Interlude I

In Altissia, in a large complex rented from the Seraphian government adjacent to the Gate of Worlds, the headquarters for the Information Guild is bustling with activity.

Here one can find the Travelers who've dedicated themselves to collecting and distributing information related to all worlds within Raven Oscars' multiverse. They have grown from a simple group of forum/blog writers to famed and honored explorers tasked with things such as creating 'Safe-information packets'.

They have hundreds of active members, most of which are famed and respected for their contributions to the multiverse. However, even the info-collection sector of the guild is divided into parts...

The most influential sector is the front liners, those who have to brave newly added worlds and explore while learning as much as possible before quickly returning to the guild to provide Travelers with the needed information.

Then, there are the members who perform detailed sweeps over various specific parts of the old worlds. Such as the group tasked with exploring and cataloging each air temple in TFNs and compiling all related information for documentation. Or the group tasked with exploring every island in the seas of TSW ensuring that even the crevices of these worlds most commonly explored aren't hiding interesting things.


One such guild member recently promoted to the frontliners after dying in the discovery of a deep-sea elder dragon within Monster Hunters, is now deep within the seas East of Skyrim.

Being the experienced guild member he was, maximizing the advantages obtained from each dive goes without saying.

Thus, after discovering his new race and the characteristics therein, the argonian started exploring the ocean while documenting important and/or interesting flora and fauna. The lack of light here in the deep seas doesn't bother the lizardman, and he continued to travel East.

Although many weird species were found, nothing too life-threatening or dangerous was encountered. Even if it were to be discovered now, the experienced information collector didn't care...

Dying in the pursuit of knowledge is part of the job description, and the pay was as lucrative as it comes.

Today, however, the recently promoted argonian would encounter a weird scenario. After rounding a large rock at the bottom of the sea, the lizard continued on. He could tell that a large land mass was near as the sea bed continued to rise upward and the sunlight was starting to peak through the layers of water.

Just ahead, standing near the rock he passed by, was a mysterious masked man in a long black trench coat wearing a top-hat and holding a cane. He was standing straight but looked as if he wasn't at the bottom of the ocean.

His clothes didn't flutter, his body looked dry. A very out-of-place but interesting encounter...

With no trepidation at all, the brave explorer approached. He's been tortured in TSW, interrogated in Irregular, etc... anything this mysterious individual could do, he could handle it.

After getting within a few feet, what felt like a barrier was passed and the argonian found himself in a 'bubble' of sorts. His body collapsed to the ground without the buoyancy of water and his lungs breathed in the fresh air.


"Hail stranger, fancy seeing you here.....may I ask what're you doing?..."

The mysterious man spared him a glance before refocusing his gaze forward, slightly tilted upwards as if looking through the water and land, investigating the land mass above.

"...brave little lizard huh? I'm feeling generous so I'll tell you a bit I suppose plus, you don't meet people at the bottom of the sea very often..."