--(No Spoilers)--

After Roku entered the Avatar State, time seemed to flow once again....with the old man as the epicenter, a tornado grew and encapsulated the surroundings. The force and wind speed were enough to tear limbs from the body.

The cutting wind approached the four attackers, many of which were quick to retreat...

Chastain was not fazed, she knew well what they were facing and understood that she had what it took to win this if she plays her cards right. Rango grabbed Ukyo's nape and disappeared using the Shushin technique, a staple of all Travelers.

The only one to not escape the venue was Jack Sparrow, who fell prey to the winds....his silhouette disappeared with nobody knowing whether he lived or died. Chastain didn't give him a second look though, she spent plenty of time with him and had tried to kill him on more than one occasion. This guy had the uncanny ability to come out on top of anything...

From outside the tall building in which the fight was currently taking place, it appeared as if the entire top half of the structure was torn from its base....a plume of smoke rising to intermingle with the blue sky.

The destruction caused Travelers miles away to turn and look, but the oceans of water, tsunamis of flames, and mountains of rocks that were appearing in that direction deterred them from checking it out.

They could only film and post about a far-off battle that was certainly a struggle between top powerhouses in Dome City.


Avatar Roku sent yet another massive splitting air wave towards Chastain, but it was yet again a clone...'This young woman has many strange abilities not from my world, I can rest assured that while she may not be a match for me, escape is always possible for her...' thought Roku. His summoner never brought him fully up to speed on the abilities of Travelers as from the very get-go, they didn't see eye-to-eye.

Roku was about to release a massive AOE firebending display, but before he could release his massive amount of built-up Chi, he felt danger from the ground below. He jumped into the sky only to see two feminine hands pierce the earth and grasp at the area his feet were at moments ago...

He punched downward while mid air, releasing all of his built Chi.....a wave of fire hit and expanded over the ground. Rango and Ukyo could only flee in the face of this attack....they were simply not powerful enough to do anything but shoot projectiles, which Roku only found as a small distraction.

While still in mid-air thanks to the fire fist that projected him further up, Roku felt a shadow pass over his head. He looked up to see a massive beetle just appear out of nowhere, falling towards him....a lone beetle that Chastain sent to hover high in the sky while relaying scouting information, and waiting for this opportunity.

Roku turned and breathed in a massive amount of air, he then began to perform the fire-breathing technique that grand-master firebenders are known for...but just as he began to exhale, he sensed a small kunai thrown at him from the side and traveling fast.

He didn't stop his attack, however, as the kunai's aim was slightly off, it would pass right behind him so he didn't need to do anything.....if only he knew a little more about what Chastain could do...

While Roku was distracted by the falling beetle and suspended in mid-air, the kunai arrived directly behind Roku and looked as if it was going to pass right by...

[Transformation Technique]

In a poof of smoke, the kunai transformed into Chastain who quickly took advantage of her current position....she only had time for one quick jab, as Avatar Roku was a master in the Avatar state so more than half a second opportunity was never going to happen.


Roku, who sensed the woman appear directly behind him, was going to turn and attack viciously but felt a small knuckle hit a specific point on his mid-back....his control over chi left his body, and in his mindscape, the past avatars began to disappear one-by-one leaving only Roku by himself.

Chastain was a master at Chi blocking in The Four Nations, and she brought the art to an unthinkable level....during her time with Aang, with his cooperation, she did many experiments on if chi blocking was capable of hindering the channeling of the Avatar State. Turns out, it was...there was only one specific Chi point that, if affected, could temporarily deactivate the Avatar State by disrupting the flow of Chi...

With wide eyes, Roku fell backward limply, only to be caught by Chastain's right hand, he looked up at the woman questioningly, but all he got was a cold and regretful look followed by a simple apology...

"....I'm sorry Aang, but this is the end of Roku's adventure in The Holy Grail War."


Roku's body began to expand quickly, eventually exploding into a cloud of blood...after gathering her wits again, Chastain made quick work of Roku's dragon and the Rider's summoner who was the weakest of his team.


"ROLL CALL BOYS!!!..." Chastain shouted to the nearby area while sending her insects out to patrol and guard the vicinity once again. It didn't take long for Rango and Ukyo to come running...their eyes showed a mix of fear, respect, and awe...

Chastain confirmed that they were fine and then quickly looked around for Jack....' anytime now the drunkard will appear, like always.....3....2....1...'

Just as Chastain finished her mental countdown, a shout was heard from under nearby rubble...

"Oi! Can I get a hand here?..."


The three move to free Jack from the remains of the once intact building. The pirate jumped to his feet before straightening his clothes and speaking out...

"Right, that fire spitter will always remember the day he almost caug---"

"JACK!..... Roku is dead, he didn't simply flee..."

After the revelation, Jack froze and thought for just a second before he started a different sentence.

"Right, well....a terrible thing, Death. Been through it myself, quite literally actually.....lovely lady, if you're into the whole "loves the color-black and tattered cloaks" type of gale. Anyhow, I doubt the old goat is as resourceful as me, he's definitely a goner...ONWARD FRIENDS!"

The pirate finished his display by flicking open his compass and hopping into the arms of his summoner, who could only sigh and start their next journey.