

How are you doing I'd like to visit Asia actually just to see the Asian culture or go to the Canadian IndigenousReserves to see the actual people who live there and actually see what their lives are like in stock as well as I like to see not just that but Asian as well to see you again how other people live and speak. I have many language apps on indigenous languages and as far as Scotland is concerned what got me in the Scotland is it my adoptive families ancestry. I was adopted from Romania and brought the cans up by a Scottish couple where they brought me up in Canada and love me .....That and Celtic culture also gets through to me as well as a good way it's very interesting so I like to learn about the language is there of the Gaelic. Yes it' Scottish Gaelic, Very interesting and another reason why I'm interested in that is fantasy novels like Lord of the rings and other stuff like that which is very interesting to me because it and I'll show you one thing that I am very interested in with his magic the gathering which is a game card game and I got some cards to add to my collection. I also have a sports trading card collection but they're not as good for weather. Are use my magic the gathering cards for Writing prompts for stories like I'm actually writing a book on some books based on some cards that I already actually randomly choose. Why are use them as writing prompts. Yes I am artistic out to some point. And as far as my pictures are concerned I try not to take pictures of people but if they end up in my picture while they end up in my picture. Are usually take scenery and other things and man-made things but I try to avoid taking pictures of people if I can help it because of privacy issues unless they're my friends and they allow me to take the picture.

I can send you some of my photographs if you want.

Hope to hear from you soon
