CHAPTER 11: UA Meeting Continue And Befriending Kota

"So back to what I was saying, the three thing is that some of the people in this room will be killed which is something I want to prevent from happening, first person who will die is Sir Nighteye he will die in Shie Hassaikai raid from a stab to the gut by a large sharp piece of rock, but if I'm there I'll be able to prevent that from happening. I rather not show you everytime I seen it happen made me tear up, but I'll show you Shared Memories: MHA S4 Ep.70-77; Eri Rescue Arc." I said,

"Miss Yaoyorozu..."

"Sir Nighteye can you Please call me Amber, Amber Faye, or Faye, and before you say anything I was originally born in the USA before I was reincarnated and I would very much appreciate it if  everyone here could call me by my first name is that clear to you all. It's not cuz I don't like my family, if anything I love them a little more than my original one." I said, Sir Nighteye nodded,

"Okay, Miss Amber if what you have shown us happens why do you want to come with us and when dose this take place?" Sir Nighteye asked many more people nodded asking the same question,

"Well it'll take place after summer camp with the Wild Wild Pussycats, after Deku gets his provisionary Heroes license, and then after Mirio Togata challenged class 1-A to a fight against him. Oh I just remember something important." I said, I then looked at the Wild Wild Pussycats,

"During Summer camp with the Pussycats, on the night of the Test of Courage, the LOV will attack class 1-A again." I said, then I saw Mr. Nezu rise his hand,

"Mr. Nezu do you have something you want to ask?" I asked,

"Indeed can you kindly show them the first attack on the USJ so that they can understand what's going on and what we're dealing with." Mr. Nezu asked, I nodded my understanding what he wanted,

"Of course Mr. Nezu, Shared Memories: Attack on USJ." I said,


Suddenly we started watching from a 3rd person POV as class 1-A and Eraserhead get off a bus and meet pro hero 13, Eraserhead walks up to him and asked where All Might is 13 held up 3 Fingers telling him that he went over his time limit, after saying this 13 started talking about his quirk and how it can be dangerous and how quirks don't make the person what or who they are. Only how the person uses their quirk is how they should be treated, when 13 was done, a wrap gate appeared and a guy with pale blue hair and hands all over him and a big black bird beaked monster with it's brain showing were the first to step out then a whole lot of villains started walking out of the wrap gate, Kirishima said 'Cool you even have fake villain.' 'Get back! Those aren't fakes those are real villain, 13 protect the students! Kaminari try to contact the school!' After he said that he was about to jump and fight the villains, but Midoriya tried to stop him saying that his quirk wasn't meant for close combat fighting, but Eraserhead said he wasn't a one trick pony and that he as a pro hero had a more than a couple of tricks up his sleeves, with that said he jumped down and started fighting the villains, Midoriya stood there watching Eraserhead in amazement, but Iida got his attention, and told him to hurry up and follow the rest of the class, as the class made there way to the exit a guy made of purple mist in a bartender suit appeared, introducing themselves as The League Of Villains and how they came here to kill All Might, then suddenly Bakugo and Kirishima attacked him only for their attacks to go through him, after saying that was close but only Bakugo heard him, he used his quirk wrap gate and scattered most of the students all around USJ, Midoriya along with Tsu and the purple pervert were teleported to the Midoriya started talking about how the villains didn't know what their quirks were if they had they wouldn't have sent Tsu here, she agreed and said that if they had known they would have sent her to the Fire zone, after that Midoriya asked to talk about quirks, after explaining what their quirk could do, Midoriya made a plan, suddenly one of the villains used their quirk to slice the ship with their water quirk, after that Midoriya put the plan he made into motion, jumping into the air then yelled "GO TO HELL!!" he then flicked his middle finger and thumb using 100% of One For All breaking them, sending a force of air into the water, 'Tsu now!' Tsu then jumped with the pervert with her tongue she grabbed Midoriya, then she grabbed him with her free hand, then the pervert started throwing his purple sticky balls into the whirlpool that Midoriya made, then all the villains were stuck together, after that they went over and watched Eraserhead fight, suddenly the blue haired handyman grabbed Eraserhead's elbow, turning his skin to dust, Eraserhead then kicked him to get away, but the handyman said that he wasn't the final boss suddenly the Black monster appeared behind Eraserhead and started pumbling him into the ground, then the wrap gate appeared next to handyman. Handyman asked if 13 was dead, the wrap gate said that 13 was out of commission, but one of the students escaped and was going for back up, this upset handyman saying for them to go home, but then he looked over at Midoriya and his friends, 'but before we go let's injure the #1 hero's pride by killing some of his students!' Suddenly handyman ran over to Midoriya, Tsu, and the purple pervert, Midoriya stood there in horror as he sees handyman reach a hand toward Tsu and watched in horror as he sees what would happen if handyman touched her head, but when he dose nothing happened, 'Your so cool Eraserhead.' Handyman said, 'Numu kill him.' , but that distraction was all Midoriya needed, he then jumped and pulled back his arm, 'SMASHHHH!' he yelled, but before he could hit handyman the Numu blocked his punch, and was phased by it suddenly the Numu grabbed Midoriya's arms, but before the Numu could do anything All Might appeared, the Numu dropped Midoriya, suddenly All Might grabbed Midoriya, Tsu, the purple pervert, and Eraserhead, and brought them to the entrance, telling them to take Eraserhead to the entrance, but Midoriya knew All Might's secret and knew that he was going pass that he say this but stopped himself before he could reveal his secret, All Might smiled and gave him a thumbs up, All Might then started fighting the Numu but it had no effect handyman then said that super strength wasn't the only quirk the Numu had and that it also had shock absorbent, then All Might flipped the Numu from behind making dust fly when the dust cleared the Numu had All Might in a death grip with the help of the wrap gate. Suddenly Todoroki's ice appeared on the Numu's right side, than Bakugo grabbed the metal collar on the wrap gate telling it that he revealed his weakness and that if the wrap gate tried anything he wouldn't hesitate to kill him the wrap gate said that a hero wouldn't do that but Bakugo slammed him down again and said try me, Kirishima went after handyman but he jumped away from Kirishima who mumbled at how his attack attempt felled. All Might then was able to free himself, but handyman told Numu to free their way of escape, suddenly the Numu started coming out of the wrap gate not caring about it being frozen and losing his arm and leg but they started regenerating, 'I thought his quirk was Shocked Absorbent!?' All Might said, 'it is but that isn't his only quirk Numu also has Regeneration so it can take you on at 100%, Numu free our wrap gate!' Suddenly the Numu ran fast at Bakugo and punched at him 'KACCHAN!!!' Midoriya yelled, 'Why'd the hell you yelling nerd I'm right here.' Bakugo said, 'Bakubro how you dodge that attack!?' Kirishima asked, 'Shut up shitty hair I didn't dodge it!!' Bakugo said, 'Dame you could of hold back a bit he's just a kid! ' said a voice from the dust cloud, revealing All Might, 'He was holding my comrade hostage so of course I wasn't going to hold back, now Numu kill him!' Suddenly All Might started fighting after telling Todoroki, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Kirishima to stand down, when the two collided they sent shock waves so powerful that the wind pushed both sides back, then All Might sent the Numu flying through the USJ's dome and through the sky, All Might then turn to the two villains, bluffing they then started running towards All Might but Midoriya jumped forward breaking his legs just like at the entrance exam, 'LEAVE ALL MIGHT ALONE!!' the wrap gate then made a portal next to Midoriya as handyman reach out to him, but suddenly a bullet shot handyman, 'Your Class Ref has returned with back up.' Iida said from the entrance.

With that I stopped Shared Memories.

"Thank you Miss Amber, now please continue." Mr. Nezu said,

"During summer camp we'll be attacked again but if the information I gave to Mr. Nezu for Eraserhead to find them before the attack happens that future just may change but I think maybe I should help him cuz I really want Shoto to have his older brother back before he goes to far into the deepend, so may I help you Eraserhead." I asked, Eraserhead look over to Mr. Nezu who nodded,

"Fine but only because your quirks are quite remarkable and will make it easier to them, but may I have some questions about those quirked infused items you call Miraculous." Eraserhead said,

"You and everyone else here may ask about them." I said,

"What are the drawbacks of these Miraculouses? And can you make me one?" Eraserhead said,

"Most of the Miraculous don't have any drawbacks but The Dragon Miraculous I gave Deku has a time limit after he used one of the three powers, before he has to feed his Kwami Longg, but all other Miraculouses are safe and have no drawbacks except for the Kwami being hungry after detransforming, and Yes I can make you one Eraserhead as repayment for allowing me to help, may I use your goggles as the base?" I asked, Eraserhead nodded and passed his goggles to me I then took a piece of paper, and wrote

Kwami Name: Shadow

Kwami Personality: Prankster, lazy(but will not back down from his job), has a mid anger problem, and is quite patient

Kwami Powers: allows the user to be undetectable by anyone even when the user is right in front of them, can also Shadow travel to Shadows that are within eyesight.

Transformation Words: Shadow Into The Darkness!

Detransformation Words: Shadow Into The Light!

Kwami Appearance: A Black Leopard

Weapon: Capture Scarf

Miraculous Jewel: Goggles

Favorite Food: coffee and donuts

After I was finished I passed the paper to Eraserhead,

"Do you approve?" I asked, Eraserhead nodded and passed the paper back, I then placed the Goggles on top of the paper, then I placed my hand on them.

"Okay, Quirk Collection Miraculous Creation!" I said, suddenly the paper and the goggles fuse together and a black Panther Kwami came out from a ball of darkness,

"*yawn* hello I'm Shadow the Kwami of Stealth, Shadows, and Darkness." Shadow said,

"Shadow Mr. Aizawa will be your partner, from now on, listen to him 'and be his alarm clock you may do anything to wake him up.' " I said, I then passed him, his goggles back.

"Oh and don't worry about them breaking cuz Miraculous jewels are indestructible." I said, he nodded and put them on.

"Now I have one last thing to say, Gang Orca I think you know about kids having over powered quirk and don't know how to control them. When I brought it to Nezu's attention I made a suggestion that I think will benefit both you and UA. Now what I suggest was having UA become not just a hero school but a middle school and a daycare as well, the reason for this is that quirks are getting stronger with each new generation and I'm pretty sure that two generations in the future will be quite powerful and very unstable quirks, also there is a doctor who works with he who must not be named 4 people here know of whom I'm speaking of, now the 4 people who know am I able to say who he is?" I asked, all of them gave a nod,

"I've been given permission to tell you his name, and that name is All For One, but before you say anything about him just being a legend Mr. Yagi here is All Might's personal assistant and he's seen the so called Legend himself when All Might fought him, and Mr. Yagi was hit by one of All For One's attacks and the reason why he was badly wounded. Now All For One is in hiding and this is where the doctor comes in, and here something that you should know Deku here meet AFO's doctor when he was 4 and was deemed quirkless, so Deku do you remember what that doctor's name is?" I asked looking at him, I saw pure anger in his eyes,

"Of course I remember his name his name stuck with me the day he told me to give up my dream! Dr. Ujiko!" Deku said,

"Deku even though I'm glad you remembered his name but that isn't his true name. Dr. Ujiko is actually Maruta Shiga who is a well-renowned quirk doctor and as we speak he is creating monstrosity like the one I showed you all from USJ if we catch him now and destroy his research the heroes will have the upper hand in the coming future. If my memory is correct his lab is in a hospital at the base of a mountain that has a resort at the top and that narrows it down to only one hospital, be sure to destroy all research and Numo creations but you have to first capture that doctor after me and Eraserhead tells Dabi that Endeavor is being put behind bars and that his mother will be released from the hospital we may gain an ally in the underworld right Eraserhead?" I said,

"Right problem child." He said,

"Now before we all leave, I have two things to say first that if you have any questions, concerns, or just want answers after today please call Mr. Nezu and I will give him a answer to give you, and second you are not too talk about anything we have discussed here without my permission or Principal Nezu's permission understand!? Now everyone have a great rest of your day." I said then went to sit down with Deku and Shouto who were talking I was glad to see Shouto showing more emotion, people started leaving but I stopped Mandalay,

"Is Kota here?" I asked her,

"How... Oh never mind, but yes we brought him do you want to meet him?" She asked, I nodded and looked back at Deku and Shouto,

"Deku, Shouto, come on, I want to meet Kota!?" I said they got up and followed me and the Pussycats into the elevator, I then made some mask for us to put on to get him to know us better as nonheroes at the moment I then told them the plan on how to befriend Kota, after I was finished the Pussycats were thrilled at what I had planned and that they fully approve of it we soon arrived at the floor where they "Ninja Group Total Presence Masked and Illusion" left Kota after the Pussycats gave me the room he was in we started walking towards the room I hide our presence and masked all of Kato scents where he could only hear the tv, we then enter the room and made our way over to Kota, I then appeared in front of him in the shape of a purple rainwing Dragon.

"Eep..." Kota said,

"I'm sorry little one I didn't mean to startle you but you didn't reply when we were calling you." I said,

"We?" Kota said in fear,

"Don't worry little one, but listen I'm sorry for what happened to your parents I can relate to you I lost my half parents when they died in the war for peace." I said,

"How do you know about me?" Kota said,

"Because we need your help in the war, right, Ukuzi and Otuohs?" I said to Deku and Shouto, Kota looked behind him to see two more Dragons.

"Hello I'm a the Dragon Prince Otuohs, and the Dragon whose pacing is Dragon Prince Ukuzi." Shouto said,

Deku just looked up and smiled at Kota before continuing pacing. Kota still looked scared,

"Hey kid we're not going to eat you so relax. Oh I haven't introduce myself I'm Dragon Princess Rebma Faye so what's your name little hero?" I asked,

"I'm not a hero why would I go and throw my life away!" He yelled,

"Guys the kid just blow our cover we got to go NOW!?" Deku said, Kota looked at him confused, as we started packing everything suddenly "ROAARRRRRR!!!!" came a earth shaking roar,

"Umm... Kota just so you know we three won't eat you but we can't say the same about other Dragons, so you coming?" I asked, after he heard what I said there was fear in his eyes, "Show me Your blood Pretty Princess." When Kota heard that voice that we made sure was to add to the illusion, "Elcsum!? I'll make sure you pay for what you did to my adopted sister's parents!!" I said with bloodlust laced in my voice "Kota follow Ukuzi and Otuohs your powers haven't awaken yet until they do hide Ukuzi and Otuohs will help you and I'm sorry we summoned you here by accident we were trying to summon your worlds version of Thgim Lla or as you know him as All Might cuz ours was killed and he was Ukuzi's mentor, I'll try to lead him away but you have to go through." I said, but before he could run I gave him my four Dragon eggs.

"Please protect my children, until I come back for them." I said, I then plucked one of my dragon scales off and pushed it into his hand "If I am captured use this to find me it will glow when it is pointed in the direction I'm in but if I'm dead it will lose all it's color but I can see that you have a great power as well as a great heart now go Ukuzi and Otuohs will protect you and train you to end this war please protect my children from harm when they hatch they will help you as well now go." I said, he ran away but stopped and looked back at me as a another Dragon that was bigger than me,

"Show me your blood pretty Princess!" Muscler said,

"Keep dreaming Relcsum, your ring of terror ends here!" I yelled, using my powers to throw him off me suddenly Deku appeared with Kota on his back leave her alone." Deku said, "What he said." Kota then sent a strong blast of water at Muscler's eye destroying it, "AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Muscler screamed out in pain, Deku then grabbed me and we started flying off the cliff and into the night, I then fast forward the Illusion to the end of the war we had become Kota's friends but we had to part ways

"We're going to miss you Kota I hope you'll be friends with our counter parts who are training to be heroes, my counter part is Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, I had a hard time finding her but she is like me." I said,

"I was able to find my country part as well, his name is Izuku Midoriya or Deku." Deku said,

"Finally I found him, my control part is Shouto Todoroki he has a scar on his left eye with red hair on his left side and white hair on his right side." Shouto said,

Well good bye child I hope to meet you again and you can still find me with the scale. I said before the illusion sent us back we left the room and Told the Pussycats it was a success and he was ready to go home "I gave him a Dragon scale that will help him find us make sure that you make it into a necklace for him." I said, "We'll do that." Pixie Bob said, as tiger picked Kota up we left and went to the dormitory.