
In the meeting room of T&G Magical Governmental Affiliated Bank located in central New York City, an emergency gathering of all high-level individuals and involved law enforcement agencies is currently taking place.

Their attention is firmly focused on a well-dressed woman with a no-nonsense attitude standing before a screen that she will be using for her presentation...

"Alright..." said the woman, who was ready to get right to the main topic.

"At approximately 0200 hours this morning, the bank was broken into and all non-marked physical currency is unaccounted for. This includes the magically marked bills, as they were taken and their traces have been removed without issue. Thus, those responsible for this incident are highly accomplished Magical Technicians with a good sequence disassembling technique..."

The lady's speech of the current known information was rudely interrupted...


Completely disregarding the older man's outburst, the lady continued...

"...all magical monitoring enchantments or spells have been removed and even the more esoteric and older magic wards have been bypassed without issue..."

"....do we have anything at all?" This time it was the lady's direct superior who asked, the leader was also an accomplished and respected magic technician in their own right, so their inquiry was immediately answered.

"The physical security cameras were destroyed but their archives are being pulled now.....they should be available for viewing soo--"

At that moment, a man rushed into the room and handed a small device to the lady presenting who promptly inserted the item into the projector.....the security camera footage showing everything that happened earlier that day began to play on-screen.


A man dressed in a well-tailored and high-quality grey three-piece suit was walking down the sidewalk adjacent to the bank....the place was currently closed but two guards stood out front watching everyone who passed by closely...

The man in the suit wore skin-tight black gloves over his hands and a full mask over his head. The mask was interesting as it had only one visor, which was in the form of a circle located directly on the location where the face should be...around the visor were what appeared to be smooth-spikes shooting in all directions giving the mask a sleek and streamlined appearance.

The outfit was completed with a black cape that just barely scraped against the ground when the man walked....the cloak became more tattered the closer to the ground one looked.

When the suspicious man came within speaking distance of the two guards, they immediately fell into their intensive training sensing something was off.....they pulled out their CAD devices and began to manipulate their Psions as quickly as possible...

Before the two could activate any spell, however, two rings of magical characters appeared below their feet causing the marble stairs beneath them to take on a liquid state....the now liquid marble wrapped around their bodies quickly before solidifying...

What was left behind after the spell ended was what a certain multiverse creator would call "male-weeping angels", with terrified faces appearing as if they were screaming....the man casually walked passed the statues and entered the bank entrance.

All of the passerby's paid no attention to this situation, nor did they react to the screams....it was as if an invisible barrier had been erected preventing any outside eyes from viewing what is happening within a certain proximity to the bank...


"Dear god...did the man stop walking or make any other gestures? Did he even pull out a CAD?..."

A flabbergasted viewer in the meeting room whispered aloud, a question all in the room heard but only one answered.....it was the lady's superior.

".....hmm, it was delayed casting. The assailant activated delayed sequences without the guards knowing before he started his approach which means his casting range is enormous...the spells are new as well, could be an infusion of old and new sequences. Get the sequence and CAD teams on this..."

"YES MA'AM!..." shouts of affirmation rang out as the video played once again, and they watched the rest of the footage...