
Aburame Shibi, after looking over Mizi's recent mission records, sent for his assistant. Although he knows Aburame Mizi just like the rest of the clan, he is not able to keep up with the current affairs of each of the clan members due to the increasing workload resulting from war preparations...

After reaching the Patriarch's office, the Aburame Jounin nodded towards his patriarch before they started what many would conceive as an awkward staring contest with the dead silence of the room.....but they were communicating through their insects.

==Greetings Patriarch, what is it you need?==

==Nothing much, I saw that Mizi's mission completion record has been not existant as of late, I wanted to confirm that there are no injuries to Mizi or personal problems that have come up as I haven't seen any vacation requests.....can you meet with her to inquire of her status?==

==There is no need lord patriarch, not too long ago, I helped her in unlocking the seal on her Kidaichu beetles...she successfully gained control of her insects and has been training all this time....she hasn't taken vacation==

Although the patriarch's expression didn't show it, he was surprised and happy, Mizi was a Chunnin without her insects and access to high-ranked ninjutsu....with her insects and the proper advancement, she should sit comfortably as a clan Jounin.

However, thinking of the current village affairs and the personnel report that is due to the Hokage and Konoha council by the end of the week, he frowned invoulintatuly and sent his assistant away. After that, he sent a few of his insects to summon Mizi to his office...


Before Chastain entered TSW, she took the time to watch the interview with Raven Oscars and Itachi Uchiha. She was reminded to do this by the purple-eyes god himself...after watching the interview, to say she was dazzled by the man would be an overstatement, but she was intrigued by Itachi's eyes and techniques.

To that end, once Mizi gained control of her beetles, she used the intelligence she had always been proud of to recreate that "crow" technique without Genjutsu because her clan was no good in that regard...

That being said, she found the creation and innovation of new techniques with her insects very simple....but despite her efforts, jutsu outside of the clan techniques were simply impossible to learn properly, so she gave up on that front focussing on taijutsu and clan techniques.


In the Aburame clan patriarch's office, a few minutes after his assistant left, beetles began to crawl in through the windows, doors, floors, and from every opening in the building. One of the beetles walked front and center about a meter and a half from Shibi...

One by one, the other beetles in the room quickly approached the lone insect, touching the lonely guy before passing a little of their chakra to him....then retreating.

In about ten seconds, a few dozen insects have passed their chakra to the one standing before Shibi, and then, the specialty of the Kidaichu beetles was put on display.....with a twist.

The little guy began to swell to the size of Mizi before its ugly appearance started to morph and transform using the Insect Transformation technique...

Then, standing before the patriarch, 'Aburame Mizi' bowed and stared at the patriarch...

== I Aplogize patriarch, I was bathing when your insects informed me of your summons, I can come in person if needed==

Shibi looked at 'Mizi' and truly couldn't tell that this was simply an insect using a was a very innovative way to use the Kidaichu beetle's specialty to create a clone that could not only relay real-time information but also cause major was a brilliant technique that made him happy.

==There is no need Mizi, our insects are a part of us so please enjoy your leisurely time, as my assistant said you've been training hard. I called you here to ask you if, since you've unlocked your insects and have made major progress, you would like to be promoted.....the war is upon us and I would rather put a very strong Chunnin on our personal report that will be sent to the Hokage, than a new Jounin...I don't want to put my clan in danger but it's your choice to make==


Unlike what is shown in the anime, very few village ninjas go through formal Jounin and Chunnin exams. Especially for clan ninjas, many of them are simply promoted by their patriarchs and that was that...

If one was to simply think about the number of ninjas in the fourth shinobi world war and then think about how many contestants were in the Chunnin exams in Naruto's time, then think about how many actually passed, you would come to the obvious conclusion that this 'testing' was only done as a show of prestigious individuals and those the village didn't mind showing was not common for a ninja to be promoted in this way.

Just like now, Shibi knows that Mizi's strength is far above Chunnin, so a promotion is in order. But just as he said, any caring patriarch would rather report Mizi as Chunnin rather than jounin, she was a new Jounin after all...


==Thank you for your care patriarch, I would prefer if you report me as Jounin. Or special jounin at the very least...war is the best time for me to grow==

'Or gain exposer to cool powers I can use in Dome city...' thought Mizi slyly as she finished with the Patriarch before going to prepare herself for war...