
Hello Matt

How are you doing

I'm doing well thank you thank you that you're happy with my nails. I'm sorry you got malaria ones and nearly died because of it I got the malaria shot so I never had the displeasure of that nor do I want to ever have that describes your big because I got a shot. Think I was 29 at the time when I got the shop for malaria because I was going on to South America.

As for today I actually got some magic the gathering cards and I found out one of my friends knows the artist who makes the cards in the first place which was very interesting I'm gonna try to find out the last name of the artist make some thing or another and then go and try to find them on Facebook that would be very interesting. As far as I'm concerned I am doing well I just am enjoying the last bit of my coffee before dinner I have Tim Hortons ice caps which are pretty good with some vanilla topping whip topping it's very interesting.

I met two new friends today not on Pen Pal but in real life which was very good I can't tell you their names because of privacy but I am very happy to of met them

I am hoping to ride some more tonight or actually get out the steel tongue drum and actually start making some more music. As well as DJing mixing it all as well.

Hope to hear from you soon
