
I never said I was born in the wrong body because I Identify myself fully as what I was assigned female. But I'm more interested in other people as well. I had a bad experience in school because they were Catholic and I was LGBTQ and Muslim which is an a good mixer anyway with summer legends so I was more or less the board of drugs and other stupid stuff an hour is actually threatened with rendition which is like a black side Guantánamo in prison and other things just because I was different. That and I also had posttraumatic stress disorder so I was also called names like the R word I'm not gonna say which word it is or spaz out which wasn't very nice and other ethnic names as well so I wasn't very popular in Catholic school.

My mother actually regretted taking me in the Catholic school in the first place the minute I told her what happened to to me with the threats of different prisons and deaths and also being called all their names because of my mental health problems.

As for people who think they are born in the wrong body that's OK that happens sometimes if you assign one gender and you get another gender in your heart and soul and you want to share that instead of the last two physical genders which is fine with me. Everyone's allowed to be human iPhone so bad if you say born in the wrong body it happens sometimes to some people and they get it correctly so they can suit their body to their personality. Gender wise..

Thank you you really made me sing for the day :)

Hope to hear from you soon
