Tower Trip

Watching over The Tower in incorporeal form is Raven Oscars...' ah sh[t...I never thought of campers....not having the Seraph equivalent in Dome City has allowed the Adventurers to take over the location leaving non-affiliated guilds to try and find back alleys or simply fight their way to The Tower...'

He sat there for hours trying to think of a solution and many came and went under harsh scrutiny...

'I could simply make a few different 'shop' locations across Dome City?...No, the adventurers have the personnel to guard plenty....only powerful TK guilds like the Rooks will be able to come and go while the others won't be able to manage it.....

'I could add Seraph equivalents?, I need to set precedent now because once players become strong enough to combat my sentries at least somewhat, they will resist...I need the Travelers to regulate themselves at higher ranks....'


After a lot of thinking, he decided that the best option would be to add a world that had items which could increase DPS for the weaker and smaller groups of players, increase the weaker Travelers' chance of survival if they decide to make a rush for The Tower area, and overall.....shake things up a little bit in the power structure.....hopefully, a guild can come along that has the ability to, if not directly confront the Adventurers, at least cause enough trouble for them not to blatantly occupy community territory essentially doing what the Aincrad Liberation Force did in Aincrad's lower floors.


While Raven Oscars as high above, finally deciding on what world to add first to Dome City, as the deadline he announced is approaching quickly, Timothy Lee, the honored and feared Rook guild leader is seething in anger nearby The Tower...

In a dilapidated and unoccupied building covered with greenery and rising up from the nearby ocean, three black-robed men with crow masks stood quietly while their Guild Leader looked out the window towards their goal...


'How dare those little ants.....I worked so hard, I f\/cking created an assassin guild to handle individuals targets but what did those little pests do...they made a guild so big that it would take a revolution itself to kill them all. I would run out of Chakra and Chi both before I could kill even a third.....' Timothy thought angrily, his plans for gaining power and wealth beyond compare in Altissia were on track until the almighty Oscars had to add the ascension.

"...D@mn" Timothy cursed aloud causing his subordinates to flinch and take steps back as they didn't want anything to do with their guild masters' outbursts. 'I should've known that when facing the unknown of Dome City, they would all join forces...fu&king little sh!ts...and joining the largest guild (adventurers) was the safest move...'

After a few minutes of mental and verbal ranting and rage, Timothy finally calmed his nerves....gaining power only made his ambitious and cunning personality increase in intensity, and day after day, his guild members consider leaving The Rooks because of the clearly unstable guild master, but they have great power because of the guild. Moreover, if they leave, their leader will post their information everywhere, and after all they've done..............enough said.

*huff* *huff*

"ALRIGHT.....Listen up..." the Rook guild leader spoke aloud in a cold and ruthless tone.

"We need new equipment, ninja tools, explosive tags, potions, arrows, bullets, techniques, have all memorized the list. We have to break into the Adventurer's occupation and climb The Tower before quickly purchasing the things we need and escaping...."

"I see no other option than using Number Three's reward from the Sea of Thieves achievement as a distraction.....although it's temporary and a one-time use item, summoning the Kraken in the ocean below The Tower will create a good enough distraction as they will be focusing on fighting and, do not let this opportunity go to waste....we may not have a good chance to re-supply in the coming months..."


They all disappeared using the Body Flicker technique, taking their positions for the assault...

Timothy Lee took out a huge scroll and ink brush...after unraveling the scroll, hundreds of tiny fish, shrimp, birds, snakes, etc....were drawn on the surface before he made a single seal and spoke...

"Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll..." and everything on the page came alive and jumped out of the scroll, standing at attention except for the fish that were held in the other animal's clutches before they could be carried to the ocean...

He took out two plash potions from his robes, invisibility, and poison, he threw the two in the dead-center of the pack causing every little ink creature to turn deadlier and invisible.....

"Do your worse to the b@stards..." whispered Timothy, before he too disappeared from the room leaving the quiet and dark location...