Heroes & truths

What is a hero and what is a demon Lord ? , this is an easy yet hard question in this world the ' voice of the world ' sees the two as beings on the same level though they might have many things in common like even from the way they are formed though the birth of a hero is harder than that of a demon Lord, I mean 10000 souls for sprouting the demon lord seed is easier than strong willpower to hatch the hero egg, when a monster or demon gains enough strength they will receive a demon Lord's seed but when a human reaches the same power level as the above will get a hero egg these are only acquirable by humans and it's almost impossible for humans to acquire a demon Lord seed.

What I had done was just messed up you know there are usually 1 to 2 heroes in like what 2000 years but I had created a hero and will be adding three more in the near future, I mean I can have armies of heroes beings on par with demon Lords but then you need a certain amount of strength to get good results cause it just gives a sort of boost that's why I can't hatch the eggs right away cause that would just be a useless hero.

We watched as the light on Alacia died down signaling that her awakening was complete, then the rest of the girls also fainted and began to receive their gifts. I watched in anticipation because of all the fuss that this thing am going at with Ruminas might be dangerous and now that they are stronger each of then can even give an awakened demon lord a ran for their money so it lifts a bit of weight off my shoulders.

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Ora PVO.

I have been traveling for two days now. after the confrontation with ah what's his name. . yeah Shiro he kidnapped my sisters and I really couldn't do anything about it, though I don't think he will harm them I don't know how but I believe it and let's just hope am right.

Maybe when I tell lady Ruminas she will have a plans this of cause am not sure but hopefully she will listen to me and call another demon lord cause I don't believe she can take home alone.

I climb up the mountain where the church is located not .any people can come here but since we are lady Ruminas' personal force it is easy, I come up to the gate the guards easily recognize me they might change them regularly but we have one thing I common vampires can sense other vampires, I walk through the empty corridors till I come across Pope Roy his lady Ruminas' brother so I respect him.

Roy : " why back so soon and where are you sisters ".

Ora : "greetings lord Roy " I bowed " we ran into a slight problem and I would like to give lady Ruminas the report ".

He looked at me for a second before saying " you know where to find her and don't delay " I bowed my head again as he went on his way.

I continued walking till I came up at the end of the hall and stood infront of a large golden door took a deep breath and knocked on the door. it slowly opened revealing a well decorated room there is nothing much to note about it.

???: " what is the problem? is the mission complete ".

I immediately knelt on the ground when I say her " lady Ruminas I requested your forgiveness we found someone suspicious and decided to question him but things didn't go as planned " . she looked at me for a few seconds then said " was he the one " I only answered " am certain ".

Ruminas : " then what were you thinking I gave direct orders you were only supposed to observe and report " .

Ora : " my lady there were many things I in counted for first we weren't sure and that made us careless but he also seemed to know everything, he knew we were sent by you and what we were planning like someone told him but I would have had to be either me or my sisters which is impossible so it had to be some kind of skill."

Ruminas : " hmmm interesting,. then where are your sisters I want to talk to them to ".

Ora : " my lady I have bad news he restrained my sisters and I but told me to pass his message to you, he wants you to meet he in a week, he said he has an offer you maybe interested in ".

Ruminas : " it might be a trap, but then again he might have a solution to my Veldora problem ". she muttered to her self. " what was he like, did he enjoy killing or just normal ".

Ora : " he was the most handsome guy I have ever seen golden eye " I started getting lost in my memories then remembered where I am and jumped or of it " sorry. . . no he didn't seem to like killing in fact he made friends with some local people ".

Ruminas : " huh he doesn't sound bad, he might actually be able to help me but if he knew everything he might also have pretended ". she thought for a great amount of time then spoke out.

Ruminas : " ohh well I guess I have to go he has your sisters and might not be bad so it might actually be a good idea to pay him a visit " she said with a smirk on her face.

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Alacia's PVO

I remember the first time I met Shiro at that time I really thought my life would be over but he saved me and from then on protected me, he offered me a chance to grow stronger which I accepted I was surprised that he could give out a hero egg but never the less I didn't ask questions I just accepted then he started training me after a few weeks I had started liking him then my new unique skill great sage informed me that I had become an Enlightened human I was very shocked to say the least but it didn't bother me when we arrived back at Blumund things start get better between us he accepted me held my mother but continued training me but later I found out my sister also started liking him so I made a deal with her to share him.

I evolved into a saint few days before then he called us wanted to tell us something. I watched as he gave the girls their eggs and even mom and now they can easily protect themselves and am happy.

Shiro offered to hatch my egg so I agreed he placed his hand on me when I closed my eyes I lost consciousness.

the the process began.

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