the Lotus guild isn't too greedy for their own good and is being reasonable with their actions...

Along with the Lotus Guild which is mainly active in TFNs and Heavens Arena, there is the Crafter's Guild led by Greg Watson and the Griefers Guild with Kyle Hayes at the helm. These two are the largest guilds as they put their focus on Minecraft and Altissia: "easy-mode" is attractive to many travelers who are less hardcore...

The aforementioned are three of the four most renowned guilds in the city, the last one has received much criticism but is still allowed to exist in Altissia, showing Mr. Oscar's commitment to his "hands-off" approach.


Deep into Eastern Altissia, there is a graveyard. Since Traveler's bodies, once they die in Altissia, function like real corpses, they need to be buried properly...

The Graveyard, like all Altissian Business, was looked over by Serephs but something very unique happened in this case...

One of the Divers who had returned from TFNs was psychologically broken and was screaming as soon as he exited. Once taken away and treated, he seemed to get better over time and was discharged, returning to the entertainment district. However, he blamed the Seraphs for his torment, and eventually, he snapped and attacked the former Grave Keeper while working as he happened to be passing the Graveyard when he broke down.

This Keeper was caught off guard as no Traveler has ever attacked a Seraph but this particular man didn't seem to care about the repercussions and attempted to kill the Keeper in the most brutal way he could imagine, this took too much time and caused a lot of noise which led to a Traveler overhearing the scuffle and running over.

Once the man saw what was happening he performed some martial forms and a rock spike shot directly through the crazed Traveler's heart, killing him instantly. The unknown 'hero' walked over to check on the dying Seraph...The Seraph, in thanks to the man for getting revenge, gifted his Graveyard and was asked to ensure its safety and to watch after the workers.

Once the policing force arrived and, using magic, rewatched what transpired, they let the 'hero' go as what he did was a noble deed in their eyes and the only one at fault was the psycho.

The Seraphs allowed the man to keep ownership of the Graveyard as long as he maintained its operation and treated the working Seraphs properly. The 'hero' agreed to the request and inwardly thanked Mr. Oscars for his acquiescence to the dying Seraph's wish as this was the perfect location...

'Hehehe, I'll just make my center of power here in the city.....that b[tch will get what's coming to her....' the 'hero' thought as a vicious smile crept onto his face as he began to look for a suitable place to start building his guild hall within the graveyard.