The Rooks and Candidates

Rango was an ex-special forces turned security guard before entering Altissia as a Traveler. As an accomplished sniper while in the military, he had an intelligent and agile mind but wasn't an ambitious person, preferring to watch the clouds every day over interacting with people.

After seeing the Griefers guild's actions, his bottom line was touched and the small sense of justice he still had was ignited, prompting him to join the Crafter's Guild in which he made a name for himself and was now the head of the battle teams. The guild was finally established enough in both Altissia and MC and the battle with the Griefers is finally tame enough (due to Raven's tournament announcement) for him to take a short holiday...

He's been having this uneasy feeling lately and it is particularly strong today. His intuition served him well in the past and thus, he has been constantly on guard...He passed a shop he had never been to before called "The Cafeteria" and since he was looking for lunch anyways, he entered the shop.

He glanced around carefully and noticed that there was no one there except him, he thought it might be a trap until he noticed the wording on the signs stating that this was an automated cafeteria and how to order...

The tension in his body relaxed since there were no people. He assumed there was no threat as no one could poison his food and he couldn't be sneaked attacked since he was alone...

'Finally, some peace...'

He looked around the eatery once more and took note of the decorations, it was a very peculiar sight. The pallet of colors was different shades of red, white, and black...mostly red. The tiled floor had a "T" logo surrounded by concentric rings signifying backstory...

' Another easter egg from Mr. Oscars...' the ex-soldier thought as he followed the instructions and approached the far wall which was, floor-to-ceiling, composed of microwave-looking devices.

He stood in front of one of the devices and followed the instructions by asking aloud "Whisper 119, I'd like to place an order..."

[Good Afternoon Traveler Rango]

The feminine and no-nonsense voice sounded out and before Rango could speak it continued...

[Two sunny-side-up eggs, one pancake with blueberry syrup, one strip of bacon, and grits with cinnamon and butter.....please enjoy your lunch, Mr. Rango]

Just as Whisper finished speaking, three *beeping* sounds were heard from the closest device and the door popped open showing Rango's favorite meal from back home, something he hasn't had in quite some time.

To say he was shocked was an understatement. He was nervous and weirded out but most of all, he knew that whatever world this cafeteria came from, he didn't want any part of it...too eerie. To that end, he quickly ate up his food and left vowing to never again come to this place...

He left the shop in such a hurry, that he didn't regain his 'on-edge' state he had due to his uneasy feeling and as a result, when a parrot flew over his head brushing barely past him causing 'dust' to cover his face, he thought nothing of it except someone's new pet got away from them.

He began to make his way back to the Bee and Barb where he currently stays near the waterways but as he approached, he began to feel groggy and in pain...'No, no, no...when?'

He knew this feeling...poisoning. How did he g....' it was that darn Parrot wasn't it?'

As he came to this conclusion all the blood drained from his face. The only person with the MO of using poisons (this one he doesn't recognize so probably self-created) for killing and also has a trained parrot is the assassin from that guild...

'I have to get away, if they're after me then they took the job from The Griefers. Only they could offer a price worth getting The Rooks to take me out...'

Rango took off running readying his bow, weaving down alleys and over obstacles. Trying to lose the Rook members that he knew were following him, he was probably tailed for the past week which is why he felt that ominous sensation.

As he came to a four-way cross, on the top of a distant roof he could see a black-robbed silhouette with a crow mask running his way. Quickly, Rango spun in mid-arrow with three arrows knocked and shot them with inhuman precision and speed, hitting the silhouette...but the man disappeared into a mirage right after impact. Blinking several times Rango cursed in his heart as he now knows one of the ingredients in the poison... 'it's that microbe that causes the fever-hallucination sickness only found in TFNs, I need to suck on a frozen toad to cure it....did they buy it from the Pavillion and cultivate that thing in their base? the madmen...'

As futile as he knew it to be, he kept running before finally making his way to a dead-end alley at which time he turned around to find three of the five total Rooks.

"Well, I guess you cheeky little f\/ckers got me this you've probably heard this many times before, I won't make a huge spill about getting my revenge when I'm allowed back into Altissia, but I would like to know who took out the hit on me?..."

There was silence for a while but after a minute, the leading Rook spoke in an unrecognizable voice "It was Kyle Hayes....the price was simply too good not to risk it, even if the target is the famed Marksmen Rango".

"HAHAHA! Called it! I am a little satisfied as I know you guys made his wallet bleed..."


The Rooks returned secretly to the Altissia graveyard before activating a mechanism to open the secret entrance. The door was a seemingly random tombstone that would slide open upon activation.

Once in the underground base, they approached the main hall....

In the hall, all five members were now sitting at a round table with the highest chair occupied by the Guild Master. No one knew the true identities of each member, not even the members themselves. Well, except for Timothy Lee, the guild master, and recruiter...

"How did it go?..." the guild master inquired...


After saving the Grave Keeper and killing the crazed Traveler, Mr. Lee unknowingly completed one of the 'hidden achievements' Raven added to Altissia. It was entitled "Aiding the Angels" and the conditions were to save or rescue a Seraph who was being attacked by a fellow Traveler. Each of these rare achievements can only be completed once and thus, the rewards are generous...

Since Raven is the 'Overseer' of Altissia, he sent a message to Timothy Lee...

[Mr. Lee, congratulations on completing one of the few Altissian Achievements. Please pick a reward and if it's not too much, I will grant it...]

After reading the text Tim was ecstatic and quickly typed a reply...

"Mr. Oscars, thank you for this opportunity...I would like a secret base to be constructed underground here in the graveyard and if possible, please take inspiration from one of your future worlds for the design...I intend to make an Assasin's Guild with very few members if I have your permission?..."

Timothy Lee has become a prideful and deceitful man after entering Altissia, but he will do anything to reach his goals....sucking up to the maker of this world is the least of those things.

[Hmmm. I see, I will allow it but keep the 'Hits' to combat guild members only. I don't want your average Traveler or non-combative guild members involved in your killings. Moreover, if there is ever a hit I don't want you to take, I will send a message but that will most likely never happen.]

"Thank you, Mr. Oscars"

[Just Raven...I'll leave the Mr for my father. Good luck Tim and lead The Rooks well...]