
Those in the meeting room once again focused on the camera footage, the next scene caused ripples of shock to sweep through their hearts...


The intruder walked through the bank entrance, the entry seemed unlocked but those watching knew it was yet another delayed sequence put in place ahead of time...

The unlocking sequence doubled as a silencer as well, seeing as the guard standing inside with his back facing the approaching masked man never indicated he heard anything.

Still walking leisurely yet with purpose, the masked man arrived within 7 meters from the next victim...the guard turned around, sensing something, and immediately lifted his CAD while asking harshly...


Before he could activate his CAD, however, the masked man raised his left hand which was covered in a skin-tight black glove with what appeared to be a faded sequence circle printed on the back...

With a *snap* of his fingers, the faded sequence lit up causing an identical circle to form beneath the masked man's feet...

After the circle appeared and disappeared within half a second, something that caused the guard's eyes to widen occurred...


Like a ghost, the masked man disappeared from his spot after a shimmer, and reappeared directly in front of the guard....before he could react, the masked man lifted his right hand this time wearing a similar yet not the same glove...


With a snap of the figure directly in front of the guard's face, a sequence activated causing the guard's eyes to turn white and glaze over...the security guard no longer attempted to stop the intruder, but simply waited for his orders...


Those watching the footage saw the masked man lean closer to the now dazed guard, it looked as if he whispered something to the man before that same security officer nodded resolutely.

The guard immediately turned around and walked further into the building...leaving the masked man to stand leisurely while keying something into the CAD device hidden under his sleeve.

The guard sent away by the intruder quickly entered the "staff only" area of the bank and approached a mounted device on the wall ....he typed something in before waiting patiently.

After only half a minute, every available guard in the building could be seen rushing towards the terminal in which the summons was called...

"TIM! Why did you use the meeting code?.....shift change doesn't happen for another hour--"

Before the man could speak out, a sequence circle appeared beneath the controlled guard's feet.....like a quick breeze, the guard disappeared and in his place, the masked intruder stood firmly, confident in his ability while surrounded on all sides...

The masked man was gripping his right wrist with his left hand and before anyone could understand what was happening, he trusts his right hand down to the ground causing an enormous magic circle to envelope the entire meeting place...

The marble floor turned into liquid similar to what happened outside, and each magical technician currently employed as a guard for the bank was quickly turned into "weeping angels".


"....THAT B@SATRD!! " The head of security at the bank could not sit still in his chair seeing how each of his men and women died during the night, the ease at which his highly-trained squad was killed simply rubbed dirt in the open wound...

No one spoke or attempted to calm the man as there wasn't time....the masked individual on the monitor, knowing that all guards on duty have been handled, looked directly at the mounted camera nearby...

Those in the room watching the events saw that while standing in the center of many horrid statues, the masked man took off his right glove.....he pulled out a new glove, this time all white in color, before slipping it on his right hand...

With a tilt of his head towards the camera, he lifted the white glove and again snapped his fingers...


A bright red flame shot out from his fingertip after the sequence on the back of the hand lit up...the flame crashed against the physical camera, causing the clear image to turn dark.

The rest of the footage from the incident was the same thing....the man would snap his fingers on his left hand, and disappear from the spot in a blur before reappearing near a mounted camera...

He would then snap his right hand's fingers, shooting a flame from the white glove which caused the camera to blow up and the screen to go dark...

In the end, the robbery was successful and all contingencies put into place for tracking, recovery, etc...proved useless. This unknown yet powerful Magic Technician single-handily broke into one of the most secure banks guarded by individuals who were at the top of their fields and in the dead of night with no one else the wiser, he left with a vault's worth of money.