chapter 17

( Random place)

Jungkook was waiting for someone. He was in his thoughts. He knew he shouldn't keep you in darkness and that you had the right to know about it but he was scared that you would leave me. But hiding it was also not an option. Jungkook sighs as a car parks in front of him. A man gets out of the car and walks to jungkook. "I was waiting for you only," he said and turned to the man. " I. ``Know what was so important that if you called me here you could have come directly" the man said and walked to stand beside jungkook. " I- yes I could have come home. But It was about yn. And you know very well yn don't know a single thing about you and me. Right song joong ki " he said Looking at jongki straight in his eyes. Jongki shrugs, " I know that. But I can't help it. When she'll know that what happened to mom was all because of me. She would never forgive me. ``Jongki said looking down, obviously he loved his sister a lot and didn't want to hurt her.

"I think it's high time now we should tell her the truth before anyone else does. I don't want to keep any secret in our relationship. I don't wanna hide anything. From her now, ``Jungkook said, looking at jongki. " She has all the right to know the truth. We can't hide it anymore." Jungkook spoke and jongki sighs. "Okay we'll tell her the truth today itself. My question is. Will you able to?" Jongki asks, making Jungkook speechless. He knew after knowing the truth you would either be scared of him or just leave him. But he has made up his mind. And once he has done it there's no turning back.jungkook sighs and looks at jongki " i know it's harder than you can even think of. But I have made up my mind I'll tell her the truth." Jungkook said and walked to his car " i'm doing this either with you or alone. You make your decision." He said and got in the car driving to your place. Jongki stood there alone for a while. His mind was. Mess he didn't know what to do whether to tell you the truth or not. He was in his thoughts. After thinking for some time he finally decided to tell you the truth. He takes some breath and walks to his car, gets in and drives to his house.

( Lee rang's house)

"Did you do as I said?" Lee asks the man sipping his drink."yes~ i did what you ask me to do" the man replied and sipped his drink. "They are fools that they think you are with them. What do you wanna say about it? Kim taehyung" lee looks at the man in front of him who was smirking. "I was so done with them. I know we all were brothers always together and shit but what i want is power. Which i cannot get until jungkook is there Cause namjoon hyung thinks jungkook Is the right candidate . No one ever asks me what I want. What I wish for. I know what you want and you know what I want". Taehyung took a pause " deal is done you give me what i want, I'll give you what you want" taehyung said and lee smirk. "Lets see how jeon jungkook deals with this situation" lee says and raises his glass and taehyung does the same.

(Your House)

You were sitting on the couch clutching your dress tightly you didn't know whether to believe it or not. Your eyes were red. Jungkook arrived at your place and walked in "sunshine" . He called you but you didn't give him any response. Other times when you hear sunshine your heart would flutter but today it didn't. Jungkook was confused because you never behave like this so he walked to you and sat Beside you. He was about to ask you what's wrong but he was interrupted when Jongki entered the house. Jongki gave Jungkook a look of agreement that they should tell you the truth together. "Yn!" Jongki called you but you didn't say anything, you were just quiet. Joong Ki and Jungkook didn't understand what was wrong. "Sunshine please tell me what's wrong? Why are you so quiet?" You keep your phone in Jungkook's hand. There was a voice note in which everything was there. Someone send you a voice note telling everything about your accident and Jungkook's real identity. You were Angry and sad because of your brother. Obviously, he was the reason you were blind your mom is not with you about Jungkook. You want to hear his explanation about his lying cause yes without talking it out you were not going to break your relationship. But first you wanted to talk to your brother and ask him why he did it.

"Oppa, I have always respected you. I love you more than anyone . Why did you do it mom and me" you ask while tears were slowly flowing from your eyes. You were heartbroken. " Yn, please listen to me once. I can explain it. I know it's my fault why that happened but trust me i never thought he would try to hurt you and mom" jongki said trying to explain but you didn't listen to anything . You needed some time " oppa please i don't want to listen to anything. I'll talk to you once I'm ready to. But for now I'll go with jungkook." You said and held Jungkook's hand. Jungkook was confused even after knowing everything about why you wanted to go with him. Jungkook couldn't understand anything but he just looked at jongki "I'll take yn with me don't worry I'll take care of her" jungkook said ensuring joong ki. Jongki just nods. He didn't say anything as he knew this was gonna happen and he was prepared for it.

You and Jungkook walk out of the house to the car. Jungkook opens the car door for you. You got in and he helped you put on your seatbelt. He closes the door and goes to the driver's seat, gets in and starts driving.

The ride was awfully silent. Jungkook didn't dare to speak anything and you too didn't speak anything. Soon the ride comes to an end and you both reach the mansion. Jungkookgot off and went to your side to open the door for you . He helped you get off and led you to the mansion. As soon as you both walk in "i know what you are thinking but i know why you became a maffia and what was the reason you hate my oppa. But just answer my one question" you said and jungkook makes you sit on the couch " what do you wanna ask?" He asked you to take a deep breath " was it because of my brother you approach me .. you.. you love me or you actually love me?". You ask him . Jungkook just smiled. He didn't know about other things but he was sure about one thing that he was madly in love with. He didn't say anything, he just leaned in to kiss you. You were startled but soon you kissed him back. The kiss was slow yet passionate. It was enough to tell you how much he loves you and how much he needs you in his life. a tear left your eyes. You were like a drug to him, too addicting. If one day he stays without you he'll just lose his mind. You pull back jungkook and lean his forehead against yours

"angel i never approach you because of your brother. As I said , meeting you was my destiny. It doesn't matter who you are. As long as it's my angel, my sunshine everything is fine. I love you with all my heart and will always love you no matter what happens." Jungkook spoke. You were already in tears, you just hugged him tightly. "It's the same with me. I didn't love your work, I love you. And only you. I don't care what you are or who you are . If it's you then everything is alright. I love you Jungkook and only you" you spoke while wiping your tears. Jungkook smiled and tears were in his eyes too. Won't lie about it but he was too scared when he got to know that you knew the truth. He kisses all over your face making you giggle between tears.

Jungkook was happy that finally he could start his new relationship. But there was still a question in his mind. "Who could have told you the truth? '' Jungkook asked, just shaking your head. "I don't know nor the voice was anyway familiar to me" you said you were about to speak further but someone interrupted. "I told her the truth. '' Someone said, you both looked at him with your wide eyes.