chapter 16

Everyone was enjoying Jungkook's birthday party. Laughing and having a great time. You were happy after a long time. He had a man you love and that he loves you more than anything. You couldn't ask God anything more. It was like now your family was complete. Not knowing what's gonna come ahead of you, you were just enjoying your present time. With the love of your life.

After the party ended. Everyone left Hugging jungkook. Jungkook stayed back with you. He wanted to spend some more time with you. You were standing on the balcony feeling the night breeze when you felt a pair of arms around your waist. You knew who it was so you just smiled and felt his warmth. He rested his chin on your shoulder "thank you so much love" he said pulling you close. "Thank you to you. You brought colours in my life" you said and turned to look at him. His hands were still wrapped around your waist.

"I never felt this happy in my entire life." You said while tears of happiness fell on your eyes. Jungkook quickly wiped your tears "no sunshine. Now I don't want any tears coming from your eyes. Even though they are tears of happiness" he said and you smiled nods. Jungkook smiles and leans in, giving you a small peck on your lips. Blood rushed over to your cheeks. Jungkook noticed ." Are you blushing sunshine?" He said making you blush even more. You hide your face in his chest. Jungkook chuckles and wraps hands around you. "I think it's very late sunshine . I should go back now?". He said and you nodded sadly. You didn't want him to leave. Jungkook noticed the sad look of yours. You were about to say something but before you could say anything you felt jungkook's lips on yours he kiss you softly yet passionately. You couldn't process for a while but you close your eyes and slowly you kiss him back. His lips were moving across your lips and you were melting under his kiss. There was a tickling feeling in your stomach. You wrap your hands around his neck and he around your waist.

Soon you both pull away trying to catch breaths. Your eyes were still close but you could feel his eyes on you. He leaned his forehead on your. Caressing your cheeks gently. He smiles and pecks your forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He said and you just nodded. "Be safe on the way and call me when you reach as you always do" you said and he chuckle "yes love I'll do as you say" jungkook said and pecks your lips before going downstairs and then walking out of your apartment going to his car he drive back to the mansion. He was the happiest man ever. His sunshine and his angel finally confess to him. He was like on cloud nine. He reaches the mansion he park car and walks in the mansion smiling widely. Namjoon and Yoongi were sitting in the living room discussing the company matters when they saw Jungkook walking in.

They were happy that Jungkook was changing and that everything happened for his good. But what about you till when he was gonna keep you in darkness. "Jungkook!" Namjoon calls him and Jungkook who just entered the mansion halted his steps and walked to Namjoon sitting in front of him. "Yes hyung, what's wrong?" Jungkook asks, looking at Yoongi then back at namjoon. "I know whatever I'll tell you . You might be mad at me for saying this but it's important." Namjoon spoke and Jungkook understood what Namjoon wanted to say. He didn't want to leave you at any cost "hyung i know what you want to say but trust me I'll protect yn at every cost" jungkook spoke trying to explain namjoon. "I know Jungkook, you'll protect her with your life but aren't you keeping her in darkness. A new start shouldn't be started with lies. You have hidden your identity from her shouldn't you tell her who you are and what you are. You know when she'll come to know from someone else she'll be heartbroken. So it's better to tell her." Namjoon said Patting his shoulder, "it's fine, take your time but don't keep her in darkness," he said and got up walking in his room.

"Don't stress about it much gukk. Your love is true. She'll me mad at first but she'll understand when you tell her ``Yoongi spoke and patted jungkook's shoulder and walked to his room. Jungkook was in deep thought that what Namjoon said was true. Truth shouldn't be hidden from you. You had all the rights to know the truth. You should know the truth behind your blindness. Your mother's death. Just when Jungkook was in his thoughts his phone buzzed. He looked at the caller id he quickly picked up the call.

"Hello sunshine"

"Did you reach home?" You ask worried. "Yes I just reached home. I was about to call you but namjoon hyung called so i couldn't" he said and walked to his room. It was true that you need to know the truth but till you know it jungkook wants to spend his time with you Fully because after knowing the truth may be or maybe not you'll stay by his side. "oh I was just worried you are okay right" yn Spoke. Jungkook just chuckles "sunshine im okay . I'm sorry for worrying you. I'll remember next time to call you before ``Jungkook spoke and lay in bed. You both talk to each other for the whole night. Telling each other about yourself you didn't even notice how the time passed.