
Alacia PVO.

Am currently with Shiro practicing my skills, after I evolved into a true hero I have gotten two ultimate Skills Raphael and Artemis, my unique skill great sage evolved into Raphael and eyes of truth to Artemis, Raphael has all the abilities of great sage but improved to a great extent and Artemis has

[[ Artemis goddess of the Hunt.

Tracker: I can use it to find anything and it makes it very difficult to hide from me only very powerful individuals like Guy Crimson can.

Instinct: I can easily predict danger and respond with the best course of action.

stealth: I can completely erase my presence making it hard to locate me.

the skill also enhances my fighting style. ]]

So I think now I can even take on a real demon lord but it still pains me that I can't land a single hit on Shiro. ' hey Raphael how strong is this guy '.

« if I tell you, you will loose you desire to fight »

' I don't care, I just really want to know '

« * sigh * your funeral, strong enough to destroy the world without doing anything »

I freeze for a moment then look at the guy infront of me.

Shiro: " hey don't get distracted if it were

a real fight you would be as good as dead ". he says putting me in a lock. ' against you I don't think anything is a real fight ' I thought.

" huhm Shiro can you tell me how you can do things like that, are you some sort of God " I ask breaking free while sending a kick towards him, which he blocks effortlessly. he then proceeds to grab my leg and pull me closer to his face " sort of " he responds giving me a light kiss on the lips. ' this guy and his secrets, am his girlfriend for fucks sake'.

" I thought you guys are training yet your here flirting with one another " these words make me blush, when I look towards the source I see Hina with a grin on her face, ' that bitch ' I thought as I moved from Shiro's arms then looked at her and said " oh Hina are you perhaps jealous, well I can share " I said with a grin on my face.

" Really " Hina said in a hopeful voice ' what is this I thought she's going to deny it, but I already knew she likes him like many other girls around even my mom likes him though she has higher self control. huh what to do, do I let her join or . . . but she's my best friend I have known her like forever so I guess it's alright Anna is already in ' after thinking for a second I reply " ofcourse Hina your my best friend ". she comes over and gives me a hug " thank you " she mutters.

" huh girls don't I get a say in this " Shiro asks but we reply together ""NO "".

" * sigh * well since you girls don't mind it guess am fine with it ". Hina immediately goes for a kiss at they do it for what seems to be minutes before braking off, then Shiro turns to me and does the same after we stay there hugging for some time we separate.

Hina : " ohhh Ali from ow on we are going to be sisters ".

Alacia : " yeah . . . . sisters " I give her another hug.

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I stand their looking at the girls hugging infront of me and can't help to think of my godly luck seriously I haven't been in this word for even a year yet I have three harem member, but then I have 300 years till canon I wonder how many i will have by then.

We walk towards the mansion in my dimension find Martha teaching Mia something then head over to where Anna is training from, when we arrive we find her doing some sword swings .

watching from afar I can admire all her beauty ' she's like a goddess of battle ' I can feel my self getting hard I try as much as I can to calm myself.

Anna : " hey Alacia wanna spar with me" damn she's even more off a battle junkie than Milim.

Alacia : " ok " she says grabbing her sword and walking into the training area.

" yesss I want to see the power of a true hero " Anna says as she gets in battle formation.

" Ready " Alacia asks, " as always" Anna replies the the two start swinging blades at one another all I can think is that my girls have skill Anna has barely trained for two months but she can keep up with Alacia a true hero ' I wonder who could beat her if she becomes a hero ' as I watch them fight I realize something they both have a creepy smile on their faces I think ' their both battle junkies ' damn I have created monsters if one of these two where to battle Milim I think the world could be destroyed.

" hey girls hurry up there is someone I want you to meet " I said then walked outside where Mia and Martha were.

Mia : " big brother come see what mom and I made " Mia comes running and takes my hand dragging me to were her mom was.

Martha : " ohh hi Shiro, I thought you were with Alacia ".

Shiro : " I were but we finished training hours ago and there's someone I want you to meet " she stares at me for a while then starts to clean herself.

Mia : " big brother look " I turn around and see her carrying a small flower decoration and then proceeds to place it on my hand.

Shiro : " thank you Mia it's beautiful " I say while patting her head but then I feel someone directing bloodlust at me I turn to see Martha I gulp down my saliva

" huhm what is it Martha ".

" Shiro do you love my daughters " she asks in a serious tone.

Shiro : " ofcourse, why do you ask ".

Martha : " I know and they also love you but don't get your claws on my little Mia give her some time she's not ready yet "

Those words hit me like a truck ' what the fuck is she talking about does she see me as some sort of creep who is into little girls '.

{ you are } I hear Alice's voice in my head ' please Alice you know me better than that ' { sure } she replies huh those words are the most pain full thing I have ever heard. " Martha am not some creep who is into little girls ".

Martha : " I know I just want to be sure "

Shiro : " sure, let's get going the other girls must be waiting ". I say as I walk with Mia holding my hand but by the look on Martha's face I have a feeling she doesn't believe me.

'* sigh * Alice let's go meet your sisters'

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