CHAPTER 12: Saving Dabi From Joining The LOV

We arrived at the dormitory walking inside we saw that everyone was seated and watching the news. Showing a beaten Endeavor being arrested for child abuse and abuse his family.

""Enji Todoroki also know as the number 2 hero Endeavor has been arrested for child abuse, abusing his wife, and child neglect, but what's more surprising is that more than 8 pros beaten him up two pro heroes who brought him in were Eraserhead and Mirko were apart of the 8 pro heroes who beaten Endeavor up, we'll have more news on this later ..."" the TV said,

"Shouto your free now. You and your family are free from him." Deku said,

"Hey everyone!?" I yelled, getting everyones attention, "From now everyone here has to call Shouto just Shouto." I said,

"Why do we have to call him by his first name?" Iida asked, doing his robot arm,

"Because he turned down his father's name and if you don't want him to have a mantle break down then don't use his last name." I said,

"I understand Amber I thank you for explaining." Iida said bowing a 90° angle,

"But I have now taken him as a young brother, BAKUGO!!" I yelled,

"What the hell do you want, Amber." Bakugo said,

"Kirishima, Iida, Shinso, Tsu, and Momo, I have something to give you Summoning My Miracle Box." I said,

My Miracle Box dropped into my arms and I walked over to the couch and sat down,

"Line up please and don't ask me any questions until after I've given out what I have to give." I said, and everyone lined up in front of me first was Bakugo.

I typed in 225846 I then placed the small Miraculous box in his hand,

"Wait until I say it's okay to open it understand." I said, he nodded and sat down next to Deku,

Iida was next 4432, Momo 6666, Kirishima 547474462, Shinso 744676, and Tsu(Asui) 2784, after giving them a Miraculous they gave me curious look.

"Momo you first." I said, she opened it and out came a pink Dragon kwami,

"Hello Dragon Princess of Creation I'm LanLove, the Dragon Kwame Of Soulmates and Love, to transform say LanLove Give Love! to detransform say LanLove Love Given!" LanLove said, Momo was about to say it, but I stopped her,

"Momo wait until we are outside okay." I said, she nodded,

"Iida your next." I said, he nodded and opened the box, a blue Dragon kwami came out,

"Hello Dragon Prince of Speed I'm GenSped the Kwami of Speed and Time to transform say GenSped Speed Up and to detransform say GenSped Slow Down." GenSped said, next is Kirishima and I can tell he's excited,

"Kirishima you may open your now." I said, he nodded opening his box, out came a red Dragon kwami,

"Hello Dragon Prince of Manlyness I'm PoStren The Dragon Kwami of Endurance and Space to transform say PoStren Space Out and to detransform say PoStren Space In." PoStren said, he was so excited,

"Bakugo your next." I said, he nodded and opened the Box, and a orange Dragon kwami came out,

"Hello Dragon Prince of Destruction I'm KinKing the Kwami of Strength and Leadership to transform say KinKing Power Up and to detransform say KinKing Power Down." KinKing said,

"Tsu your next." I said, she nodded, opened her box, and a yellow Dragon kwami came out,

"Hello Dragon Princess Of Frogs I'm YenFan the Dragon Kwami of Elements and Compromise, to transform say YenFan Playtime and to detransform say YenFan Playtimes Over." YenFan said,

"Lastly Shinso you may go." I said, he nodded and opened the Box, and a purple Dragon kwami came out,

"Hello Dragon Prince of Mind Mutilation I'm YanSean the Dragon Kwami of Mind and Control. To transform say YanSean Outsight and to detransform say YanSean Insight." YanSean said, he nodded,

Looking at the time, I saw that it was almost time for Eraserhead to come so I had to get my second kwami I turned the Miracle Box around and typed in 262377832584 (Amber STEALTH) and took the small box out to show a black and white 5 tailed fox and a brooch.

"Amber what are you doing?" Iida asked, looking at me,

"Me, and Mr. Aizawa are going on a mission together in 5 minutes and won't be back until late. So I'm going to go lock up my room, and girls We can do that room contest tomorrow cuz I want in okay." I said, I then went to my bedroom on the second floor.

After I put up my Miracle Box and locked my bedroom door I got a text,



Meet me outside


Okay on my way just locked up

my room


Hurry up, problem child




With that I put my phone up and headed back down with my two Kwamies following me,

"See you guys in the morning." I said, then headed outside, I saw Mr. Aizawa waiting under a lamppost.

"Ready problem child?" Mr. Aizawa asked,

"Let me transform first Vixx Let's Shadow Pounce!" I said and I transformed.

"Vixx and Tipp unify." I said, once they were unified, I went over to Mr. Aizawa,

"You need to transform as well Eraserhead the portals I make will appear close to our targets." I said, he nodded in understanding,

"Shadow Into The Darkness!" Eraserhead said, and transformed.

Once he was finished I actived Vixx's shadow cloak and evolve eraser eyes,

"Eraserhead active ninja cloak." I said, he nodded, I then made a portal close to Toya Todoroki or Dabi without him noticing us we walked into the portal I closed it and told Eraserhead, "Let me talk to him, cuz I'm sure he knows you, when I make this signal," I made the Spider-man hand signal at my side,

"Use your capture scarf to catch him okay." I said, he nodded and disappeared into the shadows, I then made my way over to him sat down in front of him he noted this and he was about to leave,

"Dabi is it? The names Dimentia and I think you might like what I have to say about your flaming trash of a father." I said looking at my claws uninteresting,

"Who are you!?" Dabi asked threatening holding his hand in front of my face,

"I also have a massage from my classmate Shouto to you." I said still looking at my claws, when I said his baby brothers name I saw him flinched but he lowered his hand and sat down,

"What do you want?" Dabi asked annoyed, I looked at him placing my hand down on the table,

"Nothing I just wanted to say that. The #2 hero was beaten up by over 8 other pros after I told them what he did to his family and that he was arrested earlier today for child abuse, abusing his wife, and 11 years of neglecting his own children." I said, giving him a sweet smile,

"Why should I believe you?" He asked interested,

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you but I do have a great video of Endeavor getting the beaten he deserves and him being frightened by a young girl to the point where he falls on his but and crawled away from her, on this USB drive." I said showing him a USB drive I asked Nezu for,

"But first Shouto wanted to speak with you can I give him a video call I'll put it on speaker so that you won't get suspicious of me, is this all right." I asked taking out my phone and putting it on the table with Shouto's number up and ready for video chat,

"Why do you think I want to speak to him?" Dabi asked me,

"Cuz your his older brother and he has suffered a lot of pain after you left, leaving him to Endeavhore's mercy, and he missed you the most." Dabi laughed at what I called his father when he stopped I could see sadness in his eyes,

"What's your relationship with Shouto?" Dabi asked,

"I see him as a little brother who wants his older brother Toya back." I said, I saw him tensed up at what I said,

"How!?" Dabi asked threatening, looking at me I looked at him in the eye not breaking it,

"How, you ask Dabi your eyes are a dead give away, just dyeing your hair and adding patchwork to your skin won't hide your eyes okay there only one person who has blue eyes and has a blue flame quirk and that was Toya Todoroki Dabi. Now tell me I'm wrong but I'm not here to fight you I'm here to help you, before you are to far gone okay Shoto misses you and your Mother Rin is coming out of the hospital tomorrow. What will you do if she found out you her first born child left your younger siblings with a Man who didn't love his children and only saw them as either failures or a weapon just to beat All Might?! I'll tell you sad, and before you say anything about not wanting her to see your scars I can and will heal them after you take those staples off!" I said pointing at him not backing down from his stare, at this point I was crying, when Dabi saw this he was taken aback,

"Toya why did you become a villain I thought you loved your Mother and siblings but after you left them Shouto was put through hell by Endeavhore after you left without a word or even a letter Shouto and his siblings thought Endeavor killed you, so why did you become a villain?!" I Asked through tears, Toya looked down at his hands,

"I don't know. I guess I just wanted to kick Endeavhore's ass but now I don't have a reason." He said, he then looked back up at me,

"Is what you say about you being able to heal me true?" He asked, I nodded I still had tears falling,

"*sniff*Yes I have two quirks one of them is a super rear healing quirk where I can heal any injury I'm even able to regrow lost organs the only drawback is the speed I can heal at depends on what food I eat." I said looking at him, before I knew it he took his shirt off,

"Here." He said handing me a staple remover,

"No need I have a less painful situation, I can use, Body Numbing, Metal Telekinesis, and Telekinesis." I said,

"Pass me your hand." I said, he nodded and passed me his hand, I then used the numbing quirk on him, I then focus on all the staples on his body with a flick of my hand all the staples were off letting them fall to the ground. I then used telekinesis to remove the fake skin on him, after deactivating the two telekinesis quirks,

"Summon Space Dimension." I said, opening up a portal I reached into it and I pulled out a fruit smoothie and bag of orange slices and carrots, I then started eating, I looked over at Toya and saw him eyeing my food, opening my pocket dimension pushing the portal to him,

"Think about what you want then reach in." I said, he looked at me,

then reached in and pulled out a McDill's bag of food and started eating. I was soon finished with my food and smoothie,

"Passed me your hand." I said, he nodded,

"Full Healing: Remove Scars." I said then Toya was surrounded in a violet aura healing his scars and making them disappear and healed his open wounds when I was finished Toya looked liked he had before just with black hair instead of white.

"Uhhh...Toya can you please put your shirt back on." I said, blushing a bit, when he noticed that he was still shirtless his face turned redder than a tomato, he quickly pulled back on his shirt.

"Dimensea, thanks but what about my crime record?" Toya asked,

"As far as I know Toya Todoroki doesn't have a criminal record only Dabi did." I said, I looked at him and saw the looked of realization appeared on his face, he then smiled.

"Eraserhead you can come out now." I said, Toya eyes widen, "Don't worry Toya he just got here." as I said that Eraserhead came down next to me.

"Problem child what are you doing here?" Eraserhead said,

"You know why. Toya come on your brother's waiting for you." I said opening a portal back to the dormitory.