The Tower Assault

In the area below and surrounding The Tower at the centermost part of Dome City, a bustling marketplace is bustling with congregates of Travelers...Raven Coins are being exchanged in peace and harmony until, just as the Adventurers Guild had a shift change, screaming was heard by everyone in the vicinity...

When everyone turned to look in the direction of the shout, they were all surprised and fearful, because a guild clerk was trying her best to pry herself out of the grasp of a colossal-sized tentacle while it dragged her down into the depths of the ocean.....

Before anyone could move, the rest of the Kracken's limbs ascended from the depths and began to wreck and destroy everything and everyone it could....the result was a scramble of chaos with people fleeing in all directions...

Many who had purchased chakra used the water walking technique to run away but as the leading escapees reached the outer periphery, they felt stinging pain coming from their bodies...

When they looked towards the originating area, they saw nothing except two small wounds resembling bite marks from snakes....but no snakes could be found nearby. They shook it off and continued to run but, one by one, they each collapsed.

The stronger of the Adventurer's guild were back at The Tower setting up a perimeter guard, trying to defend "Their Tower" from the yet-to-be-identified assailants...they used numerous ninjutsu and bending arts to defend against and wound the Kracken while maintaining their vigilance.

As the minutes passed and the battle dragged on, the adventurer's TK squad appeared led by Rango, but they still couldn't find anything except the Kracken that was summoned as a distraction...

Then, like a bolt of lightning, sudden enlightenment hit each of the TK squad members and they each, one by one, looked up towards the tower only to see five imposing silhouettes looking down on them.....they stared grimly as their greatest foe standing high above them, watching them like prey...


The stare off latest a few seconds before the Rook guild leader whispered slightly while standing high on the Tower... "number one, use your speed and carry out everyone's packs...I want to stay and cause some damage before we escape....."

The Rook standing to the far left caught each pack thrown to him and, using the ability which gave him the nickname 'Flash Assassin', he disappeared and the people watching could barely notice a blur zooming down the poles of The Tower before reaching the water and running quickly towards the closest high rise and then ran to the very top before disappearing...

This happened in almost one second causing waves to kick up and windows to burst on the nearby buildings.....this speed and control is not something most people's body flickers could keep up with and their control could defiantly not compare....moreover, this rook was known as 'Flash' before TSW was released which made people wonder where he came into contact with such a perverted ability...

Unknown to them, the ability given by the Rook Mask he wore is that which gave him his moniker.....super speed. A perverted ability that, although has it's shortcomings, is perfect for quick escapes such as right now.


"Alright, it's the TK squad again.....we know how to handle these weaklings...don't disappoint me or you know what happens..." said the Rook leader grimly before he took out a scroll from his inventory and with a flick, a huge ink dragon was born, flying speedily towards Rango while the Rooks descended with killing intent in their eyes...

"Yes, most exalted one..." the Rooks intoned before they each descended. Most used the body-flicker but one pulled a seemingly innocuous pole from his inventory space before spinning it, causing a glider to take form. Triggering his airbending, he sped down, targeting the nearest TK squad member...

The targeted member looked at the gliding Airbender with firmness before taking a horse stance while standing on the ocean surface, he took a breath before molding his Chi....with a thrust of his arm facing the descending Rook, a pillar of fire rose quickly covering the sky above him.

The fire formed a wall of protection overhead but sadly, it was easily penetrated by an unscathed Airbender giving off orange swirling particles from the surface of his body....the Rook smirked as he caught the adventure off guard...

With his descending speed, he quickly crashed down into the water, just missing the adventure who tumbled and rolled to dodge....before the adventurer could hop back up, he heard a muffled sound from the ocean below him...

{Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu}

With that muffled sound, five enormous water dragons quickly charged the adventure who looked more and more fearful, as he was caught off guard...usually, Travelers rarely have this many abilities but The Rooks are the exception.....assassination is a lucrative business and with only a few members, the guild's turn-around is nothing to Scoff at...

The adventure used every bit of Chi he could muster while spinning in a circle causing a dome of Fire to form around him....he was happy as the dome formed successfully but, just as he was happy, a whirlwind of air rose from below his feet, carrying the flames protecting him high up in the air, leaving him defenseless as the water dragons tore him apart...limb by limb.

The Rook surfaced while panting heavily, he saw the leaders signal and quickly escaped as the adventurer's reinforcements are near and they have accomplished what they came to do and more...