Attacking Avatar Roku

"Listen here bud, I may only have one more command mark left, but if you defy me again, I'll order you to do the most disgusting and incomprehensible thing I can think of..... and believe me, you cannot fathom the depravity that fills my mind..."

A deranged summoner kept on berating Avatar Roku as the old man just returned from his most recent mission of assassinating any other summoners in Dome City. Luckily for the avatar though, his prey was good enough to escape.....It kept him from committing what he believed to be the ultimate sin; killing innocents.

"I.....understand..." The once most powerful entity in TFNs simply bowed his head in recognition, he didn't want to be forced to do anything against his morals, much less what this sicko could devise.

After getting his directive to patrol nearby and wait for his summoner's next order, Roku left the hideout. Days passed and nothing happened, but eventually, hell broke loose...

It was a quiet day, and the Rider Summoner was almost finished formulating his next plan of action when the hundreds of magic sequences he had placed around the hideout for detecting intruders all triggered at once.

He immediately pulled up a surveillance sequence and watched as thousands of insects assaulted his hideout, some of which grew exponentially before bursting...which destroyed many of his more deadly defenses.

Minutes passed as they continued to approach his inner sanctum, and he had to make his final move if he wanted to leave alive...

"Sj[i, sh]t,.....SH]T!! did the other grail-war participants find me? I had so many anti-tracking and survivance protections set in place. No matter, it's time for that reluctant old man to fulfill his duty..."

The deranged and paranoid Rider Summoner spoke into his right hand, the final command mark glowed as it recognized the order...

"I order you to defend my life with everything you have, you are to sacrifice everything with the goal of killing those attacking me now and ensuring I escape safely..."

The nearby Roku's eyes glazed for a moment before he sighed deeply, tears threatening to well up as he turned and headed back towards his summoners base....' please, don't let it be those children again...'


Bright shining lights filled the hideout as the Rider summoner released attack after attack from his CAD device, which had no effect on the powerful kunoichi Chastain. Yet another clone exploded into a swarm of insects that quickly approached the enemy....they crawled onto him, and began burrowing into his flesh while he screamed.

"Well, where is Avatar Roku, he's your summons right you crazy fool?..." inquired a tense Chastain who knew this capturing of the enemy was simply too easy, her three teamates are simply off to the side with weapons drawn, waiting for the inevitable.

Sure enough, before the summoner could answer, a booming shout was heard after the nearby doors burst open. The silhouette of a powerful man with a flowing white beard walked in slowly...

"Release him, young lady.....and run away quickly, I can't stop what is about to happen..."


The old man sent a torrent of wind cutting through the air which hit Chastain directly, but the woman burst into smoke leaving behind a log. Three kunai pierced the air, approaching the Avatar with explosive tags attached, but the old man raised a knee, and with it, a huge earth wall sprung up to protect him from the blast.

Roku moved to send a wave of flames toward the woman, but his senses warned him of danger which forced him to change the direction of his attack.....the wave of flames met a couple of arrows and bullets.

The projectiles shot from the Archer, Rango, and Jack Sparrow. Each scrabbled away like mice when the tsunami of flames destroyed their attack and kept approaching them...

"Dear god old man, you should get yourself checked out.....unable to control the spewing of deadly flames is a serious condition, my mother died of it.....well no, she died of equal amounts scurvy and syphilis but felt similar I'd imagine...." Jack Sparrow taunted the avatar while somehow evading each attack that would have killed any other.

"Please children, give up and release my summoner....don't challenge me..." the presence of the Avatar seemed to increase tenfold as the seriousness in his voice relayed the promise that if they didn't leave now, things would escalate.

Chastain and her three team members gave one another glances before they each readied their next attack.....Chastain darted towards the old man with hopes of blocking his chi or at the very least, transfer over a few insects.


"If only you could have heeded my warning..." the old man's melancholic voice echoed throughout the hall as time seemed to still. He brought his hands up in a prayer motion as he closed his eyes....his hair began to float around him as he activated the ultimate technique of the avatar.

With power emanating from his being in a wave, his eyes opened to show only glowing white..." young children, you have chosen your fate and now you shall pay the price..." what seemed like hundreds of voices sounded together before Roku attacked.